Chapter 38: The Ressurection of Treachery

Lucy was currently chopping woods when she heard a loud cacophony close. Her guard was alarmed and she immediately look at where she presumed it belong.

"What was that?" She furrowed her brows and asked.

She let go of the axe she was gripping and run over back to the village. She has yet to know what noise it was and when she arrived in the village. It was too late. Cries and struggles were heard and she saw her family being held, my repulsive men. They were pointing swords at them and they could never have escaped from it.

Lucy filled her system with anger and she charge towards them after taking a sword hanging from the side of the barn.

"Sister!" Meryl called out to her.

The men halted. "Huh? Sister, who!"

"Sister, me!" She shouted and pierce the sword on their chests and they groaned from the pain.

Meryl closed her eyes and embraced her father. After she executed them, she head towards their standing. "Let's go to a safe place!"

They run back to the barn. But Lucy's head was floating. Thinking what has happened with their land and where's their chief?

"Shall I, introduce myself more?"

He was stunned upon staring at her wicked facial expression. He saw her eyes, the eyes with bloody intentions, slaughtering master, and an evil sorcery to her ward. All is said, he needs no words to know who is this woman standing before him.

Ravyn started walking towards him and slowly he was backing out, behind him was a small table. A table that had a drawer. Immediately, he took the knife from inside and gripped it to his palms. He threatened him with that sharp edge gear.

Ravyn gasped in a pretentious way. She tapped the edge of the knife and giggled. "So scary. Do you think I'm afraid?! Do you think I'm scared of this?" Suddenly her glorious face turned into a mad one.

'This woman must be insane. A psychopath with all the alteration of her complexion. What a true witch.' he thought with full of disgust plastered on his face. 'I can not believe she's mother's sister!'

Going back, he was trapped by this woman. "I may not be taught to kill but you're a different case. Lay one prick of your finger on my structure and I will cut your head in half. How dare you step into our peaceful land and created havoc?" He exclaimed and furrowed his towards the witch.

Ravyn laughed at him again. "You really do have the guts to say that?" She asked raising her brow. "Look, I'm a witch. Have you never heard of tales or does your mother hid everything from you?"

He shuddered. Her words hit the very spot of his situation. His mother hid every single thing about her origin.

Ravyn smirked. "With the way you look, indeed, your mother did hide it from you. I hit a target, huh. So afraid of letting her identity out? As if it was an abomination to the world? Hah! It appears to me that she does not love you and only took you in for her dignity of wishing for a place with tranquillity. You're a wanted child for legacy, just like any oth—"

"Shut up! That's not true!" He interrupted. "She hid it because she was afraid of what the future will set for her. No one ever has to know about that detail of this background affirmed to her." He shouted to the witch's face and stretched his arm to threaten the knife to her neck.

Ravyn backed out a little bit. She scoffed. "But isn't that quite the same? Still, the fact that she have never trusted you nor your father did. How does it feel to get excluded?" Uttering with an airy voice and manipulative one. Rooting for his head to fall into the depth of his thoughts.


"You're what?"

"I am not excluded!" He stated, sighing and glaring at her.

"Oh, but you are! Don't worry, I know how it feels to be left out for not being enough." She responded and had the chance to lower the knife, that was targeting her neck. "Dear, you're just too naive and blinded with your kindness. When all they've given you as a speck of love. "

He was mad, at how this witch was trying to engulf his thoughts, his perspectives on things. But, he is even madder at himself for believing her words. The feeling of entanglement inside his mind and heart, as if he had no other words to say. He was frustrated.

On the other hand, Ravyn smirked even more. The witch was far more enjoying her wickedness. Her words seems to affect him, she was gazing at his bowed head that was in deep thoughts. 'What's this man thinking of? Should I just settle this off in one go? But, I'm enjoying it. Let's take this a little bit further.' was heard from her subconscious.

She took a step closer to him. Ambroz was interrupted by it and he immediately coerce her with the knife once more. This time, he plans to bleed her for at least one bruise. He swayed his knife and it wounded her arm that she used to protect her head.

"You see, even if you're a woman you are still a borne witch. Nothing about you pleases me anymore, that's why it is better if you leave us and fight another place to destroy." He scoffed and said to her. He thought he has already been outdone. But instead, he was alarmed to see the next thing that happened in front of him.

Ravyn halted and looked at her arm. She gripped it to let the rose-red blood fall, odd is he even drank every drop of it. He was just staring at her and creasing her face at what she was doing. After catching the blood, some of it flowed out her mouth and to her chin. She lifted the edge of her lips and gaze at him.

Ambroz was stunned when he saw the wound slowly healing. "H... How?"

She cackled up a peal of laughter from the below manner. It was disturbing and annoying, a laugh of mockery to what he did. Her breaths were heavy when she paused from the laugh. He was sure that this woman was having a lifetime mock of his reactions.

"You really are testing my patience," said Ravyn, with the of the back of her palm— wiped the blood away near her lips." I was hoping we could continue our talk, after all, I want to know my sister's son. But it seems, you are grown to be a spinelessness. Do you know why? Because you are trembling already. Scared for a woman to even touch your skin? Then, shall we stop the talk ad head to the important session?"

Suddenly, Ambroz felt his limbs and joints numbing. As the witch stared at him straight. He felt his body was not even his anymore. It moved on its own and pinned itself to the wall. He groaned when it hit the wall.

"W... What are you d... doing to me?" He painfully asked while struggling with his body.

His body was shaking, he moved his head in various ways to only gain control of his body. However he moves, it was a no-brainer to even think that he can go against it.

Ravyn started walking her way towards the struggling man. "What I'm doing? Oh dear, this is what witches do. Don't you know? Now you know." She exclaimed and took something out of her cloak's pocket.

His throat was as if pierced. He battles with that demon lingering around his core. But he was weak. For the past years of striving to pass his father's trial; multiple obstacle courses, training on his swordsmanship skills, and lastly the skills he should attain to be a perfect shooter for his arrowing as a hunter. He never felt weak while doing those, but now? It was just a mere evil woman standing before him. In one significant force towards her face and other body parts, she'll surely faint. But how can he do that? When magic and spells were brought to his accord. He no longer attains the strength to even fight back.

"See how you're pinned by a woman? You men are just a bunch of little weaklings. No men can ever attest to my strength!" Yelled to him and suddenly she held his mouth open.

Raising her hand, Ambroz saw her holding a little bottle with red tainted liquidity. It was bubbled and when he opened it, smokes escaped from it.

'What is that? Will she make me gulp it?' he asked inside his head.

"Before I could settle this baby right here," referred by the bottle. "Any last words?" She asked with a grin.

Ambroz couldn't speak, he was still being controlled by her spells. When Ravyn noticed it, she snorted and laughed. "Oh, how stupid I am. I forgot that I'm too powerful to even let you speak. Then, it's up to my words. This is what I'll tell you, this thing that's about to enter your system was meant for you. Your eyes, the eyes of the ferocious son of a witch. The eyes that I've seen coming. This is your fate after all. I pity you, mother did not even lay a single conscience upon your existence. Well, all goes astray. Open wide..."

As much as he has heard, he wants to struggle and avoid the liquid spell. But he could never. His strength was long gone now. All his hard work has gone to waste.

Ravyn held his mouth wide open and poured the liquid inside his throat. Threw the bottle to the side and it shattered into little pieces. She let go of his mouth and spout gullible words and whispered. "Mother, cast it right now."

After that, Ambroz felt a loud thump in his heart. It made him fall down on his knees and weakened it. His throat felt like firing. His eyes were tearing up. His breath was hot and smoky and his sight became blurry and glitchy.

His head was in a roundabout motion. The instant pain on all of his body parts was ching to explode. T'was as if it's waiting for a cue.

"W—what did you m—made me d—drink?" He asked with his voice hoarse, struggling, gasping for air, and his throbbing body.

Whatever this woman made him swallow, it is a hell of liquidity. It was hurting his inside, like gripping each part of his veins, to his cells, and nervous system. His heartbeat was palpitating more than normal. It was painful and in each second, he might just explode from this pain.

Ravyn backed out, slowly and steadily she head towards the door. Before Ravyn finally left, she gazed back at the man and smirked. "If you keep resisting it, it will be more painful. Trust me, you won't like that. Well then, so long!" Slumped the door closed and disappeared from his sight.

He was crawling towards the window. Even if he was in this worst possible state, he forced himself to look and wanted to save his people. He kept coughing up and wheezing every breath he takes in. Holding his chest as he holds on to the table to support himself. Just as he head to the window, the houses were all being attacked, attacked by men with swords, and was taken hostage of. Suddenly, he saw a woman, making the people shout in despair as their soul was swallowed away from them. Their body was sipped and after their necks were being held, this woman let them go and these poor people were dead just like that.

"No!" He shouted but his throat failed him. He coughed and coughed. Covered his mouth with his palm. When he retrieved his hand out his mouth. He knew he had a blurry view but the long black claws he saw was definitely from his. "Ngh—roar!" He let out. He suddenly covered his mouth when a weird noise came out of it.

He was groaning and roaring! Just like a wild animal, even wilder! He widened his eyes and when he looked back at the woman. It was staring at him with an evil plastered smile on. She was looking at his back, he turned to it and saw the mirror.

'What the—'

He saw horns and scales on his head, he felt canine teeth growing from his gums, and the most overwhelming thing he has ever seen was his eyes. His vermillion eyes. When he realized it, he no longer has control of himself. The monster that the witch put inside him took over his body and has led him to an unfortunate fate. An ugly, obnoxious, and full of lost souls.

"Get away from my wife, you witch!" Logan shouted at Glinda who appeared herself in front of them.

Glinda dramatically gasped. For Logan's words, truly she wasn't surprised anymore.

As for Maurelle, she was lying on her bed and was immediately guarded by Logan. She was terrified after seeing her sister, ever since she escaped, it has been years since then. They've never changed, her face was the same as before she left, she reckoned that they might have swallowing souls.

However, what frightened her was not the fact that she perhaps never changed but her mere presence did. How did they find her? Sister Ravyn promised her that she would do her utmost best for them to not get discovered.

"Sister is a witch too, aren't you frightened? Perhaps, you're biased? Even though, I'm more beautiful than her now? Men are odd, indeed." She said while strolling her way towards the table beside her. "Sister, do you have anything to say? Shouldn't you be welcoming me with tea or whatever? After all the efforts we have done to find you?" She asked sarcastically.

"To find me? How did you ever find me? Was all the disaster in our land you doing, huh? How could you not leave me alone?" Maurelle asked and stood up.

Logan held her wrist and shook his head, telling her not to go but she refused to follow. It has been years and she's sick of it.

"Don't blabber this all on me. You escaped after mother wanted to turn you into her greatest creation. You were fated for it, seeing as how you look like, you'll die soon. Do you want that?" Glinda asked her and crossed her arms.

"I'd rather die than kill innocent lives with her evil tactics. I, for once, was born by a dead man's soul, who would want to live for that long just to slaughter?" She responded with agitation traced in her voice.

"Well," Glinda was about to reply when Ravyn entered the room.

Maurelle furrowed her brows. "Sister, how could you do this to me? After I trusted you?" Complained with a sorrowful voice.

"That's where you're wrong. I did promise you to let mother stay out of your sight. But she found you after years and guess what, sister? I have done everything for me set myself to your position and yet she still chose you." She exclaimed.

Logan stood in front of Maurelle to guide her. Glinda was confused.

"Hold on, you were the one who led her to escape?" Glinda asked in a surprising voice. She can't believe this!

Ravyn looked at her sister. "Silence you! This was also Maurelle's desire and I just helped her. Haven't I?" She faced Maurelle again.

"But you still betrayed me! You led her here and what are you doing to my people?" Maurelle retorted.

Ravyn sighed. "Let's not take this long, shall we? I don't care and I will never care. This is all mother's order and I, the obedient and greatest one is just following it. Now, let's go or someone will burn us all into ashes."

"No! You get out of my land!" Maurelle fought back.

Ravyn and Glinda were stunned. Ravyn then used her spells and made Logan head to her. She cast a knife and threatened her. "I'll kill him if you refuse."

"No—o!" Maurelle struggled, especially when she was held by Glinda. Her arms that she was grasping and never letting her go.

Even after Ravyn said that she still shove the sharp knife slightly on Logan's neck. It let out blood and Logan groaned after that.

Maurelle wanted to fight back, wanted to overpower her, and defeat her own sisters. But she can't, not anymore. All her power was weakened by the years she has never swallowed souls. So, seeing Logan suffer from all this, she wonders if she ever did a mistake. She regrets why she bestowed agonizing with the people she loves.

Logan looked at her crying face, the tears that kept falling. Logan smiled and muttered, "I love you most, darling."

She shouted "No!"

Evil Ravyn shoved it in his neck and the man fell inside the land of the dead. Maurelle almost fainted, her heart began to clutch inside her and her head was hazy. The pain that she can't even put to one word. It was a feeling of sunrise, a sunrise describing that it was all the end. She should have loved the bright sky more, the hues and the clouds. She should have adored the morning. But, she contradicted. Now she suffers.

Ravyn placed no conscience. It was all her mother's orders, after all, she'd rather kill this man or herself. "Let's go, it will not take long for the curst to completely activate." She uttered and opened the door.

"My son, my Ambroz! Why did you do to him?" She angrily asked and her eyes were filled with hatred.

"Stop struggling, you ugly!" Glinda murmured.

"Where is he?" She asked even louder.

"All you have to know is that he's not dead. Glinda, now!" Demanded by Ravyn.

Glinda used her spells so that they could arrive outside even faster. Gwydion finally saw her daughter. Instead of feeling delighted, with her palm, she slapped her.

"How dare you escape from me? And for all these years, you still ever wanted peace? Look at you, your complexion is worse!" Gwydion exclaimed.

"What did you do to my son, to my people, and to the man I've ever loved? You filthy being!" Maurelle implored her. Her heart aches at what she was seeing.

"Filthy? Hah! You imbecile, this is your punishment. For ruining my creations and bringing me disgrace." Exclaimed by Gwydion to her own daughter's face. "As for your son, I made him powerful, more furious, and ferocious. I'm filthy? Then so is your son."

Maurelle widened her eyes as she felt a thump. A thump that connects her to his son. He was in pain. More than that, he was not himself anymore.
