Chapter 59: The Salvation

"You think you overpower me?! You have no right and no place within my power. Not you filthy soldiers, you scoundrels from my curse, dragon, and not you Novak!" She each threw on her stare as her eyes blistered with violet— leonine and lupine, spreading her treachery vast.

Her old cloak flew through the strong breeze she had undertaken. As the mystics of the night darkened and the moon was focused on her presence. Novak was on the ground as he struggled to stand up after that blow happened.

"H-how dare y-you betray me?" Novak blurted out.

Ravyn glared in his direction and forced his mouth to press close. "Silence you user! Do you think I will buy your whims? I serve no one but myself, you were a fool to trust someone who has more power than you have!" She exclaimed to the man.

Even the soldiers were dropped to the ground as their bodies did not condone themselves. They were having it hard on their side to stand up.

Theon was crumpled to the ground as he held his head which was throbbing from the fall. His right arm was thumping from the pain, it seems he hurt that part of his body and short bleeding occurred. He saw the dragon also lying footsteps away from him. He can tell it was chasing after its breath as his grunts and scrowl was heard.

Theon's hand was shaking when tried to reach it to Ambroz. But he only teared up from the pain he felt from his side. He silently groaned.

The chief, Luca, and even Rubin were affected by the blow. It was nothing like the explosions or the bullets targeted at them. It was pure power and they never expected to see it in action themselves. While the others were frightened and anxious. Rubin was amazed.

"This has got to be the best moment of my life." He sighed and smiled like an ignoramus.

"Shut your trap, this is the worst. Goodness me, my back!" Luca groaned.

Ravyn took steps forward and looked at the dragon. Because of her bitterness and the ire of her so-called eminence to self. All she had in mind was her own victory. Even disregarded the deal she made with the one who hooked her up to life.

"What a fool to think that you can all defy my power? You have no place in this world, you weak imbeciles." She first took step towards the man who was the lying on the ground by her mana.

Novak grunted when Ravyn stepped his hand as she squatted down to hold his chin. "You," she exclaimed and narrowed her eyes on the man as it hissed in pain. "Ordering me around acting all might. No matter what you do, I am the one who's behind all of the weapons you used. Do you really think that because you are a former alibi of the creator, I would follow you around and use me as you please? That does not make you any more better than these filthy humans. You are worse than that!" As she speaks, her malodorous and fetid saliva was splashing onto the man's face.

She scoffed and widened her eyes; scorching with odium— smouldering with vengeance. Uses her powers again as Novak struggled even more. "You are very wrong to do so, I am not the one who is being used by you. You are the one who's being used by me!" She stood up and faced him down. "You should understand where place you belong. Now, that you have done your part, I no longer need your existence anymore." She walked past the man.

But Novak halted her. "You... Ghkkk... You quisling traitoress wrench of a witch, you are! I should have just left you to die along with that insecure thug of heart you have." He asserted while still battling the pain.

Ravyn heard him and raised the corner of her lips. "Traitoress? I am not even your alibi for you to feel betrayed. I did not betray you, you betrayed yourself for trusting someone who loathes your kind. Novak, my love, you are a peasant and no reach from me." She was as sickly, grainy, a sibilant to hear.

"You sickened me!"

"However you say it goes back to you."

The soldiers were just waiting for her arrival to come. Since they can not lift a finger with her powers actively holding them down on the ground.

Rubin was up again, trying to hear what was the witch trying to say up there. "What are they whispering about? Oh, wait... I'm hearing something. Oh! She's mad, she's furious. Does it seem that Novak was his lover? Or maybe not. Hold on, hold on, I'm hearing something, betrayal? Who betrayed who?"

Luca who was listening, piling up his patience, and holding himself together as his brows and cheek twitch in annoyance.

"Will you shut your blabber?! Can you not feel this overwhelming tension holding us down? This, this is a sign that we are definitely in trouble!" He whispered shouting. Trying to be as silent as possible or else the witch might just kill them all.

"Oh, come on, Luca. You know we're going to come across this anyway. Don't you think it's too late to realize that?" Rubin responded. He was only acting this way to calm himself down.

Rubin was an anxious man in the past. He was always the one frightened of what the future held. His parents had died of an uncured disease. He never would have thought that his prosperous and robust folks would be the first ones to die when he was the weak one amongst his siblings as a child. He was thin and slender, always in the bed and sick. He was a young lad, walking home and finished the training when he saw his elder sister crawling on the ground, crying and weeping as she embraced their parents. He was the second oldest while the youngsters were in a distance crying. He was too shocked to process what happened until everything weighed down his shoulders after their bodies were buried underground.

Her sister's punches at that time were too surreal but he can still almost feel them now. Throbbing his arm.

Her sister shouted, 'Why were you out when you knew how much sick our parents were? Did you wish for them to die? So that I would carry all the burden? Feed our sisters and brothers? I wish you died first! You rebelled against us after all!'

His sister was furiously mad at her at that time. Even until now, it was hard for them to talk normally without ever falling into the state of arguing about the past. He tried his best and even worked hard so that he could feed them. But he knows, just deep inside how he also wanted to be loved. He never thought his family loved him, he was the black sheep. And in order to escape that, he turned himself into someone who always cracks up jokes, does not being certain and serious, and expects things that are dangerous and still remain complacent.

"Hey! Are you listening? Tone it down alright?" Luca caught his attention and interrupted his reverie.

Rubin sighed. "Of course," he replied, wandering his eyes around and as he saw the witch approaching them. He avoided its gaze and widened his eyes as his heart started palpitating fast. He was feeling anxious. "S... She's here." He whispered to himself.

He heard Luca sneering. "So, you do get nervous sometimes, huh?"

Rubin nervously laughed. "Well, only when there's a witch coming right out on ya'!" He exclaimed and closed his eyes.

Ravyn was coming with cunning and with evil pride as she strode down the stiff and shattered her followers' bodies to pieces and ashes. Making the soldiers gasp in shock. Each step she take was a man from her part, stripped to pieces. The soldiers thought they were next but they were left unscathed and was not touched by her treacherous powers. Turns out she was heading towards the huge dragon lying on the ground.

It was crumpled on its stomach, finding it hard to breathe as smoke came out of its warm mouth. Its stomach was going up ad down as the scales were weakening and his eyes were losing their senses. It was hazy and blurry for him and he was even more suffering when he can not see Theon as his back faced him.

"Well, well, aren't you a thickheaded one? Do you really think even after controlling this curse, manipulating it, you will defeat me? Look at you now, you scorned weaklings. You can not even surpass my power! You all are mere humans of this world, made to be used and slaughtered." She cackled and her disgusting voice echoed throughout the place, sneering like a foolish brat. She was enjoying this, destroying men's dignity and overpowering them. "Now, that you have completely destroyed my plans, it's time for you to suffer!"

She started lifting her hands and as she did, the dragon was being lifted as well. It started scrawling and roaring like it was in excruciating pain. The growls grew to berserk.

"No-o! Stop it! You're hurting him!" Theon shouted and grunted afterwards.

Ravyn harshly gazed at him. "That's the point you little vulnerable fellow, what a bunch of faggots! Mocking me with your ol' love as you say? You were only bestowed by this sickening power in touch and you made it your hobby now. Dare talk and I will rip your throat!" She exclaimed and continued crumbling her fingers. Then she suddenly let go of the dragon and it slumped on the ground with a loud thump.

"No-o!" Theon shouted once more.

The dragon was now facing him, looking into his eyes with such sadness in them. Theon started tearing up seeing how Ambroz was continuously being wounded and hurt.

The witch was evil, she was sneering all throughout the suffering of this mankind. She was using her might to breach the fate and bring malice to the place as slowly, the dragon was being punished to death. Crumpling the dragon with her gruesome looks and grotesque in her power.

Theon thought, 'Why are we to suffer like this, what have we truly done to be bestowed upon such fate? Aren't there enough deaths now?'

Theon is a man who has never cried dozens in his entire lifetime. Was now rolling in his body as tears came rushing through the ground. He can no longer stop the flow.

'I beg you, please, I love this man so deep that I can suffer my life to see him be happy for once.' He whispered into the depth of his subconscious. Wishing that it would cross the millions of stars throughout and the miles to the creator.

His heart was aching and agonizing at that moment. Lost his hope.

When suddenly, they felt the shaking of the ground and after that monstrous kind burst from below, and the land split into halves as it collapsed.

Theon was able to move and he felt that the witch's power weakened. He glanced at his back to see what was covering the moonlight and his eyes widened seeing who it was.

"How dare you destroy these people? How dare you step into my land? Do you not know your place?!" A huge and beastful voice rendered across the broad and immense forest. Even the animals flew away to distance themselves.

It was her. It was the one and only. It was the wrath of Aranyani. The weather cast storms and strong winds. The light was covered and the clouds filled the night sky.

The soldiers widened their eyes as they saw how huge the rumoured goddess was. Its head was above the sky touching the opaque hues, with her body filled with roots and greens, and her huge eyes with different coloured pupils. She was madness and it was ridiculous to even say she was a human.

Rubin gasped as he nervously laugh. "She's... She's beautiful, isn't she?" He exclaimed and was just standing up. And so did the other soldiers, picking up their swords and shields, gripping them tightly while stepping back.

Aranyani was massive.

"I have seen enough and you have awakened me in my deep slumber? How dare you put such a scathe in my land? Befouled my ground and besmirch​ing the spirits of my wilderness?" She howled across as he stared down at Ravyn.

While Ravyn was trembling and shaking as she steps back. Murmuring in silence, had some pestering whinge as she was horrified looking at the goddess. "N... No, t-this can't be. W-why has she awakened now? Why now of all the times?"

"And you? You fouled magus stepping this territory as you please? I thought I have scattered you you humble death but it seems you were saved now by this bloke?" She pertained to Novak.

Novak was staring at her with eyes that no one has ever seen. Even Ravyn was confused. Why was Novak staring at the goddess just like that? It was blindly bliss. She then looked back at the goddess and attempted to you use her spells to put it back to sleep but in return, she was the one being lifted by Aranyani's powers.

As Theon ran over to the dragon, he went to its face and caressed his hands to it. "It's alright, you need to calm down. I'm here now, I'm here Ambroz." He whispered and Ambroz groaned softly as he rubbed his scales towards the man.

Suddenly, there were roots growing beside the dragon and when it touched the dragon's flesh and scales up to its horn and the long mouth, it slowly turned back to its human form. There, Ambroz was naked and Theon gasped before he headed over to him and embrace its lying body. He hugged him and shoved him in his arms. Theon removed his helmet.

"Hah, your sorcery won't work on me. After all, you are flawed and never appreciated. I loathed this mistake of the creator and so it came across my wounds. Now, you will face your fate." She exclaimed and gripped the witch's body.

"No! No! You can't do this to me, I'm the most powerful witch there is in this world. You can't do this! You can't!" Ravyn struggled and even cast, even more, spells on the goddess.

The goddess pierced her eyes through the mockery being. Moving like a small fish.

"You won't ever be the greatest. Not when you are faced with a God." These words swarmed the northern to the souther's grasp, clenching her voice to a vivid state. As the soldiers were witnessing this eventful occasion for themselves. This will be the last time it happens.

Theon stared at what was happening above.

"No-o!" Was the only word Ravyn could yell out as Aranyani, successfully turned her into a stone. When she let that stone go, it smashed on the ground and she has shattered it into thousands of pieces. There her treachery ended.

Aranyani was not supposed to intrude on the people's war. B.ut, she snapped when she felt another savagery engrossed her forest and destroyed the mysticism she enchanted in it.

And till then, Ravyn was gone. For good and eternity. Theon's heart somehow lost its ache and he looked so hopeful staring at her eyes. As if saying his deep gratitude towards her actions.

But, it does not end there. Arayani decreased her size as she stared in Novak's direction.

"Aranyani," Novak called out to her. "You have awakened." He realized.

Aranyani gave him a sharp glare. "As for you, a former descendant of the creator fallen from the distinct world. What have you done to have forsaken your Lord? And now, you are here disturbing humankind and landing destructions upon my land?" She asked on a serious note.

Novak gulped harshly. "I have come for you, I have come here to love you." His voice stammered as he uttered those words.

The soldiers and especially Rubin, who heard him, made a confused face; raising a brow and scrunching one side of their face. "What in the whole world? Isn't he the lad that was with that witch? Instructing those cursed men and demanding them to throw explosions upon us? What is he rooting for now?" He asked and looked at Luca.

"There are a lot of insane people for love and else. However, you are lucky to receive a lower rank with craziness." Luca retorted.

Rubin ignored him.

"Don't be ridiculous. After destroying my land you say this to me? Hah, you should thank your creator for bestowing you immortality. Or else I would have just deciphered your body and do as the same as this with. But, I can not do that, I will send you back to your place and you will receive your judgment there." She exclaimed.

And before Novak could even disagree to it, he was already sent towards that certain place above and his presence disappeared like a swift breeze caressing the rustling trees. He was gone for good and Aranyani guaranteed or else she would be as mad as she was the.

The bad weather was entirely gone and who would guess that it was already dawn then. The soldiers helped each other stand up and while others were forced to climb up the horse because of their wounded and bruised bodies.

Rubin ad Luca gave each other a hug of success as the chief was assisting his shoulders, giving each and one of them a firm pat on their hands as if appreciating their strength and mastery.

The enemies' existence has completely vanished as all of them smiled and laughed it off.

The feud was done.

And victory was theirs.

But, is the suffering truly gone? The soldiers gathered and formed around and in the middle of it was Ambroz's unconscious body being embraced by a crying man namely, Theon.

