"An Xin, are you going to sleep first all day? What day is it, An Xin, and what time is it? Get up quickly or you'll be late for school!"

Mrs. Qiao kept screaming all morning because her daughter was really reluctant to come out of the room. In fact, usually, compared to other family members, An Xin is the most diligent woman. Usually early in the morning, An Xin wakes up to take care of the chickens in the coop. whether it's giving food, cleaning the cage or taking some eggs that have just been laid by the chicken. But now An Xin seemed to have just disappeared.

Mrs. Qiao frowned perfectly, of course this was a really annoying thing. Not comparable by anyone, how could An Xin not come out of the room too?

"An Xin, are you okay? Or are you sick, hm? Answer Mom's question and open the door, Mom can't come in to see how you are because you locked your door from the inside, An Xin!" shouted from Mrs. Qiao again.