Chapter-36: Item World

3rd POV

Kenta has entered the item with Yasaka and Freya with his side accompanying him.

A bunch of Marionette, Zombies, orcs, Wood golem and Holy dragons have appeared in the world and begun to attack Kenta's army.

The enemy zombies formed a tornado by rotating their hands, sending it towards Kenta's army, and taking a tiny amount of his pawns.

Kenta on the other hand charged his army against them. "Zagma commands the female warriors and target the Marionettes. " Kenta told her.

"On your command, Maastha " Zagma replied to her master with full of devotion.

"Ursa. Charge the Orcs and rip target their noses. They are their weak points " Kenta told him.

"Yes sir " He replied with a salute.

"Eiden. Use the mages and defeat the dragons and wooden golems. They are vulnerable to magic as their scales don't protect them from magical attack as compared to physical attacks " Kenta told them.

"Sure, master " He replied with a shy bright smile on his face.

"Nikita, Use the staves and use star magic against Holy dragon, they are weak to it. "He commanded them.

"Yes mastah " Nikita replied.

"All the zombies, make sure you keep the wooden golem's occupied. Take enemy's blows which are directed towards the archers and mages. Keep the Golems and dragon occupied and don't let them rest." He commanded them

"Half of the angels heal the party and support them with buffs. And the other half attack the zombies with your light spears as you can kill zombies with light-based attack in one hit. Make sure you don't attack holy dragons with the light-based attack as they are pretty much immune to it " Kenta told them.

Just because the holy dragon is immune to light-based attack doesn't mean they can't be harmed by the light-based attack, but Kenta didn't want to risk the move to an unknown location. Kenta is aiming for a win here.

Kenta's army quickly defeated all the item world's occupants due to them having huge numbers and effectiveness.

"Wait! We didn't get any chance to shine " Yasaka complained.

"Yeah! We did fucking nothing " Freya complained.

"Save your strength for the item king," Kenta told them.

Kenta and his army advanced to the next floor.

But they are transported into a strange room filled with dozens of succubi yearning for some. They approached the Kenta.

"Hello, dear~ Would you like some smooth massage from us, " Succubi 1 told Kenta.

"Or would you like to massage with me your boobs~," Succubi 2 told Kenta?

"Or you would you like to ravage us after bath~," Succubi 3 told Kenta while rubbing her breasts on him eagerly.

"We promise to take care of your cock and give immense pleasure to you ~ Trust me I am good at blow jobs~ " Succubi 4 suggested while running her fingers through his chest.

"We will give you the deepest pleasure a man could experience " Succubi 5 suggested Kenta while giving him kisses on his neck.

Kenta replied with full control and elegance " I have thousands of succubi at home who are better at a bed and battling than you guys are pretty much free experience for me. I don't think you guys can qualify"

Yet the only powerful guy who can reject the women he doesn't like. Pure class. His focus is clear, he doesn't spend any of his time with quality-less women.

Kenta, who has a thousand of women in his arsenal who are better than these succubi who try to reduce his level. So it is obvious that he won't pick useless people, it is loud and clear.

"Attack and Kill every last of them. GO and tear them apart. " Kenta ordered them to start their first succubi slaughter.

"Time for some fucking thot hunting " Freya screamed with jealousy.

"Extra points for ripping their fake tits and their slutty pussy " Yasaka said with a murderous tone in her voice.

She gives out the typical yandere vibes, scaring the succubi further, they knew they had ruined their fate by making a grave mistake.....They have attempted to seduce a man knowing that he has powerful wives who are ready to murder people at his command. That's how jealousy is.

It made Yasaka murderous toward all the potential rivals that aren't in Kenta's team.

"Yasaka, Freya. Let's see who will kill more. And there are special rewards for how brutal you kill them " Kenta told them.

And this guy, as always has his own plans to deal with crazy people.

Kenta in his dealt with feminists, misandrists, sexual offenders, psychopaths and love-sick women. So a Yandere is the least thing he is worried about. You will see the reason why.

Yasaka went all out and ripped the intestines of the succubi with her own claws, drawing out the succubi organs on her body by ripping apart of the succubi. She looked back horrified that Kenta might be disgusted and creeped out.

But in reply...Kenta smiled at her with a scheming face that even made her flinch.

"K-Kenta are you s-sure. You are o-okay. W-What's with the s-smile. Are you sure you d-don't love me a-any less by that " She told him her fears.

"Don't worry, I enjoyed the sight of you tearing our enemies down " Kenta replied with a elegant smile on her face...while looking at his eyes gave her trauma.

Those eyes.....they look for complete destruction and annihilation of those who oppose him.

"Eh...." She has lost to herself until she defended against a succubus and proceed to cut her tits. Yasaka smiled. She can kill these sluts, without worrying about how she is judged.

The day when a Yandere is scared of you and can't read your mind. Then you know you are the most scariest person in the world.

Kenta looked at all of the succubi that are massacred and killed off without any mercy and concern in his eyes. Their blood and their tears felt like music to him and the way they are chopped off from their limbs felt like a great art to him.

The look of pure sadism. He enjoyed the slutty women being tortured within his own sights. He felt very satisfied.

"Maybe I should give another baby to them. And also to Freya to " Kenta told them.

In the bloodshed, he is thinking of how to make more babies for himself. Kenta has decided to create a huge amount of children. Suddenly, Freya, Frigga, Yasaka, and Gabriel has felt chills and shivered a bit instinctively.

They feel like they are being predated.

"They are lucky that they have not met the teenage version of me. If they did it would be another story. "Kenta told them.

Teenage Kenta is on another level with his teenage hormones and impulsiveness running around. By god's grace Kenta is an adult or else things might have been more chaotic.

A/n: I still don't understand how he deals with all of that crazy woman, possibly being with Akira has helped him.

Yasaka and Freya finished all of the succubi and tore their limbs apart from their body. There is large amount of blood on Yasaka's and Freya's body.

"You both look better with that blood. Good them " Kenta praised them making them flinch a bit.

A guy loves them for being a ruthless and cold. They never though such a man existed. Every man they knew are scared of crazy women in their lives. While this brushes their behavior apart like nothing.

'Is Kenta not scared of both of them?' is the thought that is running through their minds.

"You are so fucking hot despite being crazy, The things a chick has to do for a crazy guy. I hope that you don't have too much insanity. A girl can only deal with certain craziness of a guy " Freya told him.

"Is it so bad that I love a crazy guy? " Yasaka replied to herself with a slight blush shyly while rubbing her toes to the ground.

"I am not insane or crazy. I am anti-social and I have my unique tastes " Kenta told them.

"Yeah w-we know you aren't a p-party person right. But God k-knows what you k-kinks you h-have " Freya complained while being off guard.

"I am god," Kenta told her blunty

"That's the not the point, you smug noble man " Freya told him.

"Darling Kenta! Are you sure, you are okay " Yasaka told him.

"I am ok. Please, Continue the way you have battled today in every battle. " Kenta told them.

"I make sure you will be properly rewarded. Make sure to send my regards to your parents. Hope they will be still alive to see their grandchildren " Kenta told them while making them beet red from the information.

"C-CHILDREN? " They both screamed blushing with a cheerful expression on their faces.