"Theon, Luca settled a dinner later dusk. Would you be able to go?"

"Hm, well, as long as the day won't end within jiffies, I bet you my presence is there."

"Don't beat around the bushes and go. Tell Ambroz the same thing or a wreckage will be set done if you refuse to. Anyhow, the fledglings need me there right at this moment. I shall see you then, brother."

"Yes, greet the youngsters a happy morning for me."

"I most definitely will. See you then."

If you are wondering how long has it been, it's been months since the feudal come to an end and they retrieved the victory as their close alibi. As time passed by, he wonders just how has it been between them ever since that day came to an end. The sufferings mustered out and they had a blissful moment of healing and hope. Theon never realized how life can be too gifting until you would feel the stiff of their death on the tip of your tongue. What was destroyed was replaced and what was fixed was used so. In the end, it all worked out. But how did it?

What even happened when Theon and Ambroz returned back to their world? After the curse was lifted and Ambroz's human form was permanently his. No heat, no changes in body figure, and the end of his misery.

As soon as he faded from Eulah's fortress, he appeared right back to the position where they left of. The soldiers were patiently waiting as they ate their fruits. When they saw them arrive, some even dropped their fruits to run over to them while the others sustained their sereneness and were obliged to be calm at all times.

Luca helped Theon accompany the drunkenly likes of Ambroz who was still confused about what happened.

"What happened, Theon? You have to tell us and this has to be a good one." Luca asked, head filled with anticipation.

But not for long, Ambroz already was in his sense and he even was shocked to see that it was already morning and the sun was rising up from the horizon. He wandered his eyes around noticed how everyone was alive. Not only that but the enemies were all gone. Theon witnesses the confusion on Ambroz's face and he just plastered him a smile.

"What... What happened? Where is that witch?" Ambroz stuttered as he asserted to Theon his most awaited question.

Theon cleared his throat because this is going to be a long story, he supposed."Your body gave up on you right after Ravyn clenched you with her awful spells. It was tragic and we almost thought it was the end for us." His face was down in the swamps when he started telling it to Ambroz.

The soldiers were listening to them and were also up for the legend like the story like it was not just a few hours ago.

"Then? Why didn't it die? Even I myself thought that it was the edge for me." Ambroz asked.

"Well, the goddess came to help us," Theon exclaimed.

The soldiers were dead silent while Ambroz widened his eyes in surprise. "She did?!"

"She did. Berserk from the ground was once again turned into a massive giant of nature as she did in the past. So mad that she turned Ravyn into a stone and shattered the stone apart. Novak, who I believe, was the odd man, was returned back to someplace which we do not even accomplish to know." It was all vague for Theon in those times but his attention remains on both parties.

Ambroz who was listening was utterly stunned. Theon was looking at him waiting for him to ask the question they all waited to know.

"I don't know what to say anymore. The last thing I saw was that witch's face and then I woke up seeing a bright light, so bright I thought I died already. And then, after the light, I saw your face." He pertained to Theon. "I thought you died with me, but now that I'm here. I don't understand... it's hazy, vague, what else? Awestruck?" His eyes were shaking and he was too out of breath. Ambroz was not looking at him, instead, he was facing the ground.

Then, Theon had to ask. "How do you feel?" With such a tender voice, coming from a well-built man.

Even the soldiers softened from his voice, like comforting once pain and soothing the wounds of each heart. Honestly, they don't even feel that they were wounded anymore. It was so luminous and had a poignant tinge of truth.

Ambroz, has finally, looked at him in the eyes. He puffed. "Speaking of, I actually feel very light and I feel a bit like I was back then. It's odd knowing I am carrying such massive evilness. But—" He scoffed.

"That's because the curse is gone." Theon interrupted his next sentences.

Ambroz widened his eyes at him. The soldiers were silenced and suddenly everyone shouted with joy and cheered.

"It's gone?" Both Ambroz and Rubin asked.

Theon smiled and nodded. "Yes, it is."

"But how? I sure know that it no longer has a cure. I dealt with that, but what are you saying? Don't tell me it disappears when I faint? I have done that hundreds of times already." This time it was only Ambroz. While the others were anticipated to hear him tell the events he had when he disappeared and went to the fortress.

Theon sighed in relief. "Remember the ornament?"

"I do remember of course. I stole it from you and it is such a memorable one, how could I forget?" Ambroz said.

"Well, turns out it truly was the cure. A crystal hidden inside that can only be mended by wizards. That's why I wasn't able to destroy it and break it open because it was created with a stronghold iron. Turns out we were all fated by my grandmother Elena." Theon exclaimed and puffed up.

"Wizards, there is such a thing? Were they taller men than me? So that was what the light's purpose. Because of that crystal. I would have never thought of that, and? Where are those wizards now?" Ambroz asked.

"So there were wizards. I am so jealous." Rubin intervened and made a disappointed face, sighing.

"They were indeed taller but one of them was a woman wizard. She was the one whom I saw. And they live in a fortress, a world I don't even know where. We were being brought there by Aranyani, that settles it." Theon stretched his arms out and he hissed with the sting he felt on his arm. "Huh, still not done with this pain, huh?"

"So, the curse really is gone now," Ambroz said while tapping his body. "But this hair remains and it somehow feels strange that I can not hear that far wide anymore, my nails aren't pointy and sharp, and my teeth are just how they used to be. I feel... human." He mumbled.

"Well, you have always been human."

Theon wanted to hug the man. But he can't, many were watching and it would be awkward for them later on. Theon has to hold it in, although he truly wishes to touch his human body of his, he wanted to listen to its heartbeat close to his ear and reassure him that he was alive and well.

"Come on, Theon, tell us more. A woman wizard? Must be pretty elegant, I wish I had gone with you. But, whatever, at least I had seen such a goddess of my dreams. Hah, what short time at a long day." He even sighed out loud making Luca's patience snap-in pieces.

"Hey, you've been interrupting their glorious time for a while no, don't you? Has anyone ever thought of teaching you how to shut up? Come here." Luca pulled him away from the two.

Theon and Ambroz were standing there staring at each there, wondering what better to do next. Theon was actually still intimidated by his vermillion eyes, turns out that was truly the colour of his pupils, it was mesmerising and at the same time, it feels like it was truly staring into your soul. Theon's neck was numbing now because the man's height did not even lessen. What a huge built man, it's ridiculous, he has seen him like this for quite enough time to get used to it. But, what can he say? He is too extraordinary.

"Are we just going to stare at each other like this? Don't you have something to do with me?" Ambroz hindered Theon's reveries, as he lifted the corners of his eyes.

Theon turned red and was truly flustered. "H-huh? I don't know, what am I supposed to do?" He asked.

Ambroz then widened and broadened his arms and Theon knew immediately what this man wanted. So, he went on his way and slowly embrace the man, wrapping his arms around his waist and closing his eyes as he placed his ear on its chest. He heard it, the rapid beating of its heart. It was like the calming breeze surfacing through the souls of the forest, brushing through the tips of their hairs and caressing their flesh. He then felt Ambroz stroking his back and placing his face on the side of his head.

"Aww! There goes their lovely embrace." A woman from the soldiers was looking at them and it made everyone else turn their gaze towards the two.

Rubin said, "Ooh, what a fantastic moment. Say, Luca shouldn't we be hugging too? Like this is the time where you rejoice and begin to understand each other's purpose for one another. Do you know? Like were allies and such." He said with seriousness.

The soldiers began to hug one another too, laughing it out and making the most of this time. They congratulated one another and tapped each other's back. They were grateful for their existence. That in the end, they survived that feud and successfully lived.

Luca looked around. "W-what nonsense are you talking about? I don't want to be hugged by you, who would want that?"

But Rubin smiles at him weirdly. Luca took a step back as Rubin walked toward him. "Don't be shy, you have never hugged your alibi's before?"

"What's there to hug about? Stay where you are!" Luca resisted as his face turned bitter and he only stopped when he felt someone standing behind him.

It was Berth, their chief. "Embrace your allies, lad. It's not forever that you get to do this, so grab the chance while you still can." He even said it with a stern and not a single doubt.

Luca furrowed his brows. "You too, chief?"

And before he could even avoid it, Rubin already was in front of him and hooked the man for a hug. So then, Luca went with the flow and just tapped the man's back while his face was filled with regret and resentment. The disgust on top of that. "I should have run, instead." He groaned.

Rubin just cackled up.

Meanwhile, Ambroz whispered something behind Theon's ear. "You don't know how much I treasure you so much that I just want to rip your clothes right here right now." His voice was rusty yet very deep. Reverberate through Theon's ears and it tickled him making him twitch.

"Is that what all you can think about?" Theon asked while shaking his head off in disbelief.

"What? Of course, not. I want to eat you as well." Ambroz jokingly said.

But Theon took it seriously and glared at him. Pulled him away and pressed his hard stare through the man. "So this is how you are when you were still a human, huh?"

Ambroz just giggled and hugged him once again. "Too adorable." He whispered to himself.



The chief rode his horse and called out for their attention. "Well then, this war is ended I want to have a word with you all before we head back." He exclaimed.

The soldiers and even the two of them lent their ears to the old man.

"It has been our first ever feud and I hope this will be the last. Our families are waiting for us there and we can welcome them with this venture of us that we strived to bring upon a victory. Our bodies are risked but as far as that, alas, the future is secured and safe. With soldiers like you are, there is no mistaking it that you are heroes of the once was a cruel world and now is a better place. A day where we are faced with the creator's judgement and come to the edge of our life, still, we have made the most of this gift and we shall treasure it till the end. Well then, let us set foot back!" He exclaimed and raised his sword.

All of the soldiers shouted. "Oh hail to this world!"

In the end, Ambroz and Theon had to use one horse to head back. Ambroz although was a bit flummoxed. "Where are we heading? Am I allowed to even go across the borderline?"

"Oh, I haven't told you, I suppose. But the goddess flee you first before she sent us to the wizards. Well, now that we're talking. I apologise, I haven't asked you if you wish to stay on this land or do you wish to come with us to the town?" Theon responded while he galloped the horse they were riding. He was the one in the front while Ambroz was behind him.

"I see, so she finally forgave me. That's a relief." He rested his chin on Theon's shoulder. "However, I would go wherever it is as long as I am close to you." He wrapped his arms around Theon's waist.

"Are you forgetting something? I know how to throw a tantrum, don't be too close to me, and I have a lot of things to say to you when we get there."

Ambroz did not listen. "What have I done? Do you hate my touches now? Have you found someone else?"

Theon scoffed. "What a ridiculous thing to say to someone you said that you hate them. I have had enough, now you should rest if you don't want a scheme upon your chest." He said to the man.

They returned to the other side of the mountain and Ambroz slept on his shoulder. The people who first saw them informed the others and every people in the town had to welcome them, as they reunited with their families again. The town was filled with joyful cries, warm hugs, and swift smiles.

Mikka who was hugging Luca saw him and she left Luca hanging as she ran as fast as she can, the youngsters followed her behind. She wrapped her arms around Theon and embraced him tightly.

"Thank goodness you all are alive. I was so worried, tell me what happened when you are done resting, alright?" Mikka said to him and looked at his eyes with worry.

Ambroz who had just woken up blinked his eyes open and saw children staring at him from below.

"Sir you have very long hair and you are so tall compare to brother Theon." One girl said.

Another lad followed. "Are you brother Theon's friend? Did you fight with him?"

Ambroz squatted and smiled at the young lad. "I did, your brother here is a much better warrior than I am. You are very lucky to have him." He patted its head and the young lad was inspired by it.

Mikka then instructed them to head inside. The children went inside the house. The three of them were left outside along with many soldiers, still. Mikka was immensely staring at Ambroz.

"It's the first time I have seen you up close. All I have heard about you is your hair and your back story. So, you are the legend fellow. I am Mikka, daughter of Zynthia, if you know." She introduced herself.

"I do know you. And I am no legend. I am a fraud that has been saved by your brother Theon here." He said without a hint of embarrassment, while Theon looked somewhere else.

Mikka smiled. "Well, it's his thing after all. I have not much to say but you both are lucky indeed to have each other." She said. Ambroz then reacted. "Don't worry, I know my way around you two. There is nothing to hide. But so I wish you all the best, please also do take care of my brother here."

Ambroz looked at Theon's flustered face and he plastered on a smile. "I sure will."

Mikka then was relieved. After that she headed towards Rubin and hugged him, she knows what there is to his family and him, and she just wanted to also welcome the man. After all, her sister still hates to see him.

"Rubin, I am so glad you came here safe and sound." She embraced the man.

Rubin smiled and hugged her back. "Of course, I'm the strongest of all of them. There's nothing to confuse about." He confidently said.

Mikka laughed and shook her head. She saw how Rubin was staring at something. When she followed it, it led to Theon who was still as flustered as when left them. Then, her gaze turned back to Rubin.

"Hah, so you could swing that way too? I would have never guessed that." She commented.

Rubin heaved a sigh. "Who wouldn't, he has a different sensual surrounding around him. It was a new feeling. Besides, I don't plan to intervene in relationships." He said and fixed his armour.

"So you do know," Mikka concluded.

"I do, the first time I saw them together in that dark place close to the cave. I knew there was something special between them. I guess it's hard luck, first impression, first rejection." He laughed through the pain. "I reckoned I just envy them."

"Huh, what is there to envy?"

"Hmm, their relationship? Loving someone so dearly, how would that ever feel. How do you feel when you met Luca, aren't you seeing that lad in that way?" He faced Mikka.

Mikka was stunned but she just burst into laughter. "S you are the observative type, I see. Well, all I have to say is that you will feel it in your bones and stomach, from your heart to your brain. It all works together." She said closing her eyes and crossing her arms.

Rubin was silent for a while before he decided to let Mikka reunite with the love of her life. "I have to go, I appreciate you welcoming me back, Mikka. I give you my blessing now." He said with seriousness.

They bid their goodbyes and he strode towards the barn to tie his horse. But his attention was caught by someone's laugh, it was such a manly yet tender laugh. When he turned around, he saw a man cleaning a horse's hair as the horse wiggled to removed excess water on its body. At that moment, his heart thumped and as if time slowed down, the man's movement flashed through his eyes.

The man looked so happy with his work and his face was sparkling with glitter. The man was slimmer and had average muscles, his warm skin tone, and his brown hair caught his eyes to bring him to a still.

Rubin gulped greedily. "What is this feeling? Love at first sight? No way I truly swing that way. He doesn't even look like Theon. Am I getting anxious now because I just discovered what I truly am? Hah, no way." He nervously laughs. "Although, I have never seen him here before. Such an alluring man, what has he done to me?" He panicked and held his chest.

In the end, he had to approach that man and disturbed him from his work.

Night came and the chief held on to a victory spectacle. Ambroz was sitting on a chair beside Theon and they both wait for each other to start the conversation.



Both of them said. Then, it was awkward.
