Chapter 30: The Son, Their Sun.

"Milady, what are you doing in there?" A woman from outside her room called out to her as she knocked on her door.

She was sitting and staring outside across her window. Smiling as she remembered something.

"Nothing, Fredeline. Do you need something?" She responded, still inside her room.

"Oh, nothing too important, milady. Breakfast is ready, you might want to join us perhaps?"

"I'll be there in a jiffy. Thank you, Fredeline."

"It was all mine, milady. You are to be expected there, then."

Afterwards, she heard the woman's footsteps go astray. She went back to staring outside. Somehow, it was morning and the sun has just risen. The fresh breeze from the dawn entered her area with the rays caressing her face. The village always wakes up early and it has been their rule to serve it as it is their own.

Maurelle has her mind above the clouds again. She was stuck staring and distracted by her reverie when she muttered. "It has been 19 years already and it feels as if it had only happened yesterday."

Logan almost fainted when he heard the woman say the words he did not expect. He was the one who should tell her the news and yet this happened.

His beloved wife is pregnant!

He panicked as he rushed closer to the woman. "How do you feel? Is your stomach alright? Did you eat something forbidden? Maurelle, answer me!" He said in a dash almost sprinting every word that came out.

He saw how Maurelle wiped the side of her lips and chortled. Why is this woman laughing when he's panicking over here?

"I'm just vomiting, Logan. Everything I've eaten is all veggies. You don't have to worry. I have talked with the woman who knows about the pregnancy process and this is completely normal." She explained to him.

However, he was not pleased with that. "No, you need to rest, darling." He said and guided the woman to the best. "You do not need to cook, I will be the one to do it. All you need is to rest and don't tire yourself."

Maurelle stared at the man.

"What?" Logan asked as he observed that she wasn't answering him.

Then she burst a laugh. He didn't know why she was laughing so he furrowed his brows. This woman is truly making him a laughing stock, huh.

"Why are you laughing? I'm serious, darling!"

"Do you suppose I'll believe that you would cook for me? You can't even hold a ladle, darling." Maurelle exclaimed and was still laughing at him with her hand on her mouth.

Logan frowned and crossed his arms. "You really won't believe me? Well, as you know I am a very wise man and I have my ways. So you stay here." He went out of her room.

Maurelle laughed and shook her head. Before Logan couldn't hear her, she shouted, "Bet you'll only call Fredeline!"

Logan responded with a shout as well. "Bet not!"

She secretly giggled. Even though Logan was tired, he still was the one taking responsibility for all her work. She can see how the man truly loves her. With this, she's sure he would be a good father.

Her pregnancy with the baby in her womb went well for her. Instead of her feeling all the sickness in the morning, the constant feeling of pain, and the vomiting. All of it went to Logan. They asked whether this happens and indeed it does. Maurelle was weirded out by it. It was an odd experience, however, it was for her own benefit as well.

Logan was lying on her bed, was in a heavy illness. She placed a soaked cloth on his forehead to freshen him up.

"I'm sorry you have to go all through this." She apologised to the man.

Logan smiled at her and caressed her face. "You don't need to apologise, It would be better off for me. I would worry if it's you."

Indeed, she would have been experiencing hell right now if the illness went through her core. Carrying the baby in her womb is itself hard to handle already. With this happening, she silently thanked the heavens. All was well. Each month passed, she regrets taking her pregnancy at a low level. She regrets how she has never thought about it. When her water broke, all of the pain went escalating to her system. It was double and multiple times as painful, nothing like what Logan felt.

Her head was hazy as they laid her on the bed. She was breathless and her mind was throbbing. She can feel it, her child, it was ready to destroy her part. The woman who knew about how to deliver a baby went ahead to her. She spread Maurelle's legs.

"Ah!" Maurelle shouted when she felt a pained sort of punch on her stomach. She gripped Logan's arms who was beside her.

"Come one now, milady, take a deep breath and push." The woman said with calmness in her voice.

Maurelle did as said. Her face was as red as a tomato. Logan stayed by her side as she went through all that pain.

She groaned so hard and pushed it to the limits. There were no boundaries for her. All she had to do was stay awake and push. Soon after, the baby got out of her womb.

"It's a boy!" The woman uttered as her eyes teared up.

She sighed and her strength lost. Her body felt numb as blood came out of her part. Endlessly. They slap the baby's butt and it let out a whine. It was alive and breathing.

Logan was flabbergasted. His hands were trembling when the woman handed him the baby. He has never once held a baby. A child. Moreover, it was his very own. It was already cleaned and covered with a white cloth. He stared at it.

His skin was just like her mother's. His hair was his although, brown. His eyes had a rather odd colour. He even narrowed his eyes to fixate on it. But whatever angle he looks, the eyes' colour never changed. The boy had vermillion coloured eyes. At that moment, he named the boy.

"Ambroz. You will be named Ambroz and take my surname. Ambroz Morozov." Logan muttered to the boy.

A day passed and Logan held another gathering. A gathering to commemorate the newborn baby, his first son, and for the village to be given their blessing. They were all gathered in the village. A place for the warriors, the crew, and the women. Not long after, Logan walked in front of them and all the noises they emitted suddenly faded away as they saw him.

Maurelle walked right after, carrying his and her son in her arms. The villager stared at them, throwing their gaze and waiting for them to utter.

"I have gathered you all here today to announce a celebration! As my son has finally awoken and been born to this world that we've entered. My son who'll soon be the next chief! My son who will turn out to be the man you all wish him to be. As I stand here, I hope you all give him the blessings he deserves." Logan e

Exclaimed. With the quietness, his voice was heard even at the back. "All hail, Ambroz!"

"All hail, Ambroz!" Everyone shouted back.

Maurelle couldn't explain her happiness. She glanced at Verra, who was holding the hands of her twins. Indeed, she was the one who was first to deliver a child. Verra saw her gaze and she smiled at her while silently spouting a 'Congratulations.'

She also returned her words with a bow. This day was another milestone for her. Another road to take and another journey to overlook. She is not alone anymore. She has Logan, her son, and the village. She could only ever wish for it before and now she has her own. The overwhelming joy grasps her whole. Maurelle could never wish for more.

That same day, they held a feast inside the house. As if nostalgia touched her mind. It was just like how she felt when Logan proposed to her. A quick and unexpected one. She slightly laughed in secret as she remembered.

Ambroz was well taken care of and loved by many. He was born as such a gentle child and he cares for her mother to a vast extent. The village always adores his gentlemanly behaviour. They figured this when he was still seven years of age.

Maurelle was carrying a bucket of water, she planned to cook some soup for their dinner. As she carried it, someone came rushing to where she was and took the bucket out of her hand.

"Ambroz, why did you take it from mother?" She asked the boy softly.

Ambroz however, he carried it all the way to the kitchen and dropped it to where it usually was. He knows where it is always placed as she observed her mother Maurelle cook for them every single day.

"It was heavy, mother. I don't want to see you get tired." The boy answered her.

She smiled and shook her head slowly. She then sat and called out to him, "Come closely to mother." Ambroz followed as said and went to her. She embrace her son and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"You are such a good boy, just like how your father is." Whispered by Maurelle behind his ear.

"Can I be great as father now, mother?" He asked in an innocent tone.

She nodded. "Of course, you are. Much greater than he is." She giggled and caressed the back of the boy's head.

"Who's greater than me?" Heard of by another man who just arrived. It was Logan.

"Father!" Ambroz cheered as he saw his father arrive home. He run towards Logan with his little arms opened.

Logan spread his arms and embraced his son. "Oh-hoh, There's my good son. Who's greater than me?" He teased Ambroz and looked at her wife who was silently giggling.

Ambroz glanced at his mother and glanced back to his father. "It was mother whom told me that I would be greater than you, father, not me."

Logan ruffled Ambroz's head and it made the boy close his eyes. His son was too adorable to tease. "Well, your mother's not wrong there, son. You will be greater than me. Stronger than I am. So hurry up and grow up!"

Ambroz's eyes sparkled at his father's words. Maurelle who was staring from afar felt warmth engulfed in her heart. It was lovely to see his husband and son have fun and moment with each other. Logan has been busy for a couple of days. A lot of fellows have been wanting to join the sessions and the village is facing a lot of controversies lately. Logan was responsible for it.

After they had dinner together, Ambroz was put to sleep and the parents were left alone still awake.

"Maurelle," Logan called out to her, she had just come out of Ambroz quarters and he was sitting on a chair.

Maurelle sat closer to him and lean on his shoulder. "What is it, darling? You should rest you look tired." There was a trace of worry in her voice. Indeed, she was absolutely worried.

The night was peace and serenity consumed the village. Only the noise of insects pestering at night was heard. They both kept silent. Maurelle was just waiting for him to respond.

"We went and sail this day." He uttered and it made his wife panic.

Maurelle stood right up. "What? How could you do such a reckless thing? What if you get caught up in the border? Logan!" She said. Eyes widened, brows met, as she looked straight at the man's eye.

What could his husband be thinking? Sailing is far more dangerous than lurking inside the forest. This man is truly hooking himself up with trouble. There are a lot of consequences that will happen if he goes past that border. No doubt. This man...

"Relax, darling. We couldn't find enough feed for the village, fish was our last resort. We can not let the village hunger. However, that's beside the point." He reasoned out.

Maurelle gulped harshly. "What happened?"

Logan gave her an odd look. She does not like what's coming.

"Nothing happened to us when we were on the sea. However, onshore met Zalon." He exclaimed in a deep voice.

"Zalon?" Maurelle asked to reassure.

"The one and only, darling. Zalon, that pagan." He responded. "He told us about the border getting shattered. It seems someone is trying to break it from the other side. Zalon, also warned me something about the future. He told me to be careful. Thereupon, he disappeared into thin air. Maurelle, I wish this is not what I am thinking."

Maurelle kept Logan's statement in her head for years. Though, with time she has shirked that memory. It perished through the depths of her cells.

Ambroz grew older and stronger through the years. Logan has been training the youngsters. It has been their way of living. The village has never faced any difficulties in keeping their children strong.

"Today, my son, will be joining us. He's new to this so treat him well." Logan made an announcement. "So, warriors meet Ambroz, Ambroz, son, meet the warriors."

Ambroz has grown. And is now fifteen years old.

They made greetings. Ambroz was pleased with it. However, among the warriors, he saw a woman and it made him curious. The woman looked strong and intimidating as she was holding a bow and arrow. Her stance was impeccable. He was about to head over to her when three lads went to block his way.

"Son's chief, we heard you are good with your bow and arrow. Do you wish to join us?" One lad who's the average height asked him.

"It's interesting, so the story was true. You have vermillion eyes! That's odd but I have never seen such." The short one spout.

"You should join us. After all, we are a denomination and the greatest at that. Your skills will harness upon your enlisting. Not that you ought to think twice. Better decide now or other's might steal your place." The taller one exclaimed with arrogance in his voice.

Ambroz felt irritated by it. "I'll think about it." Said by him and passed over them.

As he continued walking towards the woman. The three shouted behind his back. "Join now, chief's son!"

He furrowed his brows. Those three somehow get into his nerves. He usually does not get uncomfortable this easily. Seems like those three has thee to crumble his patience.

He arrived at the woman. "Uh—"

He did not say anything yet and the woman already turned in his direction. "Oh, Ambroz. What are you doing here? Those three are looking in this direction. Have you joined them?"

He looked at the three again. They were like fools staring at them. "Uh— no. I-I wanted to join yours."

The woman stopped and raised a brow at him. She then chuckled. "I don't have one."

"Then shall we create one ourselves?" He smiled awkwardly.

"We? There's no we. I don't acquaint myself with the chief's son. The lads right there are after your place." She bowed down to pick another arrow forging target to a tree.

Ambroz turned his head to his fellow youth. Their arrogance has never appalled his taste. If he's entrenching a skill that's to his benefit. A potent ally is reasonable.

He inhaled a huge amount of air before appointing himself to grab his bow and target the same tree that the woman was eyeing for. Letting go of the arrow, he did not miss the target and neither was she. They looked at each other.

"Now, do you agree with my request? Two is after all better than a single ploy." The corner of his lips curved.

The woman sighed. "Very well, his chief's son." She lends her hand for a shake. "I'm Lucy, daughter of one of the chief's crew. I'm looking forward to training with you."

Ambroz's spirit lit up. He grabbed the woman's hand and continued to shake it. "The name's Ambroz. And I won't let you down as your partner."

"Oh, it better be true or else,"

The woman was persistent in not allowing him. But the lad's persistence was overflowing and so she gave in. Ambroz went home with knowledge gained. He found out that the woman was older than he is. Much older.

When Maurelle heard about this story. She smiled. Her son was even trusting a woman's might. Just like how Logan trusted her way back. She was proud of what her son turned out to be.

Dedicated, strong-willed, respectful, and a gentleman.

Now, it was all past her memory. Early in the morning and she's reminiscing the wonderful moments she had with her family. A family that she could never replace. No regrets on her side. Every decision she made was righteous.

Thriving and no deceit. Maurelle is able to change her fate with willpower. Fortunate enough she was. She smiled softly.

"Mother, we've called multiple times. Do you wish to eat with us?"

She glanced at the owner of the voice and it was his son. One and only son. Ambroz. Who already looked so much like his father. However, he had no curly hair. His hair was up to his neck and laid back. And nothing like the innocent boy he encountered anymore.

"Ambroz, help me stand up." She exclaimed.

Ambroz without any second thoughts came rushing through her mother and happily assisted her."You are not that old yet, but you act as if you are, mother."

"Spare me, son. I just wanted to have you in my arms." She giggled and Ambroz shook his head.

They head to their table and everyone, the crew, was waiting for them. They both head and sit.

Together, they had a lovely morning and the rest of the day was like any other.

Maurelle has finally came to a conclusion this time. She would no longer battle her fate. She has surpassed hell and completed that wrath journey against her evil mother. Now, Maurelle is with her family. Who fills the void in her heart, the emptiness she pleaded is now full of it. No more nothingness but ample with happiness.

Maurelle gazes at Ambroz.

"My son, shall we start?"
