Chapter-43:Sharing Bath(R-18)

3rd POV

After having deep bonding sessions with Grayfia, Kenta headed towards Frigga'ss chamber to meet with her.

He opened the door gently and noticed that her bed was empty, yet organized with one of the most delicate quality silk pillows and cotton bedsheets.

Kenta heard a shower running in the bathroom...He assumed Frigga is in the bathroom. What might have happened if Frigga isn't the one who is showering is entirely a different case.

After that, Kenta noticed Frigga's undergarments on the ground protected by a barrier surrounding it.

"How bold of her to leave the door open, Not like anyone dares to enter her room. " Kenta said trying to gather some attention to make sure anyone is nearby. His aura scan detected some heat signatures nearby.

But no one responded to his voice, which means the room is indeed empty.

Kenta wasted no time in entering the shower room without further no notice, giving Frigga a mini heart attack by it.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH! H-How dare you, scoundrel, to barge into my room " Frigga screamed in anger without seeing who it is.

"Last time I checked you are my wife...and there is nothing wrong for wives to be naked in front of their husbands " Kenta pointed out.

"OH!, Darling, It's you...You nearly gave me a heart attack...Don't do like that again..." She replied to him in a sweet tone, dropping her angry tone suddenly while hugging his body and nuzzling her face in his chest like the cheerful wife she is.

Frigga pulled Kenta's left arm around the middle of her voluptuous breasts while rubbing off his lower member with her wet bare legs pushing it up and down gently.

She rubbed her wet naked body against him in an attempt to make him hornier...She has met him, after a long time after all...So she wanted to grab extra attention from him.

Frigga unbuttoned his shirt and explored his chest with bare arms, gently massaging her abs and his arms with her wet hands hitting the sweet spots in his body.

While Kenta applied some soap on his right arm and he has begun rubbing Frigga's butt with the soap roughly..

"Ah~Keep it slow " Frigga moaned with eyes full of desire and love.

"Why do you bat when you can use magic to clean yourself, " Kenta asked her.

"Why do you drink tea and eat Fries...when you aren't starved or Hungry " Frigga counted his statement.

"...Good point. And for the answer to your question...I do it for enjoying the flavor and taste. " Kenta told her.

"Ok...You know you don't have any muscles on your body...Why? " Frigga asked Kenta while planting kisses on his abs with full of love.

"I don't need muscles.....I need strength " Kenta answered her.

"I am confused," Frigga said surprised by his answer.

"I am talking about appearances of my body, " Kenta told her.

Frigga thought Kenta might have modified the outlook on his body while hiding his strength. Frigga thought Kenta did it to deceive his opponents, while only Kenta knows the answer.

"And you have decent meat on your body," Kenta said while squeezing Frigga's right hand with his left hand, while his right hand is busy in squeezing Frigga's butt with soap.

"Y-You are a-applying too m-much soap~ Down there~ " Frigga teased him.

"Then, I will switch," Kenta told her changing her direction by spinning her.

Kenta can see Frigga's back all from her neck to her butt which is red from Kenta's squeezing her too much. As usual, Goddesses have high pain tolerance...So Frigga paid it no mind.

Kenta's hand slipped through her neck through her breasts. Kenta's fingers rubbed her nipples with a gentle touch.

"Oww~ Careful honey~ They are so sensitive~Hehe. " Frigga responded to him with full of giggles.

Kenta held Frigga's both of her breasts with both of her hands and squeezed them to no extent...This has continued for a while until he is satisfied.

"AAAAHAHHHAAHAH~ I am feeling so giddy...Hehe " Frigga replied with an ominous smile on her face.

Frigga's Vaginal wastes are coincidental and flowed with water from the shower and Kenta's clothes are magically not wet from the shower due to his magic.

Kenta has put his finger as a keyhole to block Frigga's vagina with his own fingers

"Ah~ What is t-this~ *moan* AH~ " Frigga replied with intensive moans with increasing pleasure in her voice.

"That is my gift for pleasuring me and entertaining me...A rare form of a treat to you " Kenta told her.

Truth to be fold...Kenta wanted to finger her, but he said that, nearly for her response.

"I will take *Moan* a-anything for my dear husband " Frigga replied to him.

...*Sounds of water droplets*

"How is our baby? " Kenta replied while rubbing off her oversized belly...

"Healthy and eager to come out from my belly...Sure kicks a lot in my stomach. " Frigga replied with a heartful smile on her smile.

Frigga smiled with a huge smile on her face....she is becoming a mother, and no amount of other roles can replace the feeling and emotion she has now. The feeling of being a mother is indeed important even for an amazon woman like her.

She always wanted to have a strong healthy child for herself along with her man.

"I want the child to be strong and resilient just like his father is, " Frigga told while smiling at Kenta, expecting him to agree with her.

"I think I want him to be a magician or negotiator," Kenta told her.

As usual, Kenta has his own ideas...It's a wonder how will the child turn out to be.

"Let's shower together, Dear!" Frigga suggested to Kenta.

Kenta and Frigga have decided to shower with each other rubbing their backs.

Kenta and Frigga has decided to rub their partner's private parts....Frigga rubbed Kenta's groin and Armpits While Kenta rubbed her breasts and vagina. They have both got sensual feelings while they have explored their partner's sexual organs.

After rubbing. They have both explored their partner's body freely while giving massages to their partner while taking a full body massage from them.

Finally after showing together for a while...They had a similar feeling within themselves.

They have both closed their eyes...and moved their face closer to each other...Feeling each other at their breaths...And they shared a passionate kiss with each other. Joined their lips with each other in a wild manner.

Frigga kissed him wildly and in a rapid manner fitting of amazon like herself...She is rough and wild...With her sexy lips and her amazon curves dancing around in the shower.

Kenta on the other hand is kissing her in a crossed manner while exploring inside her mouth fucking her mind off with his tongue.

They don't have any intention to back off now with near limitless stamina. They can do it for 100 years and they still keep doing it...But they both know they had to stop when they have to work.

They continued for a while until for 3 days in the bathroom making out with each other using various activities to keep themselves pleased within the shower.

They both had a passionate moment in the shower