Chapter-26: Discussion and memory

3rd POV

"Oops I am not supposed to say that " Flora told to Kenta awkwardly.

"You are pretty dense in figuring things out " Kenta told her.

"My! How rude, calling a person you have just met Dense! " She complained to Kenta.

It's a wonder Kenta haven't killed her yet. As he is mature and is gathering information about her. It seems like she herself will spread out information without him asking her.

"I think an assassin that tries to kill a person in their sleep is lot more ruder. " Kenta countered back the argument, trying to make her break out from guilt.

"....You are right. I am so sorry. " She apologized to him.

Kenta really wondered if she is really a assassin or everyone is pranking him out. Kenta really lost sight of reality a bit due to how bizzare the world he lives is.

"You can express me gratitude by telling me who want me dead. It is quite rude to leave me hanging there with curiousity. I never realised someone would want me dead so much. I don't know what I have done to deserve that. " Kenta said in a sad manner. Suggesting some sadness in his tone.

"Uhm, sorry for trying to kill out mister. But master Beelzebub didn't tell me why I have to kill you. I don't want to kill you, but at the same time it is rude to ignore the orders of the superiors so. " She replied to him honestly trying to maintain her formality which she failed due to her inexperience.

"It looks like I failed out this time. I will be leaving out now " She bowed to him in an apologetic manner.

"I will come back again. Please take care " She told him and attempted to flee.

"Wait" Kenta said to her. And charged his spell.

"[Eternal rest] " Kenta commanded a spell which put her instantly into sleep while she dropped while moving suddenly. She suddenly fell on the floor like a doll.

 It is a forbidden curse of the series of sleep that allows God to make bodies sleep instantly. Unlike the magic of sleep, this sleeping curse makes them fall into a deep sleep from which the victims can not wake up. This curse is so powerful that it can also kill undead and reviving corpses without actually killing or destroying them, ensuring that they can remain dead by giving them peace of mind in the world. -of the. This curse is extremely complex and even magicians and legendary gods would have difficulty creating the counter-formula to awaken the victim, the process taking a lot of time

It is a perfect skill for interrogation and to gather information from the body while not destroying the body and information that is stored within the body.

"Someone! get in there we got an assassin here!! " Kenta raised his voice and gathered everyone there with his voice

" Why are you telling at the middle of night.Ohh! Did you have a bad dream? " Freya complained being interrupted in her sleep.

"FOOL! An assassin has infiltrated the castle " Kenta told her with irritation at her lack of consciousness.

"Huh? " She said with a surprised expression not expecting that.

"What happened to the guards that are on patrol?" Kenta asked her the main question.

"Mid-boss's men partied themself to asleep" Freya told him.

"Good quality service. And you? " Kenta said asking his own angels.

"We guessed she is one of mid-boss's lackeys and she is playing on the castle. We didn't expect her to be an assassin. Our humble apologies for our inconvenience father. You can punish us to your desires as you command. " They hold him while bowing in shame.

"Let's rethink our defense strategy but first let's talk with mid-boss first. I don't feel resting anymore " Kenta told them.

3rd POV

"My humble apologies to my poor service. I hope we don't have bad terms due to that. I never realised that someone would attempt to assassinate me in the moonlight. " Mid-boss siad while biting a rose in her mouth.

Kenta and mid-boss roamed around the castle to gather information about what they are doing while an assassnation attempt is made.

They went towards a nearby hound dog and asked him.

"It's bit of noisy. Is there some sort of party is happening around here? Party hardy! " He greeted cheerfully.

"Why are all my vassals like this?" Mid-boss complained.

" Have you looked in the mirror lately " Kenta replied to him.

They went towards a nearby zombie to talk with him.

"Boss weren't you assainated " The zombie asked his boss.

" Stop killing me in your head " Mid-boss complained.

They went nearby dragon to ask him.

"I have heard about assassin " He said

"Congratulations! Assassnation attempt means that you are full-fledged demon lord. I am so proud of your development boss " He said proudly

"Am I supposed to be proud of this? " Mid-boss complained questioning the logic.

They still has some hope left and went for the ghost that is resting nearby .

"If you want to ask me about an assassin, I have seen her walking and jumping in the castle " The ghost replied tired.

".....If you saw all of this, why didn't you chase after her?" Kenta questioned him.

"That would require some effort on my part " The ghost said going back to sleep.

"Forget about gather information. Let's head to dark assembly " Kenta said marking Mid-boss's castle as the unsafest place ever in his notebook.

He on the other lost all hopes on mid-boss's workers. They aren't as capable as his leader in fight. It seemed to him like they are just for show. But mid-boss is strong enough to withstand his blows, that is the only plus point of the demon lord by his standards.

Mid-boss clearly isn't skilled in leading people.

??? POV

This is my secret chamber... Only I know how to get here...This is where my most precious memories are locked away...

That I remember but can't remember what exactly they were.

When I try to remember why mind becomes blank for a while and I slowly lose the sight of it.

The pain is the proof of how strong my memories are... I have to get them back.

A certain devil has stolen my memories. There is something he wants me to do in order to get back my memories.

I will do just about anything to get it back.

But would my master forgive me. That's my only fear....