Chapter-21: Goals before pleasure

A/n: People don't check tags and complain the mc is so cruel to Idunn. Period. Kenta did kill her for a reason, but some people can't see clearly.

3rd POV

It is indeed a fate-changing decision to kill Idunn. As the Norse gods were now mortals, they have lost their source of immortality.

This means that the Norse gods now can die due to old age. Kenta has acquired the source of golden apples in his free time with idunn. He now knows how to harvest Golden apples

The Golden Apples of Idunn grow only in Asgard, and can only be picked by the goddess Idunn. They are what grants the Asgardians their youth, vigor, and virtual immortality. They grew on a tree in a garden on the east side of the Hall of Valhalla in Asgard.

Kenta did intend to keep his word, and he began by making friends with Idunn, keeper of the Golden Apples. This wasn't hard, as Idunn was as sweet and good-natured as her lovely apples! Kenta made a good start by telling her about his travels: he had plenty of funny and interesting tales to tell. Every time he went to get his own apple, he took the chance to tell Idunn something or make her laugh. Idunn being a good and sweet girl doesn't excuse the fact that she is a threat and better get rid of. He has many girls that suit her personality and traits.

Kenta isn't afraid to get rid of the people who will become obstacles to his plans and goals. Being a beautiful and sweet girl doesn't excuse her at all. Kenta has plenty of beautiful girls in his Arsenal already. Kenta isn't one of the fake evil villains, he is not swayed away by beauties just like that. Kenta has focus and sheer commitment toward his goals.

Just because he will have some fun doesn't mean he will sacrifice and risk his goals. Unless you count some mistakes he made, Kenta is committed and determined with himself toward his goals

One day, he said, "You know, Idunn, these are wonderful apples, but they're second best. I have seen better."

"I don't believe you," Idunn told Kenta

"You don't believe me? Come and see for yourself." Kenta told her

"I think I will," said Idunn.

"Why don't you bring your own apples?" said the crafty Kenta.

"Then you could compare them." Kenta continued

Idunn went to fetch her wondrous apples. She kept them in the sort of basket they deserved: it was made of purest gold, just the right size, and the handle was studded with rubies. It was so pretty!

Kenta and Idunn made for the gates of the mansion. Kenta looked up. All of a sudden, Idunn shivered. "I'm not sure I want to go," she said.

"I come to another day," she told him

"A walk inside the swimming pool will do you good," said Kenta, and he took her by the arm and they went through the swimming pool.

Meanwhile, at first, no one in Asgard noticed she had gone. Then things changed: The goddesses complained to each other about one or two gray hairs. Odin, who must have been the oldest if he was the father of the gods, got a backache. And one or two little wrinkles, crow's feet, smile lines - that sort of thing, began to appear on the faces of the gods. They were not happy about it: if they were gods, they had to be immortal. Besides who doesn't want to look young and beautiful.

This is the work of the dictator who has destroyed the potential the brute battle gods have. A living example of how to affect them indirectly. Which they didn't have a clue of.

The Asgardians are becoming more panicked as time passes with little chances of success. Odin, in an attempt to save his reputation whatever he had left summoned other gods to seek for their help.

Many gods including Kenta attended the meeting, but everyone there knew that they had little time to bother about the problem of the Asgardians. The Gods tried to convince the Asgardians to not to panic and leave things to fate. It's clear they have a lack of respect towards Asgardians and they don't have free time to bother. The gods and Kenta left the meeting

Many Asgardians feel that it is the time for Ragnarok and it's the end for Asgard. Their panic slowly grows into fear. Fear grows into Anxiety. Anxiety grows into despair. And finally despair leads to madness.

Madness is driven inside their minds. Leading a war between themselves completely destroying the state of Asgard. Asgard is no longer a fit for normal people to live.

Their king Odin lives for the namesake and he has no choice but to watch the tragedy that is happening within his kingdom. Asgard is now completely changed, and there is an unspoken rule of survival of the fittest.

On the minus side- Asgardians are crazy and out of mind on the plus side, they are easier to control than blind barbarians.

[Asgard-successfully changed]

"The entire scheme is to weaken the whole other races while strengthening ours. This is what we have done in the past " Kenta said in his normal Englishman accent.

A/n: That's not nationalism at all, since I am not an englishman.

"But, father why do we keep them as our allies then, " Miachel asked Kenta the question.

"Just because they are allies doesn't mean anything to me. They are just people who are more willing not to attack us. Allies can be more damaging than enemies and can turn against us. It's better to have someone weaker than us" Kenta told Miachel while filtering the last part.

Kenta has a major flaw. Kenta is a slow planner. Slow start but he gradually keeps going over time. His plans are either hit or flop, but he keeps scheming and scheming concealing and fixing every mistake he commits and being errorless.

" I don't understand the need for this violence. " Raphel told Kenta.

"Violence, Violence. I don't like violence, I avoid it.... But violence likes me, I can't avoid it " Kenta told Uriel.

"Why is the need for these unnecessary and pointless debates if we can crush them below our feet. Why does a powerful faction like us need to make allies? What's the need for allies " Uriel curiously questioned Kenta.

Kenta allowed freedom of speech regarding how the four seraphs thought of his plans. Just because he is the leader doesn't mean Kenta thinks he is flawless and perfect. Kenta is willing to think that one of his seraphs might have better ideas that he can implement.

"Taking their property and goods without a drop of blood is more efficient and skillful than taking it by brute force. It contradicts the whole purpose of the natural order of evolution " Kenta told him.

"Geometrical Increase, lack of place and food struggle for existence, variations, Natural selection or Survival of the fittest, inheritance of useful variations, speciation are the postulates that describe the evolution, " Kenta told them.

" A single factor doesn't determine how to fit an individual. It's how fit they are in nature and how many useful traits they possess compared to others that will survive better.

Every seraph looked at Kenta like he is an entity and he is the one who will decide everyone's fate. They looked at him like they don't deserve to breathe the same air as him. While Kenta on the other hand brushed it off as common sense since he knows that's the basic theory he studied in science. He took no pride in describing the Evolution theory. While on the other he took utmost importance in sharing the new mathematical theories he proposed.

"What is the purpose of all these plans, Father. My apologies for my lack of knowledge and foresight Daddy " Gabriel asked him in an attempt to get close to him further. She blushed furiously at herself.

"The world lacks proper order and it's time someone has to change the order of how the system works. The word is not like a single integral which can be defined in graphs. It is a complex system that works under the systematic methods of forces and energies. There is no good or noble scheme behind it. My goal is very simple " Kenta told her.

"It's to... "

A/n: And cliffhanger. Sorry for the change of order but your waifu remains alive. That's all I can say for now. And to compensate for that I have written a special and fitting 'punishment time' for issei that Junko Enoshima will be proud of.