Chapter 47: Who Are They?

"How did you know all of this?" Lyzelle's query echoed through the vast woods. Even some crows made a fuss and flew up to the sky. "Have you been watching us ever since?"

Ambroz gave the two a gore stare before shaking his head. "This forest is already been my domain, kid. Watching you climb up in an unrealistic way to lay as an accusation. However, every inch of movement you do in this forest is heard."

Now Hayden was even more frightened. He wondered how could a man this fearsome has been Lyzelle's mysterious uncle? And how does he feel their presence even when he is far?

Lyzelle groaned and held Hayden's wrist, making the poor man surprised and was brought to a still.

"Nevertheless, Hayden is a good man. He is a friend of mine and the same goes for Zynthia's friend. They are no foes." Lyzelle said in a serious tone.

Ambroz did not bother to ask and swift it off and left them confused with his. "Hmm..."

But, from Ambroz's point of view. He has already been feeling their movements a little while ago when the two was just facing their young adult phase. He has always been on tall tree branches whenever he has got nothing better to do.

And the lads kept playing around this two. He never meant to pry with them until now. He shocked himself at how casually he communicated with them. After all, it has been years since the first they have arrived. It is surreal but real despite the consequences he had to face.

Ambroz was feasting a fish he fried with fire a while ago, as usual, hanging on with the trees, as he watched over Zynthia and the man he was with.

"Ganord, why are you good with your sword and bow?" Zynthia's sweet voice was music to the man's ears but he contained the bursting feelings and kept it to himself.

The man who was called 'Ganord' cleared his rusty throat before speaking. "You see because my father is the chief amongst our people. Even with that title and as far as their imperial generation goes. He has thought me that leaders should always be in the front. With that being said, mastering weapons is a head start must."

Zynthia was struck by his explanation. She thought, 'What a wonderful man of his principles. I wonder, would father approve of such a man to be my friend? I don't see how he should disagree.' .

"That is lovely, Ganord. Would you care to teach me one day?" Her sparkling eyes dash through the man and yet he was unfazed.

"Nope, not being offensive towards your strength but you are too kind to deal with swords and bows. I prefer seeing you lead with your intellectual kindness." He gave her stern disapproval but pointed it out immediately.

Zynthia never was offended. In fact, she was flustered. This man is really saying such embarrassing things to her.

"That's so kind of you. Do you think my people and especially my father would be found as I continue our friendship?" Zynthia suddenly raised a question.

'Now, I am getting curious myself. Let us see what you have gotten there, young man.' Ambroz thought and took a huge bite from the fish.

However, who would have thought that his answer would take only by the speed of light?

"Yes! I am sure they will. I, myself, would love to meet with your kind. They must be as kind and as generous as you are, Zynthia." He replied. "But, that is if you are fine with introducing me to them. I am ready when you are."

Now that Ambroz has heard his answer. He realized how it is the total opposite for this two. Rather than Zynthia being the one who wishes for more than friendship. This lad's confidence is taken very distinctively and proper. If he settles with the decision, he speaks about it without not second doubts. He is a blunt man.

"That bluntness will trouble him one day..." He muttered to himself.

When Ambroz gazes at them from above. He saw Ganord lean in and whispered behind her ear. He chortled. "What clever man, this lad is." He mumbled to himself.

Later on, Zynthia turned her gaze to him and giggled. "What are you doing there, Ambroz?" She asked while still giggling at him.

He threw the fish's bones away and shrugged his shoulders. Placing his hands on the back of his head and leaning on the tree. It seems he got sleepy throughout the day of observing this ladies' life.

Ganord then looked up to him, lifted the corner of his lips, and bowed slowly at him. Meaning to show his respect as he had just met this man. Ambroz never responded anything but just a stare. The lad who was with Lyzelle is nothing like this man, it shows who has better guts and he is not mistaking it.

"Wonder where's the right time to charge, maybe in the afternoon? Or maybe the day after today?"

Ambroz went on with another, strolling in the forest and feeling the fresh breeze. It was not that bad of the day not until he came across an arrow laying on the ground. He was stepping on it and he raised his foot to confirm that it was an arrow. Chattering and murmurs were heard of. When he followed those voices, he saw the same lad that was with Lyzelle.

He was stretching the string of the bow and targeting a certain area. Ambroz was supposed to head towards the village but halted to watch this lad handle his bow.

Honestly, he is not that bad. Ambroz was quite pleased with his posture and stance. It wasn't as clean as his but he knows this fellow is knowledgeable in his field. Especially when he accidentally just proved it in front of him. The target seemed far and hazy and yet this young man hit it with no sweat. After going for one bow, he quickly grabbed another one and placed it on the same target. The arrow that was stuck there first, split as the other arrow crashed through it.

Ambroz's mouth shaped into an 'o'.

"Way to put up a stunt. Something about you says that you are a hunter." He revealed himself and witnessed the lad's expression turn from hitting a jackpot to seeing a monster.

"W-what do y-you mean, sir?" He slowly backed out and almost stumbled himself. Such a clumsy man.

"Your archery, it's well-practised." He complimented.

The man 'oh-ed'. "T-thank you, kind sir."

"Kind sir, what repelling endearment are you calling me? I'm Ambroz. Let it stay that way." Without any warning, he walked out and continued his journey toward the village.

He then heard the voice of a woman slowly nearing the young lad. "Who were you talking to, Hayds?" She asked with the man's nickname now.

"Uh... Your mysterious uncle?"

"My mysterious uncle?"

"That's right, he's there." The lad pointed out on his back and Lyzelle realized who it was.

"Good thing you did not run for your life like I thought you would. How do you feel?" Lyzelle asked, snortling with the man's face.

"Nothing. I just thought that he was not as dangerous as I thought. He complimented my archery skills, Zelle!" His excitement was traced with his words.

Lyzelle sighed in relief. "Indeed, he is after all a kind and caring man. He might not show it to you directly but, he was the one who look after us when we wander around the deep forest. We have been in his care for years now until we finally knew our way here and even stumbled upon your village."

Ambroz was not that far yet when he heard her say that. "I can still hear you, you know."

Not for long, he arrived at the village and did not let his presence flaunt the people. He silently wandered around the structure to find the man he was looking for and he found him inside a hut writing something on a piece of paper with a spot of black ink.

He was still writing as he asked. "I can feel you, Ambroz. Have you been well? It seems that you have as you manage to go on and visit me here after a while." He smiled.

"It has not been that long since you persuade me here for a dinner. It was just three days ago, don't you think?" He asked and crossed his arms.

Bergen giggled. "True, but I have never experienced you coming here by your own accord. So, what brings you here?" He finally raised his head and placed the inkling down beside the paper.

Ambroz went towards the pile of books placed on the side of the table close to the window. It had its own shelf and was always as clean as ever. Barely a speck of dust was seen.

"Have you always been protective of your daughters?"

He thought that if he had gone straight off the bait, he would be entitled as nosy or perhaps not hear the words he wishes to heed upon the man in question.

"Protective of my daughters? Well, there are certainties that I do act up like that seldom times. However, I do not wish to suffocate my young ladies. They have their freedom, they're grown up now. Why do you ask?" Bergen exclaimed and raised a brow.

Ambroz cleared his throat. "How about when it comes to men that they wish to be with?" He asked while still facing the books and had a smirk on.

Bergen was confused. "Men? Well, that would be a different sort of story. In the case of love, no one could ever stop it. As for now, they have not told me anything about such a thing. However, if they do, then I would have to know why he had liked my daughter. Not a problem as my men here is very trusting." He shrugged and rolled the sheet of paper.

Now, it's his chance. "What about men from the other side?"

"The other side?"

The surrounding just began to tense up between them when one of Bergen's men went inside, bowed in front of them and said, "Sorry to interrupt you sir, but you have to see this."

Bergen looked at Ambroz, as Ambroz tilted his head signalling that this situation might reveal the elephant in the room. Bergen furrowed his brows.

"I'll be there," Bergen exclaimed and stood up. Ambroz head outside and went on separate ways. He climbed up on trees but still followed Bergen and his men's footsteps.

Bergen started to ask questions to the men who were walking with him. "What seems to be the problem?"

"We were guarding the village as the fury sets active when your eldest daughter came back in and was with a man. The same goes for milady Zynthia. However, these men appear to be not from ours. They had weapons with them, sir, and we kept them in our structures to not spread trouble as of now." He finally explained.

Bergen was furious but he contained his emotions. Ravaging would be risky as he knows how his trust is strong when it comes to his daughter.

"How about my wife? Are there men following her in the sea-land?"

"Yes, sir. We have also sent the message to her and she will be arriving in a while." Answered the lad.

When he arrived inside another hut, his daughters were sitting very annoyed and their faces filled with irritation. There were two unfamiliar faces, one looked very afraid and one was facing him. He had a hunch that he was just confident.

"Who are these men, Lyzelle?" He started to interrogate.

Lyzelle stood up and faced his father. "Father, they are friends from the other side. I have stumbled upon their village and we head here to introduce them to you." She exclaimed in a serious tone.

"And what if they plan on something," he looked at the frightened lad, then this lad widened his eyes and lowered his head. "Unexpectedly harmful towards our people?"

Then, this confident lad finally stood up and broke the ice between them. "Nothing like any of these intentions, sir. We do not wish to spy nor go against your people as there is no reason to do so. We are here to meet you and your wonderful people. Never as foes but as another living off the land. After all, we are here because of your greatness."

Silence engulfed them when Ganord and Bergen burst into touches of laughter, that even Ambroz who was eavesdropping outside was surprised to hear them turn into such an odd segment. What is happening here?

"Why the laughter, Father?" Lyzelle asked.

"Father, are you playing with us?" Zynthia then proceeds with her curiosity.

Bergen cross his arm across Ganord's shoulders and ruffled his hair. "Oh lad, you did not inform me that you are this good with acting." He exclaimed. "You see, daughters. Do you really think I do not know the people from the other side? We arrived here together and I know this fellow Ganord long before he was just a young little boy. Isn't that right?"

Even the men who were on guard was surprised to know this. After all, they were new acquainted. Ambroz indicated a facepalm. His daughters looked at him with disappointment, and the one frightened lad was too late to process everything that was happening.

"Oh, don't you look at me like that, dear Lyzelle and Zynthia. At least, your backs are now light."

"Whatever you say, father."

"I hate you, Ganord."

As soon as Ambroz realized how things worked out in the end. The man marched off the village and went back to his cave. He rested his body as he was strenuous the entire day.

As he stared above, the cave's rough top paraded in his eyes.

"Is it this time of the year? Inside the drastic measure I took for those ladies, is this my aftermath? Sick inside the core, what was I trying to achieve? Or am I just attached now?" He questioned himself.

He turned around and faced outside. It was dark as ever, only the moonlight glimmered in the surrounding. After all, he refused Elena's offer for him to stay inside one of their inspiring structures. The guilt is still bewildering him up to this day. So, he does not want to risk and endanger anyone.

"I have been waiting, Elena told m about an ornament. But, what exactly is it? Is it the necklaces those ladies were wearing? Argh— I don't know!" He groaned and rolled on the ground. "I should head to sleep."


"Ambroz, do you wish to be a grandfather too?" Zynthia asked all of a sudden.

Ambroz almost choked on the fish he was eating when he ask about it. His eyes widened as he wiped the corner of his lips.

"W-what?" The surprise in his voice clasps his befuddled face of his.

He wanted to ask and convince himself that he just heard it wrong. But, the lady refuses to retort her words into a mere joke and continued to surprise him.

"Father looked just like you when I asked him, but seeing you make an expression, is much more shocking. But, I am waiting for an answer." She rubbed her flat stomach as if some living was there.

His finger pointed at it and he looked at him perplexed. "I-is there?"

"Yes, there is. When I knew it myself. Ganord fainted, it was a ridiculous reaction if you had just seen him. Somehow, instead of anything like being surprised. I am more pleased and proud of myself for creating a living that will soon be the heir of my heart." There was happiness beyond her words and Ambroz saw that.

He wondered if his mother thought of the same thing. His mother never mistreated him and was always gentle with her hands. Reminiscing it bring such a melancholic feeling inside his chest. The nostalgia before was remorse for him, but Elena somehow drove it away.

"Well, If you are happy about it. Nothing matters as much as what others would think of it." He responded.

"I don't really care what others might think. I'm an adult and Ganord's the father. It is such a blessing, even mother insist so." She replied.

"I guess you could say it is a blessing. It is the gift of life—" he halted when Zynthia rubbed his back. "What are you doing?"

"Someday, you will also meet that blessing of your life and when that time comes and you will realize it. Everything would be alright."

Those words kept echoing inside his head. All the things he did next felt numb as Zynthia's last line never left his mind. If what she said might be true and if ever that time comes. Other than being happy, that would be painful and he will grimace through his curse if that someone suffers because of him.

"I'd rather not let that time come."

It seems as if time and years were barely days but seconds. A healthy boy was born and brought to life, he heard that it was named Eliaz, and he like how it sounded. He only took a slight peek at that boy and he silently gave his blessings to it.

That same day Eliaz was born, as soon as his foot settled on the cave. His heart suddenly thump and an ache immersed his inside, the veins flickered inside the skin of his face, and his eyes widened in agony. He fell down while holding his chest and his eyes began to tear up.

"Ghkk— w-what is this feeling— ghkk—" he complained.

Just then, he fainted and his consciousness left his body. But before his eyes closed, he thought to himself.

'It must be the curse.'
