Chapter 26: Unity of The Gathering

The afternoon sunlit the sky with tiny specks of dust above the surface. It was in the afternoon when they merge back at the shore with the families left on it. Patiently awaits their return.

Maurelle had a wide smile plastered on her face as together with Logan and the crew, they head back.

'Finally, after all that torment. This is where it began. The start of anew, peaceful, and a place with nothing but joyous green livings.' Maurelle thought as she looked at the ship.

"They're back! People, they are back!" Inside the boat was a woman shouting as she saw Maurelle and the rest.

Verra and Hermes, the ones whom chose to stay stood up from where they were sitting, which was from barrels. They gleamed a smile out of their mouths when they saw that it was true, that they were back.

Just as Maurelle looks, she's delighted to deliver the good news.

"Captain, we are so happy that you are all back safe. Has there been any luck? Did all of you manage to get us a home?" A mother of three children asked Logan.

Logan did not want to prolong this and so he went and announced the grand message instead of Maurelle. "My people, we went and forge an escape away from our strict palace. However, through all that bumps we surpassed, finally! It is safe to say that we have attained our own home!" He exclaimed with a wide smile.

"That's right if we start to walk now, we are most likely to arrive at our houses," Maurelle said, facing the people.

"Houses? Do we already have houses? Is this right, captain?"

"Yes, you heard it right." Logan agreed.

The hope in the people's eyes was shown. They looked at each other and couldn't believe that such an event will happen right before their eyes. Back at the palace, they were nothing but slaves. Royalty was a priority, their leaders were never caring. If they would stay longer there, what will happen to them is left with so much misgiving.

So with what's happening right now is like a miracle. A mother who was carrying a newborn in her arms came forward.

"We don't know how to thank you, Captain. You have brought us here and made our homes. We owe you our lives." The mother said and had a very sentimental look on her face as her brows went arch.

Logan placed his hands on the woman's shoulders. "You don't owe me anything, we all deserve this freedom."

"Also, you should thank milady, if it weren't for her to find the goddess then we shouldn't be having our homes." One of the men from the crew blurted out.

"Goddess?" One asked.

Logan cleared his throat. "He's right, if it wasn't for milady here, we wouldn't have our homes. There will be no houses." He agreed and approved of the man's words.

"How did it go with this goddess? How come there's a goddess? Isn't it just a tale?" The woman asked, not believing of what they were saying.

"I, too, thought it was all a tale. Long story short, the goddess was real. She gave us our houses. We are now under the care of a goddess of nature but should also take care of what she gave us. This land." He answered as he looked at the mountains.

The people started surrounding Maurelle after the crew and Logan said that. The people started giving praises to the woman that Maurelle got uncomfortable with.

"Milady, we are so grateful for you! Now, because of your might, you brought us homes."

"Milady, must I remind you that you are very beautiful as well as your heart."

"How can we ever pay you with your kindness?"

She looked at Logan to ask for help and yet the man only laughed at her from afar.

'This man really is... Something.' she thought while glaring at him.

Until then, they started to walk back in again. Heading back to the houses the goddess gave them. With their baggage carried by the men in the crew and the kids guided by their mother. Together they head back.

Maurelle was holding some of the children when Verra came up to her. "Milady, how come you were able to convince a goddess to give us homes?" She asked and Maurelle gazed at her.

"Well," she cleared her throat and think. "I told her that we need homes. I did not do much, I speak to her with truths and no lies." She said.

Verra smiled. "There might be something about you that the goddess saw and was convinced. Your kindness precisely. We can never thank you enough for how much you have helped us despite just meeting us and giving you such a treatment." She furrowed her brows as if feeling her deepest sorry for how the others have treated Maurelle.

However, Maurelle never held any grudge. It was expected they would be protective of their captain, especially when their hunch is true, that she is a witch. There might be something in the past that happened and it might be the reason that affected their trust. Something to do with Logan's family.

"Don't feel sorry. I understand where it was coming from, you only cared for your captain, as I do—" she halted immediately when she realized what she said. Her eyes widened in surprise and her face turned red rapidly.

Verra smiled lopsidedly as she looked at Maurelle with suspicion.

"I-I meant, that I care for your captain to bring you freedom and homes. T-That's right, that was what I meant. Nothing else." In an instant, she retorts to her words.

Verra giggled with her hands on her mouth. "Whatever you may say, milady." And then she headed to the crew.

Maurelle heaved a sigh. The children saw her reaction and looked at her with worries.

"Oh, don't worry children. I am just exhausted but of course, it is not because of you. I just wished we all arrived at our homes." She gave them a smile as she said that to assure them that they would not worry anymore.

And it works! The children nodded and grinned.

They continued to walk and soon after the children she was holding grasp of, ran over to their families and walked together with them. She looked at them with sadness in her eyes, she too wish to have a family. She pleads guilty for being envious of others' happiness. But seeing their smiles and the contentment in their eyes made her feel a stung inside.

'Will I be able to be as happy as they are?'

But who would accept her if they knew she's a daughter of an evil witch? Who would accept her if she attains sorcery magic that could slaughter any human beings? Who would?

She was facing the ground, sighed multiple times. But then, she felt someone who went towards her lift her head up.

"Is something the matter, Maurelle?" A manly voice asked her with worries.

Her eyes were a bit blurred, she was tearing up but the truth tears paused in her eyes. The man wiped it with his thumb and there the man's complexion cleared. She saw his worried brows, his eyes, and his slightly pouted mouth.

It was Logan. Just as she was starting to sadden by the fact that she was alone, this man appeared in front of her. 'What is this? A sign perhaps?'

"Why are you tearing up? We're finally here. You should rejoice." Logan let out as they both kept walking.

Maurelle slowly removed Logan's hands from her face and wiped her tears eagerly, bringing her head down once more. She then shook her head indicating that she was fine and there was nothing to worry about.

"You're not answering me, tell me," Logan insisted as he would not accept a "nothing" nor a "no" for an answer.

"Nothing for you to worry about. Your people are waiting, you should head to them." Maurelle avoided her gaze from the man.

"Was it because I avoided you just now?" Logan asked seriously.

Maurelle halted and looked at Logan with her brows met. "What? Why would I tear up to such a thing as that? I'm not an infant crying for her mother's attention nor do I cry because some man avoided me!" She yelled with her veins almost snapping in her neck.

Logan negligibly smiled but chose to hide it. "Calm down, was it because I called you milady a while ago? Do you prefer me to call you Maurelle? Or do you want me to call you Maui? Or is it so you want me to call you honey? Maybe, you want me to call you ba—"

"Woah, stop right there young man!" Maurelle giggled as she wave her palms on the man's face.

'What is this man blabbering about? Calling me such embarrassing names.

"I am not upset that you ignored me nor am I upset that you are calling me different sorts of names. You are be... Being ridiculous..." She said as she started giggling and it turned into a laugh.

Logan just stared at her. He smiled as his plan to lift up her spirit turned out to be a rather success. He stared for as long as she remained laughing. Her teeth were even showing and it was conveying how she is very happy with what he just said. Logan sighed in relief.

Maurelle saw how Logan was just staring at her. She stopped laughing and cleared her throat. It turned a rather discomfiting mood for her. She avoided his stares and looked somewhere else.

"Regardless, I was not tearing up because of senseless things. My mind was just caught up with something, I was just too happy that we finally have our homes and garnered peace." She exclaimed not looking at Logan, still.

The man was just making her feel uncomfortable. How could he not get awkward with all the staring he does? It's impeccably not to her disposition.

Logan, on the other hand, went closer to her. "Then, shall we head home?" He said, inviting her back to where they came from before heading back to the ship a while ago.

Maurelle took a deep breath and nodded. "We absolutely should." She responded nodding her head two times. "Also, the sun's about to set, it would be beautiful to see it on our first arrival here. It's a great start."

So the two of them catch up to the people. They unconsciously held each other's hands and when they reached their destination, the people there looked at them strangely. It was because they were holding hands and none of them even noticed they were. The two stood still and their faces were so confused.

"What? What are you guys looking at for?" Logan asked already pissed with all their gapes.

Verra went closer to his ear and whispered, "Captain, your hand." And faked a cough.

Logan furrowed his brows, "My hand?" And then it struck him. He was holding hands with Maurelle! The beautiful lady Maurelle! That's right, he just thought she was beautiful ad their fingers are even intertwined with each other.

He immediately retrieved his hand and scratched his nape.

Maurelle noticed his actions and it made her face red again. She, too, was embarrassed again that she was not able to overlook it from the start.

The people laughed and even the crew teased their captain. "Oh, dear captain. So that's how it was, huh?" Wiggling their eyebrows as if knocking it out on their captain.

"Oh, give me a break." He went and jokingly attack them, making them chase each other like kids.

The women now burst into laughter. Maurelle also did the same. Verra saw her and closed their distance. "Since we're here, I'm going to tell you this, milady. Captain has quite poke an interest on you. What do you think about this?"

They looked at each other and Verra raised her brows waiting for her response. She sighed and shook her head.

"You don't suppose I should believe that, don't you? There are other women there and besides, we've just met not long ago. That's impossible, we're both are just helping each other out." She answered back.

Logan is a great man she met outside. Who helped her escape and even hid her identity the first day they encountered each other. Now she remains safe because of this very man. The man was just too kind and even let her in the crew.

A future with him? She can never imagine it. Logan is too good for her.

"Milady, I know captain. He never looked at someone before just as how he looks at you. But," She paused and her expression changed. It turned out to be a sad and complicated one.

"But?" Maurelle asked.

"Nothing, it's a bad memory. I don't think I have the right to tell you about it. Nevertheless, the captain won't take long, milady. Well then, I should head to one of those houses better see what your greatness has brought to our hands." She bid her an excuse and then steeled herself to one of the houses.

Maurelle herself decided to go inside of the house she chose. As she go there, the woman thought. What could have really happened to Logan? And why would Verra think that he has quite the liking to her?

There's not even a slight possibility, is there?

The sun was about to set when Zergee decided to call out all the people. They all gathered in the centre of that same exact village. The people were still not yet done with arranging their things. But the captain insisted and so the discussion resumed.

"Why have you called us out, captain? Is there something that matter? Are we in trouble once again?" A woman asked with terror in her eyes.

The captain assured them with a smile. "Never fear! I have not called you here for a piece of terrible news. We are not in trouble. I called you out here to give all of you a word that from this day forth, even if I picked you up at different places in our village and in our palace, I want to remind you that we are here to unite. No matter where you were from the past. This fate will change us. No more torment! No frets! We are now a people of our own. We are free, people! Finally!" He yelled and raised a fist.

The people smiled and screamed, "Finally!" Altogether.

Zergee continued, "People we arise here in this land. Let's start a legacy, shall we?"

"Yes!" The people shouted once more.

They all rejoiced and stayed outside. As planned, all of them sat and waited for the sun to set. And right now it was happening.

Maurelle was sitting quite far from the people. She saw how the people were so happy. It's like there was no tomorrow. It was somehow scary. She was just staring at the sky when Logan sat right next to her.

"Why are you here, Logan?" She asked.

"Well, is it bad? You are distancing yourself again. I can not just do that, right?"

She looked at him. "Why? Bringing me here is more than enough. You don't have to keep me company every single second. I'm alright."

"You don't look alright."

"Don't start it, Logan. We are all tired here."

"You don't understand, Maurelle. But you will soon. I am just taking my time here so you won't feel frightened."

Maurelle went silent. The man spout things she cannot comprehend. However, she feels it has something to do with his feelings. No matter how curious she was, she let the man take his time. After all, there's no need to rush is there?

Now all of them looked at the beautiful sunset.

It is really very charming to enjoy the scene of a sunset in a cloudless sky in this enchanted land. It marks the end of the day. The end of all their suffering. The sun goes down and sheds its mild rays from the western sky. It looks like a dish of gold. We find a brilliant show of colours and hues in the western sky. Seven colours make the western sky look charming. The whole earth and the sky seem to be painted with colours. The golden rays of the setting sun fall on the water of ponds, rivers, on top of trees. The above horizon appears exquisitely beautiful. The sky is then covered with the red glow of the setting sun and all the objects of nature put on a charming appearance. The ripples of the rivers look purple in the red glow of the departing sun. Gradually the sun sinks down below the horizon and the red tinge of the sky begins to fade away. Darkness then covers the whole earth. The animals return home to their habitats. Birds are seen flying back to their nests. Nothing but a few stars are seen in the western atmosphere. A sunset scene is really delightful.

And beyond all that was the smiles made by the people. People whom suffered and was once filled with tormented tears.

She who was controlled and manipulated by her mother. Is now seeing that same sunset.

No matter how the others would explain it. Maurelle thing that it meant justice and freedom. No matter how beautiful this sunset is, it will always be the first sign that she made it.

She made it atlas. Whilst the obstacles she conquered. She is very thankful.

But even after the good things that have happened to her. She can't remove off her head the thought of what might her mother do.

'If this is the end I sure hope it lasts.'
