Chapter-11 : Turn the tables

A/n: To be fair I showed how cunning and plotting the mc is in the 10th chapter by using everything in his arsenal to get leverage over Odin. But most of the readers misunderstood him as...pimp.

Best story writing skill doesn't need smartness, it requires precision in understanding the primary, secondary and tertiary readers of the story and developing the plot according to it. That's what many authors do. They fix a specific target audience.

If I didn't remove some unwanted scenes in chapter-10 I would get a lot of negative spam reviews.

Coming to the plot.

3rd POV

With that tape, Kenta can finally initiate why he came here He can finally take care of Freya and add her to his side

Freya is associated with marriage, prophecy, clairvoyance, and motherhood, and dwells in the wetland halls of Fensalir.

She dwells in the wetland halls of Fensalir, is famous for her foreknowledge, is associated with the goddesses Fulla, Lofn, Hlín, and Gná, and is ambiguously associated with the Earth, otherwise personified as an apparently separate entity Jǫrð

Historically, most scholars considered Frigg to be an aspect of Freya, a goddess of the Vanir tribe, as her basic characteristics aligned closely with those of Frigg. Like Freya, Frigg was a völva, or practitioner of the magical art of seidr, and sought to divine or alter the future through ritual. While the two goddesses were often presented as separate deities, they likely evolved from a single deity whose personality oscillated violently enough to merit separate identities. Freya, for instance, was known for sexual indulgence and promiscuity; Frigg, meanwhile, was more conservative in her sexual morality.

They both might seem like the same person in mythology and many people have different theories. But in this world, they are both twins who exchange themselves. They mostly have the same looks and grace which makes it hard to differentiate them individually.

Kenta went towards her room with the tape in his pocket. He gently knocked on the door a few times.

A maid opened the door and she looked at the one who had knocked on it. She found a well-dressed man with decent etiquette who has good body language. She is well trained in detecting the person's quality. As a maid, her role is to turn down the ill-mannered and barbaric people who come toward the mistress. Her mistress comes from a noble family so she doesn't like indecent and poor fashioned people.

Well, that's not the most surprising thing. But the surprising thing is that she has failed to speak in front of Kenta.

"H-Hello, w-why you come here?" The bride questioned Kenta. It is not everyday a maid will meet a well-dressed handsome man who looks very appealing. Her heart swayed with a lot of emotions which is natural for a young woman.

"I have come here to meet the bride. I have a certain utmost important matter I should discuss with her. " Kenta told her.

The bride could feel the pheromones and the authoritative tone of Kenta. The air and warm breath she felt from Kenta made her hot. Kenta's charm and tone are turning her up like a nutcracker toy. She felt like yielding completely to him and submitting to him. But Alas! her work ethic came up and she tried to resist. It seems like she takes great pride in her job as a maid.

"C-Could y-you c-come after the ceremony, a-after the engagement program " The maid tried her best to compose herself in front and appear well.

Kenta liked the way she is resisting him and liked her work ethic. He liked her struggle. He took her hand and

"Hey~, if you let me pass, I will remember you for a long period of time in my mind. " Kenta said while bringing her face closer, letting her feel his warm breath.

The maid has lost herself and she begins to fantasize about the things which are disgraceful and perverted. She is infatuated with Kenta. At last, she agreed to let him pass. Maybe it's her desire to gain his attention.

Kenta walked past her but before he entered the room he had a question for her.

"Hey what's your name. Bashful maid " Kenta asked her and flicked her forehead, letting her out of her thoughts.

"Hlin," She told him.

But Kenta caught up with her act. It seems like there is more to her than just a mere maid. The art of predicting people by their body language is very useful here. The skills he had learned in his hometown are very much useful here.

Kenta entered the room not wanting to waste much time gazing at hlin. He has a job to do here.

Kenta entered the room and he gained Frigga's interest. Frigga is discussing with her another maid, Gna. But she stopped her conversation with her when she saw him.

She checked his foot movement and observed his overall body language. She found him to be arrogant and authoritative. As if he wanted to have total control over her.

Frigga is very much surprised to see a rigid maid like Hlin allowing someone here. Then again he has dressed in very good attire and he has a good sense of fashion which many guests lack. She is intrigued by his purpose.

"Why are you here dear gentleman? Have you lost your way? This is the bride's room. I have to prepare for an engagement. So could you do me a favor and come back later. " Frigga tried to send him back. To be fair she wanted to test his resolve and tried to make sure he came due to mere misdirections.

"I am aware of the place where I am. And I have a thing which could possibly impact your future. It's wise to consider this. You have nothing to lose by checking this out. " Kenta gave her the photos and videotape of Odin. And Odin's diary and his dirty secrets.

"Watch the tape won't you. You know how this works right " Kenta asked her

"Yeah, we have this tech in Asgard. It's high time other gods and goddesses should improve their technology. I know this records the movement and it is used to record conversations between people. So what? It doesn't signify your presence here " Frigga explained to him.

The supernatural uses other means in capturing the motion of people and it works like a camera. It is not surprising to see the supernatural being advanced in technology compared to humans. So that's the reason they have cameras even in this era.

"Look at the recorded tape. And you will understand the significance " Kenta told her.

She used the tape and she is watching the tape " Now it looks like a secret interaction between a man and a young woman. It looks like a vulgar tape, which my sister teases me with....... " She stopped midway

"...."She is watching the tape with the most interest.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THIS? " She said, losing total composure.

"MY PARENTS STOPPED ME FROM WAR ONLY TO BE CHEATED ON BY A OLD MAN " She said with an angry tone frightening the maids.

"C-Calm d-down Frigga " The maids tried their best to make her calm down. They are tensed by her mistress's rage.

While our dear protagonist is sipping his tea and watching Frigga ranting. He is noting down the things she will reveal to him in pure rage. He is gathering information via the tense situation. That's an opportunist at his finest. He noted their behaviors and patterns while they are struggling.

After some time he interrupted her. "So what now," he told her.

"What now. I WILL STICK A LANCE INSIDE THE OLD FART " Frigga screamed in rage. She took a lance ready to kill Odin while her maids were stopping her. Kenta intervened.

"You are being very emotional. It's understandable...but unnecessary " Kenta told her in a British man fashion. While explaining the logic of her actions to her.

"THE HECK.YES, I AM EMOTIONAL. I FEEL LIKE A WHORE. DAMN BASTARD" Frigga said in rage, it seems like she still has not calmed down.

In anger, she tried to attack Kenta with a spear lunging toward him.

Kenta picked up her lance and broke it into two pieces like the lance is nothing but a toothpick. While using his other hand to crush Frigga towards a wall.

"If you are angry and have attitude problems. Show it to your parents or the people who fear you" Kenta said whispering to her in a soft tone giving her chills.

A/n: It seems Frigga forgot Kenta is a villain and not a shounen mc. A rookie mistake. Tsundere and women in anime can't beat villains. PLs: Ignore the statement

Kenta is not the gentleman she has thought of who will take the hit. He is a respectful man who won't let anyone harm him. Not even beautiful women or little children. Frigga liked this side of him as a person who won't let anyone walk over him. The thing she failed to maintain with herself, perhaps Kenta is the one she has been looking for.

"Rest assured, If you attempt to bring destruction down upon me, I shall do the same to you," Kenta said with a confident smile while crushing her further as if she is nothing but a menace to her.

The maids are too frightened to take action. She is crushing the mighty Goddess Frigga like she is nothing to him.

Frigga on the other hand is aroused by his command of her. She is just like some of the women who wished to dominate and be submissive to their man. Her head is being crushed by Kenta but she enjoys the sheer force he is using to break her body.

Kenta not letting beautiful women walk over him like other men she has known, made her favor him. She never liked the person who has women's weaknesses.

The way he exhibited his authority, the way he maintained his formal composure even in her tantrums, and the way he doesn't exhibit any fear over her made her flush.

She has formed a blush on her face for the first time in her life. She saw Kenta as a man she needed to court. She desired his attention. She is infatuated with him. She has clearly understood why other women fawn over love. At most, She liked the power he held over and he didn't sympathize with her despite her being dangerous.

A/n: Eh, Kenta you have made two women fall in love. I don't understand the plan and what's the reason.

Kenta: Power and no women like simps. Not being a simp and fawning over women has a huge advantage.

Well coming to the story, Kenta has released her after holding her for a long time. She coughed up for some time.

" *Cough* *Cough* Y-You won't g-get a-away w-with t-this " Frigga said with a tiny blush on her face. She favors him but she won't let him walk over to her too. She refuses to be a weak woman in front of him. She wanted to impress him but at the same time, she won't just defame herself in the process. She refused to submit to him.....yet

"Very well. It seems like I need to 'fix' your head. You clearly have not cleared up. " Kenta indirectly gave her the signal that if she doesn't shut up he will beat her again.

But Frigga isn't against the idea of them wrestling together.

"Oh! my aren't you kinky ~ " A young woman intervened.