Chapter 18: The Great Reveal!

"What are you doing in this place?"

Ambroz couldn't believe his eyes. Theon was standing before the tree that he never wanted anyone to find out any more. Especially, Theon.

His eyes widened and he froze on his step. Trying to remain himself reposed and won't say a word.

"Ambroz..." Theon called out to him.

In Theon's perspective, it was too obvious and bare, Ambroz's expression was out in the open. He didn't want to believe Aranyani, he wanted Ambroz to tell to him himself.

Yes, he was that kind of man.

"I was looking for you, it seems that you are alright." Theon glanced at Ambroz's body.

It was unscathed and nothing truly happened to him. It was only Theon who had cried when he left him.

However, more importantly, is that he has to find out what that woman, goddess, or Aranyani. Be as it may. Was telling him about the truth that he needs ulto unleash. Everything that the woman told him, he wished to believe it already. He wants to. But he just can not.

Maybe that is also why he couldn't escape from this forest. He was tricking himself and following his conscience all along. Oh, he was just too kind for his own good.

Even to a man, he does not know but only its name.

"I met a woman." Theon started

"A woman? So, did that woman tell you the escape route? Wonderful if she did, you can finally escape not only here but also from the sinful fate that I brought upon you, rather the disgusting things we did?" Ambroz scoffed sarcastically.

Theon twitched and was full of it. "May you stop blabbering for a mere second? Saying things such as disgusting roundabout. I have had enough! You! Should listen to me first!" He yelled at Ambroz and pointed at him.

Ambroz was stunned as he saw Theon robust. It was the first. He was always calm and flustered, but now, he sees the changes of his own doing.

Theon was just as shocked as he was but he could never blame himself for acting that way, Ambroz was not listening to him at all and it was making him mad and furious.

"Just listen..." Theon continued. "This woman I met. She carries the name Aranyani."

As soon as Theon uttered her name. Ambroz shuddered. He was brought to a still. No words to spout and nothing to utter for his ow save. The man remained silent.

"I was pulled down under, right at this same tree." He pointed to the tree where he was pulled down. "And, and, I fainted. Waking up only to see dark, but I saw crystals and gemstones... And there were glitters—"

"A-are you certain that you were not just dreaming?" Ambroz asked him without looking at his face.

"I'm certain, look," he grabbed something inside his undergarments. "It's one of the stones I saw there."

It was a green stone shining and radiating. It serves as proof that his testament was not a dream but lies a truth.

"So, what do I have to do with this stone?" He slapped away the stone that Theon was holding.

Theon jolted. "Why did you have to slap it away? It was not only that... That woman was different, very different from us. Her skin was like the colour of the deep forest shining and glowing, eyes with different shades of pupils, her body was covered nothing but roots, and she was taller than I am." He described the woman. "I have never seen anything like her..."

Theon kept talking about what he saw under that tree when Ambroz stopped him.

"What are you trying to tell me?" He asked.

Theon took a step forward. "Do you know this woman? That goddess?"

"I know nothing of any—"

"Oh, but you do!" Theon cut him out. "There was a time you came here and uttered her name!"

"So you are some stalker!" Ambroz yelled at him.

His face was filled with wrath and he stared at Theon. Theon's heart gripped in pain once again. He only wanted to ever ask Ambroz, but now all he receives is nothing but misery.

"Well, does it matter now?" He asked Ambroz in a hoarse voice, with his eyes closed trying to stop the tears from falling down.

"All I ever wanted to know was the truth. The truth behind your words, your actions, and to this never-ending war." He gripped his chest. "Can't you see? You are always trying to avoid me. You said that I should run away. But you're acting like you don't want me to. Was it all ever just lust?"

Now he is asking questions far from what he wanted to ask. He was again, blinded by his feelings. Like he always does.

"It's your fault, you came onto me." Ambroz blamed him. "Now you are attached with your feelings which are completely forbidden."

'Forbidden? Then...'

"Are you that dragon, I saw that night?" He asked without hesitation. He gulped hard as he wiped his eyes that had faint tears.

"What are you—"

"That woman. Aranyani. She told me a lot of the things she saw. Everything makes sense now. However, I want to hear it directly from you. You told me that there was no such thing but is there really nothing?" He stared directly at Ambroz's eyes.

It was confusing and mad. But he was truthful, he does not want to beat around the bush anymore. He has to know about it.

Ambroz made a place inside his heart. It was for a short time but he realized, no other man or human would make him feel this way. Other beings may not see it, but Ambroz was kind. To him, Ambroz was just scared of the reality. That's why, even though it will hurt him the most, he wants to know the truth. There is no comfort in the lies he sees. He would only ever blame himself if he keeps on lying to himself that everything is alright.

"I—" Ambroz spout. "I do not know what you are talking about."

"What?" Theon furrowed his brows.

"If that woman really did tell you something, then it is best for you to get out of here already. I don't ever want to see any more of your face." He left Ambroz standing there.

Like he usually does, leaving people with their mouths pressed close.

"What? Wait! Ambroz, where are you going—" He stopped remembering the stone that flee from his hand.

"Ugh! Where is it?" He searched for it in the dirt. "Here it is." He tucked it in his undergarments again and stood up to follow Ambroz once again.

"Ambroz! Wait!" He shouted he run to chase him.

He doesn't understand. Did he just lie to him? He felt that he was lied to, which just means that he believed what that goddess said to him. But why? Why would Ambroz say that?

'He does not want to see me? Why is he leaving me like this? He can't just leave me like this.'

He chased after him but his back was nowhere to be found.

"Where is he? Did he go back to his cave? Fine, I just have to follow him. Whatever happens, I need to know what he has to say."

"Of course, I am lost again. This time I got not trick but because I am a knucklehead." He mocked himself. Theon scratched his nape and placed his other hand on his waist.

Theon got lost seeing the trees, again. He has gotten dizzy and his eyes blur every time he tries to run. Ambroz was not escaping his head and as he remembers all the words he said, it marks inside his mind and he cries because of it.

Being a man was no exception for him, he can not hide his feelings when he is all by himself. He was not the type to whine while he burst into tears, he cries in silence and in silence only.

Nobody hears it or sees it.

"These tears, I should have learned how to control myself and this fragile heart. What am I? A child?"

He roamed his eyes trying to recall where he passed by when he was on his way from that tree. The problem is that at that time, he only ever followed the grunts noises. The roars and growls. All because he thought it was Ambroz who was already caught by the conquerors. Seems like only he was the one who was worried.

Now, he is lost.

"This happens every time! Ah!" He shouted.

His patience has totally grown out.

"I'm sorry, mother Zynthia." He whispered, bowed his head and massaged his face.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here? A fool lost again, inside the forest? You should be ashamed." A woman out of nowhere spoke.

Theon furrowed his brows and wandered his eyes trying to find where the voice came from.

"Who are you?" Theon asked.

"That's not important, what's important is that you are now aware of that creature. The creature everybody despises."

It was such a rusty voice for a woman, nothing like Aranyani. Now he is truly alarmed. They could be one of the conqueror's wives or slaves. He can not let his guard down. Even if it's just one single person.

It's a woman! And it sounded dangerous for Theon.

"Creature? What do you mean?"

"Oh, Theon, child. You are such a poor fellow. Being driven insane by that creature. I pity you, you should have just run away when you had the chance." The woman dramatically said.

But Theon sensed the pretentious it was. He really could not find the woman. It sounds like as if it's inside his head.

"Who are you and why do you know of such thing? Why won't you come out?" Theon urged the unknown woman.

Then, he heard the woman laugh evilly, her voice sounded deep and intensely raspy. Nothing like a normal woman, nothing like the woman he has met so far. It feels as if she was a...

"I am inside your head, silly! I am the powerful and most great witch of all! I created that cursed creature. When everyone sees it as a hideous creature. I, the most powerful one, created that! And you!" She referred to Theon. "You are a nuisance to my plan. Such a faggot you are, you dare to oppose my creations? How peasant-like."

Theon stood still. The witch! This might be the witch Aranyani was talking about. Now, it's all clear.

"Theon, child. What are you thinking?" The woman

"What do you want from me?" He asked fiercely. As his eyes were now filled with hatred.

"My, my, those eyes. The eyes of a warrior who lost at war." She sneered. "I do not want anything from you. You've got nothing but your filthy core. Touched by a dead soul and used as they liked. But there is one thing that I wish from you..."

Theon was all ears. He was curious as to what is this witch's intentions. He has now come to understand, who it was talking about. It can not be any other but, him. Ambroz.

"What is it? Stop beating around the bush and say it." He exclaimed

"Ooh, don't be such a haste."

"Say it!" Theon shouted.

"Very well, I want you to escape here. As soon as possible. You are a hindrance to my plans. If I still see you lingering in this forest. Remember, I've got eyes. And I am controlling the conquerors. One word from me and I could kill you and your people." The woman threatened him.

However, instead of getting scared. The witch's words made him think about something.

'My people? Does this mean they are alive?' He thought.

Well, he was not sure of his decisions at first. He just decided to stay inside here without any assurance that his people are alive and breathing.

"That's right, fellow. Your people are alive. But don't be too sure. Remember, I've got eyes. One wrong move and all of you are breathless." She threatened him one more time.

"And why should I be afraid of you? I don't even know a thing about who you are." Theon tried goofing around with the witch.

She gasped dramatically at his words. "I see, you really are persistent just like your mother!"

"My mother?" He asked.

"That's right your mother. Oh but, I won't be telling stories, child."

"Stop calling me child! You are a nobody!"

The witch sneered again. "Very well, faggot! Do you really want to know my name? I will tell you once and bare it inside your small head!"

Theon covered his one ear, there were pitches of noises inside it.

"I, the most powerful and great witch of all! Ravyn. And I will come through your happiness destroy it and fill it with hatred and despair. I no longer cease to be amazed at all your fuzz about enjoyment. I am just starting to forge my revenge. There will be no end."

As soon as she was done saying those words. The voice inside his head vanished like the wind breeze. He almost fainted but luckily, as he always has been. He recovered quickly with that quick sickness.

"I need to head to Ambroz." He said with a fuzzy head.

While the witch was blabbering things to him a while ago. He was already looking at familiar trees and sought which one of them would lead to the cave. But, as the sun was setting already. He remembered the position where it touches going through the cave.

He runs as fast as he can.

Instead, of being mad at Ambroz. All the feels now are complete sadness and sorrow.

The heat, scales, vermillion. Everything that he sees in Ambroz were all just a creation of evilness. Ambroz was not someone from the outside, he was from the inside.

He was right all along. Ambroz is kind. He is nothing like what he looks like.

He was just cursed.

He was caged.

He was kept inside this forest not because he wants to but because he was fated to.

But that can change! That can absolutely change. Theon thought that if they were just strong and is persistent. Ambroz can change. After all, he still wants to see Ambroz free and living happily with his own free will.

Also, the world can still change. The peace that sought to find will surely be in his grasp.

He panted as he run. "Ambroz, please believe in me!"

"Believe in me!"

"Believe in me!"

"Just believe in me!"

He kept repeating those words as his sweat dripped down from his head to his chin and hit the ground. He was harshly breathing in and out. From afar he can already see the cave. Step after step. He got himself in front of it and he hold onto it to support himself.

"My stomach... It hurts... Thinking about it... I didn't need to run that... Fast." He said in between his breaths.

He breathe in one go and raised his head. There, the darkness of the cave faced him.

Theon looked at the sky and it was already filling up with the obscurity of the day. Some stars were already plastered in the sky. He can already feel the night breeze swaying the bristles of his hair.

Times passes by fast.

He gazes back inside the cave. "Ambroz, where are you?" He whispered.

He continued to walk inside and search for Ambroz. He always has been spending the day here ever since he fell off that cliff. But he never had thought of entering further in. He always hates the dark and their village is always accompanied by torches hanging on their houses and tents. Also a huge fire in the middle of their foundation.

So, this is absolutely creeping him out.

"Ambroz!" He called out to him.

But his voice only echoed. He stroked his arms because of the coldness inside the cave. Luckily, he found sticks inside and decided to make a source of light of his own.


He started rubbing the sticks together and it created heat, friction resulting in a fury fire. He stood up and started walking again. The cave was filled with the sound of droplets of water echoing inside.

"Ambroz, are you there?" He called out to him once more.

After a while of going in. He saw marks on the walls of the cave. Animalistic marks with ashes plastered on them. It's as if someone breathes fire on it.

Next to it was a people carved on it, the people looked united as they face a highland. Then a woman was also carved, spreading her hands and her legs almost crossed at it each other, curly hair and were filled with root. T'was as if, Aranyani.

"Did Ambroz carve this?" He asked as he brushed his hands through those marks.

His hands became cold. He's close...

He gulped hard. "Ambroz..."

As soon as he uttered his name. He heard a loud growl before releasing another roar. Then came after he was a big blow of air. Throwing away his hair.

Stumping was heard. The rocks were vibrating on the ground. As he kept his balance. He found himself backing out as the stumps when closer and closer.

"He must be huge. As he was the first time I saw him..." He murmured with his voice slightly shaken.

He was not yet outside the cave when already seen his eyes. The vermillion eyes of the man, the gritting of its pointy teeth, and the four horns on his head. The scales was like how it was, rough and with a black tinge.

The dragon was stomping towards him, breathing in and out. And in its chest was a firing flame, he guessed just by seeing it.


They were already outside. Theon didn't notice that he stumbled upon a rock and it made him fall down and the torch fleed from his hand. As the dragon spread his wings and roared with its mightiest that even the trees swayed upon it and the ground vibrated.

Then it lowered its head and looked at Theon.

Instead of feeling frightened and fainted like that night. Instead of running away and escaping. He looked at Ambroz's eyes.

It was pleading for touch and warmth. It was suffering. There was no madness. As it stared through his soul.

Slowly, he reached his hand and by his palm, he caressed the dragon's rough face. He strokes below its chin and sticks his forehead on it.

"Ambroz, it's Theon and I accept this curse of yours. Calm down..." He whispered with the softest voice he had.

And little by little, the ranging form turned back into a human. Smoke eased out of its body and Ambroz fell back naked.

"Ambroz!" He run towards him and raised Ambroz's head.

The man coughed. "Now you see, I am that hideous creature. I lied. I lied to you, Theon. I am the one to cause you all these wars. I am the one who brought upon the slaughtering. I am the one who murdered your elders. I used you."

Theon heard him and all he did was hugged him tightly. Ambroz cried in his arms. While holding and gripping his chest he was in deep and excruciating pain.

Theon was with him. Theon accepted him. He delayed all of it and stayed with him.

"You are no such thing. This is the curse, Ambroz. And we will diminish this all." He whispered to Ambroz.

"Theon, I want to rest. I want to die!"
