Chapter-29: Facing own's sins Part-2

3rd POV

"Hold it there, KENTA" An angel roared within the void with anger.

"You had the nerve to forget the pain and harassment people have caused you. DIDN't you forget what did to you when you are powerless. " An angry man yelled unleashing his rage at him

"Listen to me. YOU have to kill everyone in the world, the fewer people remain in the world. The better the world will be. A world with less stupid is certainly better."

"The species that live in the world are utter trash. They only give preference to good-looking and pleasing people but they have ignored the work of hard-working scientists and military men. I couldn't tolerate seeing those people treated like wimps and trash despite the work and the respect they should have. Even if the world forgets about their part, I will never forgive them for this. "

"All people in the world need divine treatment for the sins they have committed. I don't like how they are blind and dense towards their own saviors. " He screamed out to Kenta.

"Don't you think all these people who won't change their lives and don't let others change should be purged out? They are obstacles to our developed world that is our ideal world. Purge these people...they have no value " He told him.

"Just because someone is trash or bad-natured doesn't mean I simply kill them. I only kill and purge those people who will stand in my way. Good, bad, perverted, or not doesn't mean anything to me at all. If I am a person who stands in my way, breaking the natural order of the world and is an obstruction in my plans. Then I will surely kill him " Kenta told him.

"LIAR! Do you really don't have any grudges against people who have hurt you until now? " He has asked some deep questions to him.

"Who hurt me?..... Huh...It doesn't matter now, their lives are insignificant to me.....It's nothing but a waste of time for me. It doesn't really change anything for me, I don't care about unnecessary work like that when I have set some important goals for myself " Kenta told him.

"So what, you are saying you are a workaholic person who doesn't care about yourself, " He Asked Kenta.

"....."Kenta is baffled.

"Do you have any self-interests other than being a dictator who wants to conquer the world and pound the beauties? Do you have any significance in life? " He asked Kenta.

"I.....Want to create and develop the world in a way any person has only imagined within their dreams....And this is no arrogance...Because the actions will prove my words. " Kenta told him.

"What the hell are you referring to you. You think you are something special " He questioned Kenta.

"Every individual is special and they have their own variables. By that logic, I am indeed special enough to have some dreams and goals which I fulfill and explain with my own actions rather than just talk. " Kenta told him.

"Loads of arrogance. Let's see how much you will fulfill your words. " He told Kenta.

"I am wrath, one of the seven deadly sins that reside within you. I represent the anger and fury you hold for those ungrateful and disloyal people you have lived with. Those people who fill their minds with loads of bullshit " Wrath said to Kenta.

"Fire that burns within my heart.....Fury that fogs the mind.....Buring with destruction [Sunshine Blast] " Wrath said with rage burning all of the void with his barrage of fireballs.

Kenta is evading ball after ball with the help of prevasion which is depleting his Magical energy within him. So Kenta prepared a counter move for the barrage of fireballs.

"Light that runs through the divine heart.....Purges all darkness away from the soul.....shields the body from the outer world. [Dome of light]" Kenta chanted the skill to protect himself from the attacks, creating a barrier that deflects the fireballs.

The Dome of Light is a light barrier used to protect against other individuals and powers. This ability is often referred to as armor. The skill is rare and only a few archangels can possess this skill. Domes can take different shapes, although a sphere or bubble is the most common. They can protect the user from physical and magical attacks. They can either return a magic attack to the enemy or absorb and neutralize magic. They can also be used to capture and contain an individual or isolate a room or area; Orb protects up to four people.

"Blades that shine through the dark.....Locking up all the deceivers.....Flashing through the sky. [Thousand chains] " Kenta said, trapping Wrath in a chain cleverly. Kenta made sure the chains could deflect fireballs back.

Wrath, who is now trapped, hits his own fireballs back as he is unable to stop them from spreading. In the end, Wrath got destroyed by his owner's actions. Just like how it is done in reality.

"In the end, our fury is our own enemy. I wonder how 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' plays here. In the end, no matter what gender you are, fury destroys your own self then others. They certainly have seen the silent anger within a nerdish kid then." Kenta spoke poetically, giving no interest in taking the statement into consideration.

He doesn't really care how others will react to his actions, but he makes sure he does his own job in the end.

"As per my own words, silent people are the most dangerous people in the world.... " Kenta said, preparing for the silent person.

"Don't you think so..... " Kenta said grabbing the attention of the person who had arrived immediately after hearing those words.

"....Please forgive me... " The new voice spoke.

"....You have the nerve to judge people, despite yourself being imperfect. " Another voice spoke to him.

"You are getting serious, you are preparing yourself and increasing your numbers. But it doesn't change anything about my resolve. " Kenta told them.

"....Aah! Sorry for messing this up " The cute-looking nerdy boy fell tripping at his own feet.

"Envy, why can't you be like other people. Can't you be more fitting for society " Another man yelled at a cute-looking nerdy boy.

"What! ....P-Please forgive me...I can't help but...Change me...I don't wanna lose myself...I can't change how I live *Wahah* " The boy started sobbing.

"Well, it's certainly displeasing to see how flawed I am, but I change that. " Kenta told them.

"Hey, boy. Why don't you develop your own swag rather than following others charm? Create your own trend if you can't live like others. You can be yourself as long you can stand by yourself. It's possible to seek the attention of the people who ignore you one day. " Kenta told him.

"Uhuhuhu " The boy looked at Kenta with admiration.

"Hey, whose side you are with, you reject. I want to get every object for myself. The power, objects, influence, everything. I represent Greed, I am one of the seven deadly sins that reside within you. I want everything, ``he declared.

"I-I am Envy....S-Sorry for existing. I am so useless and unfit for the society I live in... Please forgive me for being so flawed. " He said, trying to stop his tears from falling.

"Casting Holy Voice is really a good move. I don't know if I could compose myself after seeing all these heartbreaking failures of mine. I really didn't realize how bad and ignorant I am while all these failures haunt me. No worries. I am gonna change that now. " Kenta said with no intention of postponing the task.

"Let's not waste time in going all out. Let's not waste any power for last. Let's not waste our power and time. Go all out, you misfit. " Greed commanded Envy to go all out.

"Fangs that go around the treasure.....Keeping everything to themselves...Throwing all the stalkers from the sights of my treasure [Greedy orb] " Greed chanted, creating an orb that pulls Kenta towards it. It felt like a black hole pulling him. Kenta used his flight skill to fly away from the orb

"The s-sight of the jealous g-gorgon never fades away...wanting some attention from people.....only for t-them to turn away [Jealous Gorgon gaze] " Envy uttered the attack.

Kenta immediately understood the attack and closed his eyes and turned back against the Gorgon's gaze. He knows the effects of the attack beforehand. And the Greedy orb wore off, giving Kenta a chance to attack.

"ENVY. YOU FOOL. It's such an obvious attack that even a 4th grader can avoid it. Be more innovative like the rest of your peers. I Want more effort from you" Greed told him.

"B-But I did my best. " He was disheartened by his clumsy mistake. Envy's potential is wasted on people's expectations of him. He feels too pressured to perform on big stages.

"Light that pierces through darkness....Vanishes all darkness from the realm.....Burning everything within its vicinity [God's down] " Kenta chanted, calling a huge pillar of light from the sky that burned so strong and hot that the world void has turned out white.

"5000 Celsius. Even the least volatile metal tungsten can melt at this temperature. The number might seem less, but the burns won't be. '' Kenta said, improving the heatness of the flames.

"Unlike other flames, they don't follow the laws of thermodynamics, especially the zeroth law. So there is no degree of coolness. " Kenta uttered the word and left Envy and Greed burn within his sight while he is gazing at them like an experienced arsonist.

"No matter what you have, you guys aren't satisfied with what you have. And how do you guys expect people to accept you when you aren't satisfied with your own company and start observing how beautiful you are rather than some material possessions? " Kenta told them, cursing at himself for not realizing sooner.

"Although, I am not the one to say all of these," Kenta told the finished remains of them.