Chapter-8: First negotation

3rd POV

After a long training. Kenta is currently restoring his energy by sleeping after exhausting himself in the long and hard training programs.

He took Gabriel with him and he is sleeping with her in the bed hugging her body feeling her breath and her curves while cuddling her. They are destressing themselves after the serious training programs and Long discussions they have planned.

Kenta woke up after a good night's sleep of a week. Well, that's more of a short nap for a God.

"Gabriel wake up," Kenta said waking Gabriel with a slap on her butt. The reason for doing so is also the reason it is efficient and it has some unique reactions from Gabriel

"Ah~ Daddy don't beat me. I will wake up " Gabriel said blushing at him. She is giggling like a little girl. Gabriel feels like a young girl being punished by her Daddy

"So how do you feel, about the bonding session," Kenta asked curiously hinting about how she is after their bonding.

"A-Ah... I f-feel so s-shy and n-nervous...when I am.... alone with you " Gabriel said in a shy and innocent tone.

If it were another simple human then he would claim pure and precious girl that needed to be protected. But Alas! our mc is not like that all. He very much likes the command he has on her.

"Good. That's a natural response. But don't worry it will fade away. " Kenta told her

"It seems like you are confident and free when we are in public, that's good, " Kenta told her

"I don't know why I am feeling that way, Daddy. But I feel n-nervous when I am with you. But I feel like I can manage and compose myself in public. " Gabriel said

"I see, I think you are still not comfortable in sexual intercourse yet. But don't worry it will fade away " Kenta replied to Gabriel. It seems that her hymen penetration traumatized her to no end.

"I-It f-feel v-very much in the l-last part. I f-feel like my i-inside are b-breaking o-out and I f-feel like p-peeing inside Daddy. "

"I liked the white m-milk from your penis. It's so warm and sweeter than any drink. Can I drink it again Daddy? " Gabriel said with an innocent expression.

Kenta expected this response and her frame of reference. He knows that Gabriel's mindset is different from the other women he knew. He liked the way Gabriel reminded him of one of his friends.

" I see, I will provide it in one of our next sessions. But " Kenta told Gabriel

"For now we have a meeting with the animal race. Youkai "

Depending upon their specific species, Youkai has a plethora of different forms, ranging from the fox-like kitsune (such as Kunou and Yasaka) to the cat-eared Nekomata (such as Koneko and Kuroka). However, most Youkai either possess a human-like form with animalistic accents or have to shapeshift to assume such a form.

Similar to creatures of darkness such as Devils and Vampires, Youkai has a weakness to light and light-based powers.

The West Youkai Faction, also known as the Kyoto Youkai Faction led by Shino who is the current leader of the yokai faction. Kenta has targeted the old kitsune shino as his first negotiation.

"Gabriel come with me. Do you remember your part in my scheme right " Kenta tells her.

"But. Daddy, I can easily beat him why should I follow this 'script'. " Gabriel asks Kenta confused.

"Why aren't going to face-slap the people who are weaker than us. I don't need to destroy him to prove my superiority and No idiot will fight with the people he wanted to form an alliance with. " Kenta said to Gabriel. Kenta uses laws and authority to harm his opponents.

All the youkai kids are playing until they have felt a huge energy source coming towards them. They stopped playing and they are aware of the thing that is approaching them. They feel so frightened by it. The youkai leader shino came outside to see who might be the source of the energy.

Kenta teleported with Gabriel in the youkai west faction in front of shino. Shino by now realized who is it by checking its energy signature.

He didn't realize when it was far but when it is closer to him, he realized he is indeed standing in front of a biblical god.

"Welcome to our village, My lord " Shino said in a tone not wanting to offend the god in front of him.

" I want to talk with the youkai's leader " Kenta came to the point.

"My lord. It's me who is the current leader of the youkai faction. Please let's talk at my office. " Shino said taking Kenta to his house.

Kenta is touring around the youkai village with shino as a guide. Shino took Kenta to his house. Kenta has seen older-looking youkai who is nine tails, blondie hair, and has saggy breasts wearing a yukata without a bra. Kenta wondered why the woman is not wearing a yukata, it was not for seducing either. she looks like Shino's wife

On the other hand, Shino took Kenta to his room. Beside shino and Gabriel, there is a young woman who looks in her 20s, she appears as a young woman with a voluptuous figure and very long blonde hair with matching eyes. She is a woman with delicate facial features and her eyebrows are cut very short and round a symbol of nobility. Her hair is usually tied in a loose ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs that end in a spiral, with taut bandages to keep it in place. She usually wears a traditional shrine maiden attire, and over that, she wore a white coat held closed by a red ribbon.

The kimono features a white interior and it is open at her shoulders, giving a view to her enormously large breasts. Her hair was held back by a traditional hair ornament, with six golden bird kanzashi and several red kanzashi.

"Yasaka, how many times do I have to tell you. This is my office and you can't play here " Shino told the young girl

"But father I wish to spend time with you, "Yasaka said with a respectful tone. It seems like Yasaka is shown to be very humble and polite.

"It's alright she can stay, " Kenta said finding a new variable in his plan.

Shino reluctantly lets Yasaka stay.

"So what is the reason for your highness visiting us, " Shino asked Kenta

"You see, Shino I wish to befriend your faction and form an alliance with us. " Kenta went directly to the point.

"And why should I form a treaty with you. We wish to be neutral and pick no side. We are a peace-seeking race " Shino said bluntly to Kenta. Even if Kenta is powerful he didn't want to pick a side.

"I see the decision Mr shino. But are you sure you will be peaceful with all the races that are ready to wage war.....Who knows some devils might want to conquer your land and wage war with you "

"The devils are a barbaric and lustful race. Nothing is stopping them from killing your men and using the women to breed their race. " Kenta said in a tone that sends shivers to the spines of Shino and Yasaka.

"F-Father " Yasaka is panicked about the possibility of Kenta's prediction.

"Even so, joining you wouldn't change anything. How can we rely on the race that made the devils and fallen angels walk free " Shino blurted the words in a panicked tone? He clearly isn't thinking in a calm mind. He doesn't know what to do in case it happened. The youkai is an ultimate class devil. But if the four satans waged war against them no one in the youkai faction can stop them.

But shino decided to stand up for his race and demand Kenta. He wanted to prove himself as a leader of the youkai faction. They are a peaceful race and have less war experience so he doesn't have a proper idea for that. Devils are a strong race to be taken off easily.

But Gabriel on the other is pissed off by the statement Shino made, Kenta is the only thing stopping her from annihilating Shino. Kenta on the other hand replied with a gentle smile.

But behind the gentle smile, one can see the cold and malicious outlook on his face. The eyes that are calculating the number of ways that can harm the target of attraction.

"The laws of Celestial mechanics dictate that when two objects collide. there is always damage ...Of a collateral nature between them. " Kenta said in a cold and deadly tone. The lack of emotions on his face made him look scarier and more dangerous. He scared him more than his wife or any unstable woman.

"Are you threatening us? " Shino replied to him.

"Not precisely, I am saying that you can't run from the conflicts. Mr shion. It's better to choose who is trustworthy and capable to choose. "

"The creator with a race who are kind-hearted and soothing characters compelling to your desires. Or devils who are power-hungry and rebellious. And they fallen angels who are rogues and slaves of their desires. " Kenta told him.

Shino is indecisive to choose a side. He clearly doesn't want to pick one. It is too much for him to bear with it. So Kenta on the other initiated another equation in his plan.

"It seems like you are unable to defeat even a woman with the feeble mind of yours. Much a leader of a faction, what do you say Gabriel " Kenta said mocking Shino's manly pride.

"I think she is a women hiding as a man " Gabriel said the script.

In older ages, men are clearly offended by the idea of women defeating them. It naturally hurt the pride of Shino and he fell into his plot. Kenta's equation #4 worked.

"What. I will not be defeated by any women. Take back your words " Shino said not realizing that her daughter is near him.

"Then perhaps a simple test would be enough. I challenge you that you can't defeat this woman beside me" Kenta said smugly.

"If I win youkai will join us and if you win I will apologize and take back my claims. " Kenta told Shino.

Poor Shino didn't the woman in front of him is Gabriel, one of the seraphs of heaven.Who can blame him though he never had contact or description of Gabriel?

Gabriel hiding her power makes it even worse for him. Even worse is that Shino insulted her father. And even that's not the worst thing Kenta planned for him. With the desire of proving his pride, he has made a grave mistake. The thing pride does to people

"That's it. I have to defeat this normal beautiful angel and I win. I think I can take her on" Shino said surprised by how simple the test is.

"You are so naive. I am not talking about the part that you can take her on. " Kenta told Shino. It's not even the main part of Kenta's plan

"You are not aware of the variables that surround you. In the meantime, I will rest myself here. " Kenta told Shino convincing him to let him rest here.

Gabriel and Shino left to fight themselves head-on in more open areas.

Kenta is left with Yasaka who is teary-eyed and depressed by the conversation.

"S-So, am I w-weak and p-powerless according to daddy? " Yasaka said in a face that is ready to burst with tears. She clearly doesn't understand why her father despises losing to a woman so much.

Maybe this is the reason he won't spend time with her and her mother. Maybe they are both weak women to him and he preferred a stronger woman like Gabriel. She misinterpreted ' beautiful angel' as her father praising the unknown woman.

"Maybe, it seems like he sees women inferior to him. Do you want to hear a story? " Kenta told Yasaka.

Yasaka is excited to hear a story. She likes stories and folk-tales very much. And also spending time with a boy her age made her interested in him too. He seems so mysterious and powerful man so she took interest in him

A/n: 'Intrest' is neither sexual nor romantic. Love, at first sight, is a lie and a girl just doesn't fall and be sex crazy over a guy just like that.

" One day a deer went to a pool to quench his thirst. The pool water was so clear and still that he could see his reflection in it quite vividly. He looked at the image of his antlers and felt proud of their beauty.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the reflection of his fore-legs. Though slender to look at, they gave him his high speed. But he felt sad seeing them. With a heavy heart, he quenched his thirst hardly, had he raised his head when he saw a lion coming towards him. So, he took to his heels and the lion was left far behind.

The deer took a sigh of relief. But unfortunately, his antlers got caught in a thicket. He tried his best to be free but could not. In the meantime, the lion came quite closer.

The deer now cursed himself for condemning his legs and praising his horns. But now he could do nothing. The lion overtook him and tore him to pieces.

The deer was having pride for his horns because of which, he became the food of the lion. On the other hand, he was cursing his legs, which only could save him from the grip of the lion. " Kenta explained the story to Yasaka

He revealed the future events that might happen in that story. Which the poor Yasaka might has no idea