Chapter 28: Birds Of Different Feathers

Maurelle walked inside the room and slumped herself on the bed. After working and helping with arranging and reconstructing the village. She felt breathless and sweat came flowing down from her forehead to her chin.

"What a tiresome morning to start." She whispered with her voice airy.

It has been a month ever since they arrived at this land, it may however be arduous for her, it was a remarkable month she spent. It was noon and they took a break from working. So far, they have created indeed functional things.

"I never would have thought that a day like this would come. Where I live with wondrous people, lend a hand to them, and spare my sweat. It finally feels like living." She smiled.

The houses that were filled with nothing but floors were now constructed with furniture such as tables, shelves, chairs, and even beds. The men worked with the wooden and logs. Their strength and strong stamina led them to create this. On the other hand, the women thought of something. Something inventive and ingenious to create pillows, bed layers, clothes, and even materials. It took them quite long to finally have an arranged place that they could continuously live in.

She was still laying on the bed when she heard arguing from the other side of her room. Mind you, the house she decided to live in was the huge one. It was the goddess gift to them when they first started living in the land.

Her brows met and she stood up. "Someone's arguing at this broad daylight?" She asked within herself. She walk outside the room and closed the door. The noise and muttering became louder as she trace herself to it.

After walking for some time, she halted on the front door of one room. She placed her ear on the door and the muttering has now been clearly heard by her.

"What is this, Zergee? Metal and swords? Where do you suppose we use this?"

She gasped as she heard Logan's angry voice.

Then followed by another man's voice which she reckoned was Zergee. He said, "This is for our safety, Chief. Who knows? Someone might attack us or even worst than that."

She heard Logan groan as if his hand run through his face. "There will be no more wars. Swords and other metallic things are all useless. Don't you ever talk about such a thing again, Zergee. You are bringing us misfortune with all your blabbers."

"Blabber? I am stating the possibility, chief. Are you certain we will no longer need this? Listen, children are growing fast. We must teach them how to fight." Zergee exclaimed.

"Fight? So you wish for another war?"

"You know that's not what I mean."

"Oh, but that's exactly what you are conveying to me to us!"

"Whatever you might say, this is needed, chief, this is important!"

"I'm your chief now, you listen to me!"

"Now, now, easy there. Why don't we clear our heads off with a bath? The river suits best, don't you think? The heat is entering and engulfing your head. You both are not in the right-thinking right now. So shall we?" It was Verra's voice, she heard. It looks like she interrupted and silence the two.

Maurelle heard nothing after, but Hermes was heard. "Come on, you might need it."

"No more buts, alright? Let's go." Verra again.

When she was about to back out from the door, it was too late as the door opened and all of them saw her. Her eyes widened and she smiled timidly.

"I-I was just passing by, nothing to worry about." She made up an excuse while nervously stifling a chuckle.

Although, none of them bought it. Verra grinned at her and widened her eyes to her as if saying something. "Perfect timing, milady! You seem to sweat a lot. Would you love to go with us to the river?"

"Ah, no—" She was about to decline when Verra and Hermes looked at her with a taunt in their eyes as if saying that she should say 'yes'. "Oh— uh— sure, I would love to."

Verra and Hermes silently sighed in relief. "So, let's head to it. Chief, would you want to go? Or do you prefer staying?"

Logan stared at them with his forehead creased. It took them about ten seconds of staring. He looked at Maurelle and she faked a smile.

"Well?" Verra asked again raising one of her brows.

Logan massaged his face and sighed. "Fine, I'll go."

Maurelle saw how Verra and Hermes were enlightened. She can not understand what they were trying to do, but it seems that it has got to do with the argument that has been happening. Such a commotion.

"Zergee, let's go," Verra uttered and tilted her head a bit indicating that they should head out.

She looked at Zergee and the man went out of the room with a stump and in a rush. Maurelle saw how irritated he was and Verra let out a sigh.

They went out and told the people that they would be heading to the river. Some came along with them and the others stayed inside their houses and rested. After all, that was what she was going to do, is to rest. It was a long day and an afternoon sleep was the best cure for it. Guess, she'll have to pass on that.

All of her questions regarding earlier's arguments were answered by Verra. While they were heading there, Maurelle had the chance to talk to Verra. They were quite far away from them.

"I give you deepest thanks for agreeing to come with us. I know you are very much tired but this is for the goodness of their community." Verra blurted out, sighing once again.

"I don't quite understand the root of this, Verra." She uttered in all honesty.

"Well, you see, our chief here does not like the idea of wars anymore. Seeing the swords that the crew created made him remember all the ruthlessness and treachery way back at the palace." Verra started telling her about Logan. "That's the root of it. He just doesn't want someone to mention and think that there will still be wars. How about you, milady? What do you think about the swords?"

That made her think for a while. Indeed, the words are a reminder that the war is still there and it will never fade. As they head to the river. Verra's question filled her mind and invaded to even the tiniest part of her head.

Everyone was already splashing and roaming around the fresh currents of the river. She has never once set foot here, the month she spent was only reserved inside the village. Looking at the view, she wonders. Why does she feel a tinge of hope lingers inside her. The scenery of the children bewildering in the water, the men laughing out their blabber, and a man. A man whose eyes are filled with nothing but his people.

Maurelle walked closer to him. The man saw her coming and even assisted her inside the river. Her flesh felt the freshness of it. The overwhelming heat and tiredness washed away in a single touch from the river.

"This feels incredible." She uttered with a satisfactory grin.

She looked at Logan and the man was still utterly pissed. The look on his face says it all. His eyebrows were furrowed, his nose was scrunched, and his lips were pressed hardly inside. It looks to her that the man can not get over it. Something such as war and swords, so that's what makes him lose himself.

Maurelle has her head fixed. Although, she abhorred the idea of war and blood from swords. Enhancing their battle mastery is one that they should still do. It can be used in hunting perhaps.

He placed herself closer to the man and they were both leaning on a huge rock. The atmosphere is awkward but she could manage this one.

"Logan," she called out to him. "Do you want to talk about it?" She faced him with a warm look on her face.

This should work.

Logan looked at her for a second and then diverted his gaze right after. "Are you here to comfort me, Maurelle?"

"Hmm, I don't think so myself." She replied honestly and continued. "Comforting you won't make a change, Logan. I am here to let out what I have in mind."

She sure hopes he listens to what she has to say.

"And? What is that?" Logan asked in a very confusing look.

She gulped and cleared her throat. 'Here goes nothing.'

"Well, swords and metals don't comprehend as immediate war. Sure, Zergee said it himself. But we can't just have those materials thrown out." She exclaimed with persuasion.

Logan's brows met as he tried hard to understand what she just uttered. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"You know, other than wars, it's can also be for hunting. When you harness those capabilities, it won't harm you in the future rather it would help. I, too, don't like the looks of it. But, think about this well, Logan. Not only as a man but as chief as well." Without a break, she uttered and blurted it all out.

Logan took quite his time to process what she said before sighing and leaning on her shoulders. "You really are here to comfort me." He whispered.

She flinched when he did that. "Comfort you? I just told you something mindful, what is your answer to this?"

"Hmm, you're right. My head was probably swayed by the heat. I couldn't think well." He agreed that made her calm down. "It seems that we have a lot of training to do if we wish to achieve such skills." He sighed and close her eyes.

After a while of staying like that, Maurelle felt her shoulders numbing already. This man really... "Who dares and told you that it's alright to lean on my shoulder without affirmation?"

He chuckled still closed eyes. "No one, but "you were just as the same way back when we were still heading forth on this land. You snuggled on my shoulder like no tomorrow." He teased the woman.

She blushed and yet irritation rushed through her head. "How irrelevant! I did not snuggle on you at all! I was sick!" She retorted and accidentally splashed water on his face. "Oh,"

The man opened his eyes and gave him the look. It was a look like she knows what was about to happen. That's right if you guessed that they're about to splash each other water on the face, that's exactly what they did.

"H-hey, stop!" Maurelle said while giggling.

"Oh, it's own, milady."

Like kids they played and splashed water on each other's faces. They had a smile on and their eyes were sparkling in happiness.

From afar, Verra, Hermes, and Zergee.

"Look at that bastard smiling like a fool with milady. As if he did not just raise his voice with me. Arg— I feel pretty much unmarried." He complained with his face a mess and glaring at Logan.

Hermes shook her head and looked at Verra as if telling her that she should deal with this man. Verra smiled discreetly and nodded.

"He's the chief, Zergee. As much as you agreed, we should talk to him with respect. It's your fault for raising your voice, big guy." Verra said and crossed her arms.

Zergee scoffed. "It's for our benefit anyway..." He whispered.

"And what do you mean, you feel unmarried? If you at least man up, you could have already had a wife." Verra exclaimed and glared at him.

It took Zergee a few moments to decipher what the woman had said to him. He suddenly gasp and slowly turned to face her. Verra suddenly blushed at what she said and the big guy did too. Hermes who was listening to them, laughed hard as she shook her head horizontally.

'Can't wait to be an aunt.' thought Hermes.

"I think we should give those two some time," Verra said and pushed the two away; Zergee and Hermes brought them to quite a distance. Still at the river.

Maurelle narrowed her eyes as she wiped the water away from her face. Logan kept sneering at her and even holding his gut. The man was truly enjoying her pissed face.

"Alright, you should stop." She uttered with emphasis on the "p".

Logan, who still can't pause and stop himself from wheezing, nodded and showed his palm. "A-alright, I'll stop." He said, finding it hard to breathe.

Maurelle ignored him and made herself busy with the river's flow. Again, she was mesmerised by what she was saying. Hoping, this day would last. In the end, Verra, Hermes, and even Maurelle made the two men apologise and made up already for the future plans for the village won't be shattered or affected by this. They all decided that training and harnessing skills in fighting should be performed from now on. Especially, when youngsters are adding up to the village. His chief is already finding it hard to adjust.

Maurelle was sitting on the grass outside the house she was staying and she stared at the sky.

As the hues wavered from above, she realized that she and Logan had something in between. She asked herself, 'Have I come to like that man? Knowing so, that he is indeed the man that brought me to light and I am deeply thankful for him. But, have I truly fallen for him?'

As she thought through it. She remembered the kiss she gave the man. It was only on the forehead and yet it robust her insides like madness.

'Why did I do that? Does this mean that I'm the one who fell first? That's possible.' she concluded. 'Whatever it is, I don't think he'll reciprocate the void inside me.' she laid back and lie on the grass.

She heaved a sigh and closed her eyes. Somehow, it feels like someone covered the light that was touching her. She slowly opened her eyes and there, Loga revealed above her with his face opposite to hers.

"Ah! Logan! You shock me." She exclaimed and immediately sat down.

The man giggled at her state. "What do you think you're doing here, milady?" He asked and sat right next to her.

There he goes again, calling her milady like the others when he usually calls her Maurelle.

"I'm resting. The breeze is fresh through the skin." She responded and quickly lie down again.

Just as she was thinking about him, the man reveals his presence in front of her. Just marvellous, isn't it? They both were staring at the sky. However, once every moment, she stares at the man. If she really is in love with him, how can she convey it to him?

"You do know that I can feel you staring, right?" Logan suddenly said that caught her off guard.

She immediately stared back at the sky and cleared her throat. "I wasn't staring at you. Don't flatter yourself." She tried saving herself from that embarrassment.

Lucky Maurelle, Logan did not tease her anymore. Still, without staring at the man, her head swayed through her reverie. She deeply thought and arrange her feelings for the man. Thinking, if this man sitting right next to her is the right man that she would want to spend her entire life with.

She kissed his forehead. Her heart always beats fast whenever he's around. And once in every week, she thought of having children with him that was very strange of her, indeed. But, what can she possibly do? This is where her heart leads her to. There was no stopping it.

After a while of her brief thinking and contemplating, she has come to a conclusion.

'I am in love with this man, no doubt.'

She sighed as she sat down. Logan noticed her movements and looked at her. "Let's go somewhere. I wanted to show you something."

Logan stood up and lend his hand to the woman. Maurelle was curious as to where he wanted them to head to but still grabbed his hand. She didn't bother to ask as the man clearly won't say it to her.

Along the way, she observed that they were walking to a land that leads up. As if they were heading to the peak of the mountain. They already walked for some time when she already bothered asking.

Panting harshly she asked, "Logan, where are we going?"

Logan smiled and looked at her. She was holding onto her knees while feeling breathless already and was far behind the man.

She heard Logan chuckle. "You'll see. The last to arrive there will go bald!" He bet on.

Logan run as fast as he could and Maurelle shook her head as she also followed his trace of footsteps. 'He's like a child and I don't understand why I even fell for him.'

They run and Maurelle catch up to him because he slowed down. The man held her hand and together they rush to the top. They stopped just when Logan did.

"We're here." He uttered.

She was out of breath and yet was awestruck by what she saw. They were on top of the cliff and the sunset was vivid in front of them. It was luring them in as they step near the cliff. She was fancied by it.

Logan looked at her with cherishing eyes, she was unaware of it. He tapped the ground where he wanted for her to sit and she followed the man, still looking at the sunset. This place, he recently knew about and he wanted Maurelle to see it together with him.

"Why did you bring me here?" Maurelle asked him.

He gulped. "Well, you see, we have only seen the sunset from our village and t'is not as clear as now. I wanted you to see it together with me." He explained his side and Maurelle could not reply.

They both were engulfed by silence. The scenery was too attractive to Maurelle. It captured her whole heart. She doesn't know what to say to the man.

"Maurelle," he called out. His hands were starting to feel cold as he attempted to initiate the move. "Do you know why I brought you here? Apart from the scenery, this is how I convey it to you."

He saw the confusion in her eyes and so he didn't want to prolong it anymore. No matter what the consequences to his word, he will accept it like a true man.

"Hm?" Maurelle hummed and raised a brow.

"Do you... Do you wish to stay with me until our last second in this world?" He asked and held her hands.

"Well, isn't that what we're supposed to do?" Maurelle asked. "Where else will I live in? This is my home already, so this place is where I would be until my hair's all grown out."

"No, I mean," he shook his head and gulped harshly again. "I don't want us to only be together as people of the village. I want both of us to be together as a family. I want to stay with you not only as a chief or your saviour but as a lover." He confessed.

"But, I'm a witch."

"I don't care! No matter what you are and where you belong to. I love you and I would spend a dime just to be with you."

Maurelle was stunned. Stunned at what he said. Yet, he wasn't done.

"I love you, Maurelle. How about you?"
