Chapter-51: A New Era

3rd POV

Kenta is currently after several years of his life at heaven. He has several kids at his side along with his wives.

"Michael tell Griselda to arrange some members for me, Presumely two members. I am going to Kuoh, I have decided to pay a visit to the devils who are inside the school " Kenta ordered Miachel.

"Sure, My lord " Miachel said obediently.

Kenta visited his son Arun. " Arun, I will leave you to handle your brothers and sisters," Kenta said.

"Theeka hai abbu(Ok Father). Sachin is batting today " Arun said with his eyes glued to the tv. Arun is watching a cricket match Ind vs Aus Oddi match with Pointing winning the toss and choosing to field.

"And Thor, I better not hear you breaking things again," Kenta told him.

"Ok father " Thor replied obediently.

"And Sakura I want you to run England today, England is yours from now on. Control it carefully " Kenta said giving her daughter a country as a gift.

Kenta POV

Here we go, we are approaching to Kuoh. Two brave Saints named Irina Shidou and Xenovia Quarta are currently with me.

We are heading to Riser Fried Chicken(RFC) for refreshments.

I opened the door and Entered RFC

"Hello welcome to Riser fried chicken, Riser will make sure he will serve the finest of fried chicken in this restaurant.......Uhoh " Riser is shocked after he had seen.

"O-Oh! D-Dear....S-Sorry L-Lord I d-didn't know y-you are c-coming h-here. Or else I-I would w-welcomed you m-more g-gracefully. P-Please I d-don't want t-to be in the b-black r-room a-again " Riser literally begged to Kenta.

"You better serve me French Fries and Chicken Nuggets before 15min or else I make sure you will question your sexuality " Kenta threatened Riser.

Riser Chickened out and ran off with the intent of making fast delivery within time.

"I heard that the food here is good, My lord " Irina commented.

"What happened between you and that owner, you seem to know him, my Lord " Xenovia asked.

"He once challenge me into a Rating Game and rest is history," Kenta said gracefully.

"I have heard that you beat him in a way that is actually funny, you have beat him like he is a dead chicken and fried him with your flames...My Lord " Irina commented.

"Irina is respectful to our master " Xenovia scolded her.

"Coming to the point, I am going to Kuoh as a Mathematics teacher to torture the students with my theorems. And I will reveal the actual reason I am disguising myself as a normal man soon. " Kenta told them.

Meanwhile, Riser came quickly serving them their orders while begging Kenta to leave him alone. " Sir, please f-for my father's, and my mother's sake and my f-future children's sake...Please have mercy. Please leave common folk like me, who is a pacifist and is a proud manager of this restaurant " Riser begged.

"What are you doing here? " Kenta asked.

"You have Anhalinated my body and pride when we last fought. So I quit fighting and has decided to gain spiritual knowledge. So I have decided to become a monk, Recently I have started a restaurant sir. P-Please be merciful " Riser said shaking his legs.

"Reduce 1000 yen for his overacting My Lord " Xenovia complained.

"You don't have to pay anything, Everything is free for you My lord! " Riser offered.

"It's ok Xenovia. We are heading to school. I want to see how the Red Dragon Emperor is. I hope he is strong enough for me " Kenta said going to his way to the school.

3rd POV

"Rip Red Dragon Emperor " Riser said while making sure he cleans the floor thoroughly.

Kenta Entered the school getting Mixed reactions from the crowd.

"Oh my god! He is so hot. Kyaaaa~ " Female student#1 commented.

"My husbandoooo~, " Female student#2 said.

"I feel I am becoming pregnant just by looking at him, " Female student#3 said.

"I ship him with Kiba senpai, " Fangirl#1 said.

"No he is mine " Fangirl#2 said.

"No he is gay " Fangirl#3 said.

"Tch, another handsome guy " Male student#1 Commented.

"He doesn't look much to be honest, I can take him on " Male student#2 Commented

"Guy here looks decent, finally a normal student " Male student#3 Commented finally hoping he could have some decent friends.

"Should I kill them and throw them in the dustbin or the dumpster? I can't decide " Kenta thought sadistically giving Irina and Xenovia chills by his expression.

Seeing his cold expression, Almost all of the girls squealed " KYAAAAAA~ So cool " They squealed.

Kenta is disappointed as always. He lost hope for the new generation.

3rd POV

"Today I will be teaching you Mathematics. My name is Kenta Kiyoshi. I am your homeroom class teacher " Kenta introduced himself to class 3-B

"How much experience do you have in bed? " A student named Akeno Himejima raised her hand and asked him.

"More than you can have, " Kenta said.

"OOh! A burn " Student#1 commented.

"Apply burn to the affected area, Himejima " Student#2 commented.

"Sensei, I want to have private tuitions," Akeno asked Kenta.

"How much you will pay? " Kenta asked her.

"I will pay with my body~ " Akeno offered.

"Great, I want you to clean the dishes and floor in my room. Be prepared " Kenta said destroying Akeno's fantasty.

Akeno wanted to escape reality by engaging in her sexual desires, which might explain why she is flirting with hot boys.

"Sensei~ " Akeno said in a seductive tone.

"Now I will tell you how to solve differential equations in the class. Turn to Page no 394. " Kenta said.

Kenta forcefully flipped Akeno's book. Everyone obeyed Kenta fearing his wrath. Kenta used aura to pressure them to obey his commands.

Kenta did it purposely to lure out the Red dragon Emperor and the devils. But no one made a move. However, Akeno is not making any moves.

"How interesting, it seems I have to give 5 assignments for the interest you have in class," Kenta said while scowling at the students who are secretly playing mobile games in his class.

"Sensei~ Can't you reduce it for me~ Pretty Please~ " Akeno attempted to seduce.

"Silence! Or else I will double your assignment " Kenta threatened her.

Akeno's life sucks. She has to do a heavy assignment.