Chapter 45: He Reveals

He was just staring at the trees and their waving greeneries. It was another day and he was embarking on spending it like any other. Following it like the holy grail. When he felt Elena's presence. She is trying to communicate with him by letting him feel her footsteps.

Now, standing in front of him was the woman she expected to see. He was slumped on the ground with the dried leaves that had fallen with its dark orange tinge and the asthenic quality that was down-and-out. With his one leg lying and the other one bent- to lay down one of his arms.

"You sit just like any old man in its hundred." Elena cackled up a kind travesty and was meant to make him laugh.

As usual, he never did laugh and have taken it quite seriously. "I am a man, except that I am much more than just a mere hundred. I could say the same thing to you, I suppose." He went back to her.

The woman shook her head reminiscing that she was the one to have to attain the joke but has instead been the victim of it. The irony. "You're right." She exclaimed and giggled.

Ambroz puffed as he stood up and faced her. "So, what brings you here?" He asked with the side of his lips slightly raised.

Elena turned her eyes furious but stayed kind and gave him a grin, afterwards leaving a statement of, "It's time."

Ambroz widened his eyes. He knows that he had that coming after him. He readied himself and till he huffed for air as the nervousness climbed up his spine.

'Well, here we go.'

They both walked in silence in the midst of the deep forest, as Elena guided him towards the village's location. Not that he does not know where it is. But, just in case.

"Elena, I'm not certain this would go well." He suddenly asked and broke the ice that lingered and stuck between them.

"They are not the kind of people who would just lower their guard just as I said so. But, they know their place and they believe me ever since." Elena convinced. "Perhaps, after I have uncovered myself and told them I am a white witch. My existence is not as odd as it seems. It goes for you as well."

Even so, Ambroz's tremble still loitered in his system and while they were walking questions filled his head.

'What will happen if they knew I am a monster?'

'A curse human being?'

'An evil remorse bound to the ground?'

"Will they kill me?" He suddenly spouts out loud.

Elena cackled. "Your thoughts burst right there. Ambroz, they are nothing like that. You will be fine as long as you keep your calm."

He did keep his calm and when they almost were in the village. In that open space was the people circled while sitting with their legs closed and intertwined together. It looks like they gathered themselves there for this reveal. Ambroz was once again filled with anxiety.

"No need to worry," Elena uttered.

He saw her go towards them but he stopped and was carved in that spot. His emotions turned ragged and the beats inside his chest multiplied. The chance of catching a heart attack is not impossible.

'Ambroz, keep it together. This is only the start and you're acting miserable, now.' He thought and breathe softly, in and out repetitively.

Not for long, he was called by Elena. Good thing he had his hair tied now. He looks less scary and odd in that way.

He marched forth in that area and was being held by Elena. People had plastered on a blank and curious expression. 'Who could this man be?'

He panted the moment he saw a familiar face.

"Ah! He's that man from that horrendously looking cave!" The woman who was part of the circle was terrified as she recognised him the moment he had laid her eyes on him.

The entire people gasped with their hands covering their mouths as if they were in total shock. He expected this. I mean, being in heat and settling on a cave is not an easy task to process inside our tiny heads. He never blames them for behaving in that way.

"If he is that man, then what is a man like him doing here? Stepping the border and crossing over the line? What a malicious being and is being held by our, milady Elena?" An elder exclaimed, wandering her eyes around the people who were nodding. She gave him the taunting gaze.

"Indeed! He should not be in our village, milady Elena! I saw him with my two beautiful eyes how he performed such— oh, my mouth would be dirtied by the mere occurrence of saying it. I can't say it." She dramatically conveyed; closing her eyes and placing the back of her palm on her forehead.

"The frightened tone of her shout lingered in our ears, ain't that right lad?" A lad said hitting his elbow to the other one who then nodded continuously.

The people listening agreed and made such a huge fuss. That village was filled with murmurs across the space.

Saying, "Why must we meet such a man?"

"Is this what we have come for?"

"This can not be real, is it not?"

"I heard about it with Revuana, but seeing him in front? There is no mistaking it, he is a creep."

"A creep? He is not just that, he is an utter monster. Yelena added that she also saw some sort of faint scale on his skin. Can't you believe that? What a sight!"

They kept on nagging- whispering in each other's ears until someone loudly said.

"Milady, why have you gathered us here? To spoil mockery—" the woman asked but was stopped, the same woman who saw his obnoxious state that day stood up along with her people and slowly wander to the back. They were afraid.

"Yilena," Elena exclaimed with a tone as if she was so done with the people's panic and false assumptions. "I know, you all have the right to be terrified with such an unnotified being residing on the same land as we have sought through. Especially after seeing an odd scene. But we are a tribe of our own kindness. Is this what we have become? The gossip ones to assume of things that we have never learned for ourselves? I bet you not." She scolded them but Ambroz still was embarrassed by himself.

The people bowed down, a sign of them apologizing for the sudden cause of the ruckus. Then a man came.

"My wife's right," He placed his arm around the woman's waist. "Of course, you wouldn't have thought about us ruining our lives in here, didn't you? We are here for the betterment, fellows! You all should understand a simple tackle like that. I see that you may misunderstand this man," pertaining to Ambroz. "But it's because he is here to prove that he is not that sort of living. That is why we asked you to gather here, to see it for yourselves. Now, you may sit if you want or stay standing." He instructed.

The people looked at each and some slowly slumped their bottoms on the ground and the others, especially the strong men stood still.

"Now, this man right here is a curse one." Elena started. The shock on the people's faces just increased but they did not utter a thing and let the woman speak first. "But before, he is just like you are. Like any human being there is, but because of the evil living in our world, with their madness and insecurity they have placed their anger towards him and now he is a half creature who suffers in heat. It often happens. But, fear not. As I am here to regulate all of his unusual states." She explained.

"Curse by evil livings? The ones you told us, milady? Those flawed creations did this to him?" A woman asked.

"Yes, Casla." She responded with the woman's name. "Indeed, those flawed creations. Not only that but, immortality is brought upon his life. He is now experiencing stern punishment and can never escape the fate of his life. However, that is why we're here. We're here to change that!" Elena proceeded and gave them the words of convincingness, as she smiled at Ambroz.

"I mean no harm with you people, but I can not be certain of what this curse will obtain. I— I just..." Ambroz's hands started to tremble thinking of a statement to say.

The man who was Elena's lover stroked his back to ease him. "You should not be afraid of the truth, lad. The truth will set you free. Speaking what is inside that tightening chest would lose it in a scratch." He sad in a soft and soothing phase of his voice.

Ambroz, who had always a numb face and blank expression gave this kind man a smile. It was a smile expressing his gratitude to him.

"I just want to be set free and die along with my family and people." Ambroz finally told them what he wanted to ever since he got here.

The people roamed their eyes and was then filled with sadness, others place pity towards him.

Then, a young lady went forward. It appears that she had something to say.

"What is it, my dear?" Elena asked her.

"Uhm, if you are saying he is a curse one that suffers from heat. What is his curse, milady?" She curiously asked with her arched brows and tilted head.

Elena glanced at Ambroz. Ambroz understood what she was trying to ask him even in the silence and for the sheer look in her eyes. It was imploring his approval. He gave her a nod, meaning that it was alright to say it.

He has decided.

To live in lies for his own good? What good intent there is to that? When he can free himself with the truth that he will say.

"He's a were-dragon," Elena exclaimed.

One would say that they have seen some ghost beyond their kin. With widened eyeballs, shivering postures, flinching of their head, and the jolts of their shoulders. They remained their still but they were far more afraid, awestruck and flabbergasted. Speechless.

The youngsters had their ears covered by their folks, they might not like what they are hearing. However, they somehow would not understand this.

"T-this can not be true, milady." An old man asked, stuttering. His hands were opened and he kept on shaking his head.

"It is true." Then the man, who was Elena's lover said.

The people were now confused about what they should feel.

Ambroz hid his face by lowering it down. He can not do a thing.

"Then, he has to turn into what we thought was mere tails?" The people asked.

"I am a white witch, and it is no tales anymore." Elena convinced. "I know you are afraid, but the witch that cast this curse on him is long gone and dead. A goddess punished her and propelled her to a place where we would never see."

"Listen, I know you are alarmed. But there is nothing to be afraid of. My wife is here to cure him. We have gone here for a purpose. It may not relate to you, but this is for our future. We all have a place to be one day and it is because of us that the future will change." Elena's lover exclaimed.

"Your chief Bergen is right." Elena continued.

'So, his name is Bergen.' Ambroz thought amidst.

"But, even after that evil witch's disappearance. Why is the curse still there, milady? Does this mean that someone can still initiate the curse?" One asked.

Elena knew that it can happen and so did he. There is no mistaking it that there are more chances he can transform to that treacherous form when the heat is astir to his body. None can guarantee that it is safe to say it's gone.

"You're right, as his heat goes when he is anxious. Let us still do our utmost to remove the curse. I will be very occupied in those times." Elena explained.

For a minute they were silenced. But Yelena's acquaintances that time stepped forward and faced Ambroz.

"How about you, what are you feeling and what causes the heat to happen that time?" A lad asked him.

"I was anxious. I tried to hide myself from all of you. Thinking that I might destroy each and every life you have. It was my instincts kicking. But, it added when one saw me. After another one and you fellow followed. Even attempted to enter my cave at that time. It has been years before this happens again."

"I see, so that was it."

"I'm deeply sorry for everything, I made a fool of myself and threw terrible accusations to you. And I have even spread false things among your existence. Even when it was hard for you, I have worsened it."

"It's nothing in particular. You acted as you should. I don't blame any of you. After all, it was an obscene thing to see."

"Now that all of you know him. I hope all you welcome him."

"There is no need—" he interrupted while waving his palms.

"Oh, but there is, Ambroz. There really is, we are no different, we shall all make the best for last. Now, I still need to prepare the goods. All of you keep him company for a while." Elena left and headed inside a hut.

Ambroz was following his gaze towards her and as soon as she turn her gaze. Youngsters came running towards his direction. It made him surprised. His eyes that were taunted with nervousness a while ago was now glorified by the smiles of these children.

A little girl started to stroke his hair. "Sir Ambroz, what silky hair you have can we touch it? Just for a little bit?" She pleaded with sparkles in her eyes.

Ambroz was quite flustered but it was not obvious and bare. "Uh, of course." He replied.

She began her session with his hair."Woah, even sister's hair is not that silky." She then exclaimed.

A boy who came with the girl also caught his attention. "What beautiful eyes you have, sir. Has anyone told you that?" Said the boy as if staring holes on his face.

"My mother did once." He responded and turned his gaze the other way around. These children have no doubts whatsoever and say such embarrassing testimony.

The boy the continued. "She was not lying, sir."

The continued calls of 'sir' seemed off as he was used to his people calling him by his name or chief. So, "Would you mind just calling me, Ambroz?" He suggested.

However, who would have thought that these kiddos are persistent as cement?

"Alright, uncle Ambroz." All of them uttered at once.

Well, he tried to contradict. "No, just Ambroz."

"Uncle Ambroz?" But of course, it did not work.

In the end, he let them call him whatever they wish to. "Oh, never mind. Your mother's calling you, you should head back now."

He was also about to leave and head back to his dwelling just as usual when a girl's query halted his steps.

"Will I still be able to see you tomorrow?"

In the back of his head was nothing but getting out of this village as soon as possible. He never wanted to come back even after all the statements Elena said. Now that these people knew of his existence and his identity along with the curse and punishment he is carrying. Facing them would be an arduous chore. However, inside his desperate heart was longing for company. If it is not now, when will it be, right?

"You will, kid." He answered.

The girl smiled widely and went to her mother. He was marching back to the deep forest when he saw Yelena. She was standing there and Ambroz was confused as to when she arrived there that fast?

"Is there something you wish to know about this curse?" He asked.

"No, I just wanted to apologize to you now that we are alone."

"I told you, there is nothing to apologize for. Your reaction is acceptable. I can not control this heat and that was embarrassing to stumble upon. You should just head back now." He tried to brush her off. Her very sight is making him remember irrelevant memories

Yelena heaved a sigh. "Well, I'm sorry." While she walk towards him and stopped beside him. "But, I hope to see you tomorrow as well. We always have our supper together. You should join us."

"I won't take on your offer but I appreciate it. I have to go." He exclaimed and left the woman hanging.

She did not mind it and shrugged her shoulders while heading back. "Suit yourself."

Ambroz however sighed in relief, that woman had far more different behaviour as to how she was then and now. She wasn't truly that sensitive type and conscious. He could tell that it must have been truly a shock that day. He might traumatise her now. Oh well.

"I should learn how to socialize again."

On that day, who would have thought that the weight inside his chest would be lifted by that white witch. No matter the distrust she placed amongst her and her people. Their kindness is truly lingering in the air. No one would disagree on that. Without hearing it from them, he already felt accepted and the judgements on his shoulders were erased completely. Now, he was hopeful.

The wrath and resentment were lost inside his subconscious. In these times, Ambroz somehow managed to avoid the fact that he still had the curse with him.

Before he head to slumber, he promised to himself that he should stop messing around and start to help inside the forest. He should take on the punishment properly.

"It's absurd how I wish for this night to finally end, for me to head back there early in the morning."
