Chapter 66: EPILOGUE

"Uncle Theon! Mother told me that you and uncle Ambroz are married, is that true?"

Theon was stunned to hear that and he even let go of the bow's string. The arrow hit the target on a whim and a man who was watching them was shocked himself.

"W-w-what? Did she tell that?" He stuttered, asking and reassuring if it was true.

It has been years, Mikka ended up marrying the man he loves which is Luca and changed her last name as well, it was an honour of their marriage. They had two adorable kids and now his nephews were bothering him without even noticing it.

He was still with the chief's hold, still is one of the soldiers that train the juveniles.

"She did and mother never lies, according to father. I'm curious, uncle. Please! Please! Tell me, uncle!" He started pulling his shirt and stretching it.

So he squatted and was about to explain when someone from behind suddenly answered on his behalf.

"Yes, Elia, me and your uncle Theon are indeed married." Leaning on the tree, was a man plastering such a pestering smirk on his face.

Theon was alarmed and even was flustered. "What? No, don't listen to him." He exclaimed, brows met and forehead creased. He was holding his nephew on his shoulders when suddenly it turned around and went towards Ambroz.

"How does that work, uncle Ambroz?" Elia asked with such a naive looking face. It was genuinely inquisitive with their relationship and they are not aware of where it is coming from.

Theon personally was shocked to see how his nephew trusts Ambroz more compare to him. "Do you believe him now more than me Elia? That makes your uncle sad now. I am your true uncle here, don't listen to him." He pretended to be disheartened.

Ambroz scoop Elia and carried him in his arms. "Well, Elia. You can marry anyone as long as you love them. So, I am most proud to say that I am married to your uncle Theon." With such a loving and tender voice, he said.

"But, uncle Theon's a man," Elia said after looking at the both of them.

Ambroz raised his brow and lifted the corner of his lips. "Anything wrong about that? We all are people, with the same flesh and skin, and the same beating heart. Not all can love a man, but I loved him because he is him." Saying it like it's totally normal and not odd.

Elia was even more confused. He even furrowed his brows. "I don't really understand, uncle."

"There is no need for you to understand now. Regardless, you have your answer so let's not bother your uncle shall we? How about we buy those sweets from the shop near the tavern, what do you say?" Ambroz turned his back around and started to scoot away.

Elia's eyes sparkled as he heard what Ambroz offered. Wiggling around Ambroz's arms with enjoyment. "Yes! Yes! Yes! You're the best, uncle Ambroz!" He loudly celebrated and agreed on it.

Ambroz giggled and winked at Theon. Theon watched their back as their presence faded and their shadows were not seen anymore. Theon sighed and continued with his session, practising his archery like always, and later on, will be teaching the lads.

Rubin was behind him, "What? Nephew's giving you a hard time?" Asked, sitting on the bench near the area and watching him target the tree.

Theon was sighing a lot, maybe that's why Rubin knew about it. "He believes Ambroz now more than me. I think I'm losing to him, am I really a bad uncle? I remember we get along quite well but Ambroz is her favourite now. Anyone can tell."

Rubin giggled. "That's true. Don't worry, I prefer you than Ambroz. I think he hates my guts for some reasons I don't know."

They went silent for a while until Theon realized something. "Surprise to see you here, while you always are hanging around the barn. Bothering Eillicy."

Rubin was alarmed. "Eillicy? Call him Philemon, I am the only one who gets to call him that. You have no right even if you are also a beautiful man." He exclaimed.

"Where did that come from anyways. Eillicy from Philemon Beale? You're being ridiculous. Is that some sort of gibberish endearment? Phil has been holding that up for a while now, huh?" Theon laid his bow down and went to grab the arrows that he shoot at the tree.

"It's a very intricate and unique name. I didn't know what was his name the first time we met and he refused to introduce himself to me. So, I figured I call him that. There really isn't any meaning to it, but it came out of my mouth. It sounded very delicate so I stick with it." Rubin said, looking up to the sky.

"Hm, you should go over to him and help out at the barn. You wouldn't be much of a use here anyways. If you're going to bother me, better find a place that fits your standard." Theon straight up said.

It hasn't been that long since he confirmed that Rubin is truly serious about Philemon. They have the exact opposite of themselves, almost as if two different livings standing on the same are. He never would have thought that Rubin was always so affectionate towards such a man, he was even more surprised to know that Rubin has also placed a liking to him. Mikka told him, Rubin is still unaware.

"Hey, where's the gentle Theon I once knew? I swear Ambroz isn't really a good influence on you. Tsk." He nagged at him.

Theon shook his head. This man really knows how to twist his patience sometimes. "I could say the same thing to you, especially the poor Phil."

"Poor Phil? Eillicy is very lucky to have met and I too am very rich in love with him." He suddenly said.

Theon just gave him the stare and he started to feel embarrassed about it, hiding his face and its redness. His ear was fuming redden, even his hands and elbows.

"A-alright, I should p-probably head there n-now."

That's when he left Theon alone and Theon felt as if the grip on his neck was loosened. He heaved a loud sigh and continued in doing what he does the best archery.

The whole day he only ever stayed outside. Playing and scouting the fellow, watching over their new accomplished task, mending mistakes and correcting their postures, assessing the forms of their mastery, and lastly, teaching how they should use it only if it's needed. As much as you acquire such strength and responsibility, you have to be mindful of it.

Taking advantage of one weakness is either a benefit or a fraud to yourself.

"Theo, you still do remember our gathering, right? You overworked yourself, do you still have the strength?" Luca was walking toward him, even helping him remove his armour. They were inside a cottage where they place their swords, bows, and even their iron armours.

Theon gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, eating is not a tiring thing to do. Besides, it's your guys' commemoration day. I don't want to miss that, although everything is still such a vague event. We have never done this sort of thing and I regret now that we lack a lot of celebrations." He said this with such a warm expression. Just says how he is only feeling melancholic but has already moved on.

Luca noticed how he was feeling and tapped his shoulders. "Well, we just have to fill in those lacking days, shall we?"

Theon was touched, Mikka truly has found himself such a raring man. "Of course, thank you, Luca. I have never said this as much but I am always grateful for you. After all, you saved not only Mikka but also the rest of the future." He grinned.

Luca was taken aback. Almost as if he blushed. He thought to himself, 'I can never get how their kind is too good looking. Such a rare being.'

"You called me Luca, just now." He changed the topic.

Theon avoided his gaze. "Did I? I think I probably said, Lucas. You should ask Mikka to clean your ears sometimes." He made fun of him.

"Huh?! Don't be ridiculous!"

Theon laughed and was truly happy with his expression. What a man, always reflective.

That same day, Rubin was also invited to that gathering. Of course, he wouldn't miss it, there will be a lot of goods there and he could scoop a lot from it. It was in the afternoon when he was heading off to his home, he figured he should also ask Ureal if she wants to go with him.

"I'm home!" He happily slammed the door open and was welcomed by his sibling's hard stares. "What did I do?" He asked.

Ureal heaved a sigh, "That door will be destroyed if you always keep doing that. We need to repair it or we won't be having any door in this house." She stated her issue.

Rubin examines the door and the rest of their house. "Don't worry, I'll ask for Luca's help and we will fix this in no time." He said and gave them a smile.

His little sibling was so happy to hear that finally, their house was going going to be fixed. There were holes on their roof, moulds, and even cracks on the ground. It was very risky now, even more, so they still have kids running around their small home.

"Wait, Luca? We can not afford to bother that man, he has a wife already and children. Also, I heard he's the next chief of the town." Ureal's worried face made him giggle.

Thinking about Luca, that man has never refused to any of his favours before. "Huh? Don't worry about it, he would help no matter what. In addition, he would gather around guards or men to help us fix this. But anyway, the point of me coming here is because we are invited to his commemoration day, there is going to be a huge gathering there. Do you wish to come with me, little fellows?" He looked at his siblings and they all were delighted to go. "And maybe you could find someone you're interested too, sister." He teased Ureal.

Ureal rolled his eyes at him. "Who would dare? Anyhow, I would rather take care of our siblings than go raring around that gathering." He sighed and placed water on the table.

"Don't be such a bummer, I'll take care of the kids and so you can go around," Rubin exclaimed.

Ureal looked at him in disbelief. "You take care of the kids? Never mind, I think we could just stay here and you could bring us food."

His face compressed. "Huh? What's wrong with me taking care of them?"

Ureal looked at him oddly, as if inspecting something from him. "I'd rather not open my mouth."

He reckoned it had something to do with his lack of experience. So he sighed and proceeded to say. "Alright, me and Philemon."

Ureal's face lit up. He knew she would trust Philemon. He's sort of good with taking care of beings. "Goodness then. However, we don't have any clothes to wear."

He grabbed the box he left outside surprised them with knitted clothes of such a prestigious fabric. "That's why I brought this. I asked one of the dressmakers to create this dress for you and the kids. Don't worry, it's paid and I don't hold any liabilities for this."

Ureal as at lost words. "Why did you have to go over and work yourself for this?"

"So, will you go?" He smiled and ask.

"Sure, if you insist."

His sibling was too happy that they run over around the house and Ureal had to stop them. He fixed his clothes and headed over to kiss his sibling's forehead and ended up kissing Ureal's too.

"I'll go to Eillic— I mean Philip first. We need to ask for his permission too." He bid his farewell, for short terms of course.

Ureal just nodded and he already had to go outside. Ureal heaved a sigh. Her brother saw how spiritless she was so he went towards he and hugged her from her waist.

"Why do you look so disheartened, sister? Are you not happy to go to that gathering? Don't you like to eat foods we haven't eaten yet?" The boy's soft voice warmed her heart.

"It's not about the gathering, Tobias. It's just, you see, I have treated your brother Rubin too cruelly that it makes me wonder how he still has the love for us. Especially me. It was unfairly, wondering how he kept it to himself gives me resentment." She hugged him tightly.

"We already apologised, sister." He said.

"We sure did. That's why I'm glad that he has to turn into the man he is right now despite all of that."

Apparently, Rubin was still outside the house listening to them. It carved such a good mark on his heart making him smile. He happily then headed to the barn and also asked for Philemon's approval. Of course, he can not just ask them with his own whimsy trick. It won't work for his beloved.

Philemon was just clearing out rubbish and junk from his animals as he walked towards the entrance. "Do you need my help?" He walked towards him and embraced him from his back.

Philemon flinched. "Don't do that again, you brat. Let go of me, I'm filled with sweat and horse's rubbish."

Rubin sniffed his nape making him shiver. "You smell just right. Did you miss me?"

"What? We just saw each other yesterday. Miss you? I am happy to get out of your grasp sometimes."

"Oh, don't be too brutal. I missed you very much, not a day I would ever want to avoid you, my darling Eillicy."

Philemon sighed and shook his head. "Why are you even calling me that, still? Anyhow, what brings you here?"

"Luca and Mikka are celebrating their long love for each other. Do you wish to go?" He asked.

"Theon already said so to me, that's why I am clearing out this early. Well, at least, it's early for me."

They keep on going with questions and quarrel after that, Rubin waited for him t get ready and even asked for Phil's father's permission. Of course, he won't dare to disagree anymore. After that, they head back to Rubin's house and fetch Ureal and the rest of his siblings. Altogether, they head to the area of the event and joined in.

That same day, Theon arrived home and saw how everyone was readying things and was in a hurry. He saw Ambroz well-dressed and was fixing his hair. He still can not believe how short it turned out, he misses his long hair now.

"Don't worry about it, it still is long compared to the others," Ambrox said as if he heard his mind.

"You're frightening, Ambroz." He said and immediately removed his garments to change into the one prepared for him in the bed.

Ambroz's eyes were blessed. He went to walk towards him and grabbed his chest from the back. "You've gotten comfortable around me lately, you have no shame of plastering every inch of your skin to me now." He teased him and rubbed the top of his bust.

Theon gripped his hands and removed them from his chest. "I never hid anything from you, Ambroz. Now, let me dress."

Ambroz just smirked. "What about later?"

Theon looked at him while dressing up. "What about later?" He also asked, then suddenly realizing what it meant. He finished up and turned his body direction around. He brushed his fingers around Ambroz's chin and said seductively, "Depends whether you look intimidating or not." And left the room. "Get out now if you're done."

Ambroz was left there blushing like an id*ot.

That night, it was just as eventful as the day when they were reborn. Reborn to a new set future, more freedom, more ambience, and prolonged happiness. They were not perfect, but those flaws and imperfections make you human.

Then was pleased to know that everyone they invited came to that gathering and partake in a part of their memorable moments of life. To see soldiers, youngsters, lads, and happy faces on people was a new sign. That it was a new century to be proud of.

Luca and Mikka were delighted, their overwhelming feelings spread vastly towards the surface. Making people be affected by it. They all ate together and discuss many things together.

While Theon and Ambroz ended the day full of desire and love for each other. Lured in with the sensual breeze from the air. They longed for it, they both wanted it, and there were no hindrances.

As Theon thought,

"It may be coincidence, meant, or pure fate. I have come across your existence as a rare case to humanity, I have doubted your kind because of humanity, and I have loved you because of how I restored my love for humanity. But I was a mess, a wreck, and was a lover. Through the lingering years of tragedy, you clung to me as I clung to you. We were not just a feud for the world but we had brought ourselves to light.

Dear Ambroz, if I were to meet you again somewhere in the streets of the border future. Then again, let me accept and love you. Will you let me?"

Ambroz thought,

"What was I before you came? What face did I have when you saw me? You were an infant and with love, you were brought to this world. The moment your tiny eyes glimpsed mine, at that moment, I knew that you were marked already inside my tragic story. When everything was crumbling and shattering right before my eyes, you accepted all of me. Your kindness brightened the halls of my opaque heart and restored back its beat. You loved all of my weaknesses, you healed the scar inside my shattered heart, and you saved me from the hells of the devil.

Dear Theon, if I were to meet you again somewhere in the streets of the border future. Then again, will you accept me and let me love you? Will you let me?"

This is how the story ends.

A story that expected, heard and was told. A story that ended but was shared across many generations. A story that was told to as a tale. A story inspired by the many livings of the world.

A story of what happened APRÈS THE SERPENT'S WRATH.
