Chapter 64: Rubin And His Adorable Man

"Have you seen Rubin, Lucas?"

Theon was currently looking for Rubin as he promised the lads that he will exhibit a true to life action of what does it mean to be good swordsmanship. Luca was given a mastery of combat and archery but he refuses to show good swordsmanship, he threw this talent towards Rubin.

Rubin with golden brown hair colour has green eyes and a warm skin tone. Complements his height was his slender and lean body. He was a tall man equal to Luca but Ambroz was still taller than them. Rubin has always acted featherbrained around them, however, he knows where to place his humour at the right time. He knows the significance of what the world needs and has always been the complacent type. But at times like this, Theon has always failed to seek where he is.

"Did you just call me Lucas again? Theo, that's not such a handsome name, but no. I haven't seen that tw*t since this morning." He answered while removing his armour, just coming out of the training land.

Theon was frustrated again, but somehow his mind won't burst into anger.

"I haven't seen you this frustrated for long now. Why are you even looking for him?" Luca got curious about it and asked.

Theon sat down on the bench and massaged his forehead. "I promised those lads that I will be exhibiting swordsmanship today." He answered, worried after he said such a thing.

Luca got a hint. "Ah, so it's that time of the month, huh. Good luck in looking for him, he roams around like a kid. However, I did hear about him going back and forth in the barn. I think it was Gaskar's group? I'm not certain." He placed his hand on his chin indicating how he was trying to recall that occurrence.

Theon furrowed his brows. "Barn? Does he like animals that much? Hmm..." He wanted to judge yet nothing came out. However, he stared at Luca intensely.

Luca was feeling his gaze, while he was still fixing his clothes. He pressed his eyes close and sighed. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked Theon, still not looking at him.

In Theon's perspective, this is Luca. Luca is a brunette, has brown eyes, and with a firm body built, not as lean as Rubin is but is quite a man himself. Very muscular despite mastering archery, however, history applies to him. His family were swordsmen honoured. That's why their genes run from their blood. He is urgent but deliberate. An introspective man who learns from his mistakes quite well. He's serious-minded creating a huge barrier between his personality and Rubin's. Honestly? They're not even worth comparing. The total opposite of each other and their only correspondence is that they're both guards of the town.

Anyhow, back to the story.

"Oh no, you won't. I told you, I can only teach those lads, archery." He shook his head when he saw how Theon was staring at him with humour.

"Well, we both do master archery. But, it's for those blokes." He stood up and lend his hand over, creating a deal. He was eyeing Luca with a gaze of subtle scheming.

"Stop looking at me like that! Fine, but only for now. Bear in mind it's because you're Mikka's brother that I always accept any of your unacceptable favours." He took Theon's hand and shook it, making Theon grin with joy.

In the end, both of them had to be the ones that showed those lads how it is done with swords and the fundamental skills of mastering it. Luca can never ignore it. However, he knew how frustrated the man was and he can only imagine a mouthful of his scolding towards Rubin. Bless his heart, at least.

"After this, I will crash that knucklehead's bones into small pieces and bury him down the ocean," Luca said, gripping the sword's holder tightly.

Theon laughed it off.

"Don't you dare laugh, you act just like that idiotic man now? Gracious, give me a break, will you?"

That conversation ended up there.

Meanwhile, Rubin's current whereabouts and what he was up to at the same time.

"Seriously, you should fix your face whenever you see me. It's not like I'm a ghost or any sort of beast. I'm a very handsome man, even your horse knows that." He pointed at the horse's face and clearly, he almost got bitten as its jaws deliberately closed the gap between his hand. He then nervously laugh when he retrieved his hands as fast. "Or not, i suppose."

"Why are you even here again? Don't you have a lot of things to do? I heard from my father that you were one of the guards." He avoided the man's gaze and went to proceed to work.

'Hah, don't ask me, I'm as confused as you are.' He thought.

"Well?" The man asked.

Actually, the first time he encountered this man was by the time the feud ended and they went home. he was just returning the horse back to its place when he saw this man. A man who was shorter than him, and had a much more slender body than he is. His arms looked frail yet so impressive as well, working in the barn. He was struck by its cuteness and every detail of its physique. It was the first time he could have ever been struck by someone, most likely a man at that. Even to Theon, indeed he was struck by it, but not to that extent where you call it Love, in particular.

But this man, who he hasn't even gotten its name, slap him what he had inside and ignores him then. Rubin thought that this adorable man would be more naive and innocent, yet he was even more serious than he intended. Serious? Not even the right term, he completely hates him.

'It's sad how he hates my guts, but it's adorable nevertheless.' He thought again.

"Until you give me your name, I won't ever stop but still come by here." He said with a straight face.

This man looked at him and narrowed his eyes, making sure he was serious. But after starting that long, it only led to another failure.

"Suit yourself, there is no reason for me to say my name because I don't want to see you again." Exclaimed by the man.

"Oh, come on, why do you even hate me that much? Have I done anything for you to hate me? You just met me and you're hating me? That's not fair." He contradicted.

"Oh, it's fair. That's why I am doing this because I don't know you and you are one peculiar man. Your sight is a cause of sore eyes. Now, if you may, just go on with your life and stop bothering me." He then slammed close the doors of the barn and left him hanging there outside.

Rubin pressed his mouth and dejectedly turns around. "Well, there's always the next time." Said by him before turning his back and scooting out of the place.

While the man inside the barn gripped his beating chest while sliding down the doors. His heart can't stop palpitating so fast that he had to catch his breath.

"Why now?" He whispered, soaring the solemn barn and across the place.

The next day, this man was readying the horses' food. When he got out of the barn, he felt such a strong stare coming from his back. Too strong that he can feel it on his nape. Without even looking at him, he asked.

"Why are you here again? Haven't I told you that I do not want to ever see you again?" He asked and tied the horse's rope around the fence. He turned around and saw Rubin grinning.

"Good morning, have you had breakfast? If you haven't, then I got this sweet from that stall near the tavern. You seem to like sweets, don't you?" He asserted.

The man glared at him. "I like sweets? I don't remember eating in front of you?"

"Just a hunch, I suppose." Rubin walks and heads toward the entrance. "You are more than this sweets, do you know that?"

"Such things, saying as if I am a woman." The man whispered. It took him minutes before he could confront him. He finished feeding the few horses and immediately dash over to Rubin, making him hold on to a tree. "Do you like me?"

Rubin was taken aback. "That's such a straight forwards question. I see, you're getting yourself into that alley, huh. In fact, your resolution is too impressive, so intricate yet so delicate. It's like a broad win hitting my guts, cornering me from the truth and sabotaging my inside making me puke then swallow it back. Such divine and solemnly caressing my inside. The warmth and—"

"Do you like me?" He asked again.

Rubin halted and stared at him. He was lowering his neck because he was much taller than this man is, his neck was almost hurting him but it was worth the risk. He cleared his throat and leaned on the tree.

"I do like you. I like you very much that I need to create a line and grew a friendship with you." He said indirectly. He was just trying to hide the fact that he likes this man.

"Friendship? If it's just that, then you can go on with your life. I don't want to be friends with you and there is no need for us to be friends." He turned his back to Rubin.

"What about more than friends?" Rubin suddenly said. He himself was stunned, realising what he said, he indicated a facepalm. Now, this man would never ever go near him.

But for the man, he stood still as his heart was thumping. "What? I... I don't have much taste in men nor for women. As much as I hate it, I don't want to involve myself with anyone." He clearly panicked.

Rubin sighed. Thinking that he might have disgusted his taste with this man. "I'm sorry, I did not mean it in that way. I just want for us to be close. Not in an odd way. At least, eat these sweets with me? They're not poisoned." He covered up the courage and went along with his whims.

Right now, he's acting nothing like himself. When was he so desperate? He's making a fool of himself. But, as far as he expected, the man accepted his offer.

"Fine, wait for me at that table over there. I'll be right back." The man pointed at the table under the tree.

Rubin nodded and followed as he said, after a while, he saw the man coming out of the barn. He was all clean and had changed his clothes on. And that made him smile seeing at least this man was convenient.

"Smiling like a fool, are you sure you haven't put any poison in this? I'm having second thoughts now."

He laughed and shook his head. "Of course not. Here, have a sit." He tapped the chair beside him.

The man pulled the chair and distance it from how it should be. Rubin let him, at least it was facing him, that was enough. He opened the box and there revealed the tender and delicious smell of the sweets. It was in form of bread yet has sweet flour on top of it and was filled with toppings that he has never seen before.

Not noticing it, their face went closer to each other because of their smell and when they already got a grip in their selves. They immediately back away and Rubin chuckled.

"Foods really are odd in some ways. Anyhow, I would like to eat it first. You should take the rest, after all, I bought it for you." He said and took one of the sweets. It was funny because, with one munch, every inch of it was swallowed.

"What a pig. I don't understand how you are still slender eating like that, you should take everything else then." The man said to him.

"A pig? You take that pig. If you won't then, I would be considered as the most handsome pig out there. And you are my taker." He managed to create a fuss on it, wiggling his brows.

"Huh, do you do this with your friends? I feel sorry for them." The man still took one of the sweets and tried it. It was a new flavour melting in his mouth. It seems expensive for their likes though. But he never said anything.

Rubin just went silent all of a sudden. He was observing the man eat what he bought and it was oddly satisfying his heart. It seems that they had one step closer to each other. Even though he still doesn't know his name, regardless, he still agreed to eat with him. That itself is an achievement. He truly wants to see how desperate he gets or when will he finally decide to end this.

After staring for a while, he suddenly remembered that the chief would be having a word with him today.

"Uh, thank you for considering such a hard request. But, I best be on my way. This handsome knight has been called by the king. Well then, see you, pumpkin." He waved his hand and his back completely fade away.

The man who had sweets in his mouth, halted from eating and his face turned red all of a sudden. He can not believe what he was hearing. Calling him names just like that. He hates it.

"He... Really does like me."

Rubin was heading back to the quarters, while still regretting leaving that adorable man too early. He wanted to stay more, they were getting close then. He should have just stayed. But oh well, he's a busy handsome man. Or, something must have been important for the chief to call him. There must be an important matter that needs to address between the guards.

"For the chief to call me personally. Is it because I slack on the same day as that swordsmanship session? No, it can't be that. Luca covered it for me."

He was thinking a lot about what might be the cause. However, when he arrived inside the chief's room, he was shocked to see how no one was there but the chief.

"Chief, I'm here. I would wish to know why you have called for me." He asked, respectfully.

He walked towards the window and stared outside from it. "Rubin, you always have been unpredictable and oddly laid back. But, it is not nice to worry people with that personality of yours." He said with a serious tone.

Rubin furrowed his brows. "Huh, worry people? I have been running errands lately but I never bothered people." He said and thought, 'Well, except the adorable man at the barn, but I reckon chief is not pertaining to him.'

The chief taunts his stares and straightly hit his sight. "Why haven't you gone home since the feud ended? I heard you went there once yet the neighbours said that they have never seen you since then." His voice lowered, a sign that it's no fun and jokes now. He's serious.

Rubin lowered his head and made an unusual face of irritation. He whispered. "Ah. People running their mouths again."

"That's because I was asking them that personally. You do know you've gotten a dozen of responsibilities now, don't you?" The chief heard him, his brow twitched.

He heaved a sigh and lifted his head. "I'm just busy, chief. You know how it is right now." Reasoning out, thinking it will work.

"Spare me those reasons, you rarely even help Theon and Luca. What is this behaviour, Rubin?"

"Chief, there's a reason why I am doing this. I will go home if it's calmer then, sorry for the inconvenience. If it's that, that you're worried about, then there is no reason to dwell on it. I'll make sure to go home before the sun sets." He did not even let the chief talk anymore, he bowed and left the room.

He almost hit himself. He acted very disrespectfully around the chief, not his usual self there but he isn't himself now. Remembering at how it went with him and his sibling when he went home after the feud, it was unpleasant.

"Coming here after that war, you truly expect us to see you as a hero now?" The elder sister said while carrying their five-year-old sister.

"I did not truly that to be a hero. I just ought to because I am one of the soldiers." He answered back, massaging his head. He thought everything will settle down now because he did something for their safety.

"Huh, really now. And what if you died there? Will it please you to see that here I am suffering while you're in your grave? Does the idea please you? Just like how mother and father are already in?"

He was too furious that he slammed the wall so loud, his sister flinched and their little siblings cried.

"Would you give me a break? I know I wasn't here while they suffered and died but I never wanted any of that to happen. I'm also their son! I'm also mourning! It was shocking on my part too! I wanted to look after my brothers and sisters too! But what? They refuse to and they hate me now thinking I was the reason why they died. I was a disappointment, a misfortune to fate, and I have only tried to change that by joining the soldiers despite my weak body. I am trying, Ureal, I am always trying, Ureal." He blurted it all out.

His sister Ureal was stunned to hear all of that and was taken aback. A brother who was the third eldest and a bit younger compare to Rubin. Furiously went in the middle of them.

"What are you, Children? Stop this quarrel because the youngsters now are crying nonstop." It said.

Rubin looked at them frustratingly before leaving the house.

Now, that he remembers it again. It really is unpleasant. He acted rudely and finally said the things he was keeping inside for so long.

"I ask Vietran to supply them goods all day so what is the chief worrying about? Argh! This sucks big time!"

The next day, Rubin still refused to go home. He proceed to the barn and started bothering the adorable man again.
