Chapter-53:The tragic tale of Issei the boob Dragon.

3rd POV

"Note down the derivation for the laws of trigonometry and make sure you apply them thoroughly to find the relation between angles and sides of a triangle. " Kenta told them.

"Your homework is to write the trigonometry table for sine and cos angles. Also, try to draw sine and cos graphs.....

Purchase some graph sheets and paste them into your notebook. There is no harm is spending some money on schoolwork " Kenta told them sternly.

"Also...I will throw your notebook if you don't write the graph carefully. I will make sure to throw your book out in the dustbin....where it belongs " Kenta said further bringing the student morale down.

Apparently, The students are struggling to satisfy their strict maths teacher. If the students didn't fear math...Then will fear it after attending Kenta's classes.

But in Kenta's point of view. He expects competency from the students, as he doesn't allow them to make a mistake. Kenta is pushing them hard with the intent to make the students for his dictatorship.....Ahem! For the welfare of his society.

"There goes my plan of binge-watching Netflix all day " A student complained.

"I wanted to buy the new ero game and embrace it to the fullest...But my dream as a man has now been ruined thanks to him " Another student complained.

"Forget Severus Snape. Kiyoshi-Sensei is the worst " Another student blurted.

"I Can hear all of you...

It seems like you all have so much spare time to waste...You know what " Kenta continued further scarring the students.

"Additional homework. Write for Tan, cot, cosec, and sec angles too. It's certainly more productive than wasting your time doing unnecessary things " Kenta said ruining the weekend plan of the students completely with the additional homework.

After crushing the hopes and dreams of many high school children, Kenta continued to monitor the red dragon emperor. Kenta went inside the teacher's lounge and purchased a kinako bread with the intent of savouring the traditional food.

Kenta deduced that the red dragon emperor is too passive to make a move on him. Kenta couldn't figure out why he was not attacking.

"Issei was it. I think that was what was written on the school admission sheet. He had a reputation of being a perverted individual often peeking at female students inside the academy " Kenta said while reading information reading him.

"Is he pretending to be a pervert to hide his power from supernatural beings or he is too goofy to realize his potential? " Kenta continued.

"Whatever he thinks, I hope this all perverted facade is all a lie. It would be so disappointing to watch such wasted talent. " Kenta said.

"Issei could chase skirts all day and I won't mind it a single bit...

But not using his talent to the fullest is indeed a crime and disgrace for the individuals who lack talent and opportunities " Kenta said.

"That to the last thing I can tolerate is a weak red dragon emperor....

What do you think Rias " Kenta said.

"Dunno.....But he looks like a funny guy.....Daddy......The way he is so genuine and bold to do such shameless acts amuses me. I think he seems like a sitcom whose deeds are to be taken lightly................

Because I don't think he had it on him to sexually assault a real woman " Rias told her father.

"Yeah, It's really strange he had no record of sexual harassment. In the end, he is just an ordinary pervert to me....... But there is one thing I couldn't tolerate about him. He has everything I had despised so far " Kenta said

"I can't tolerate high potential individuals being weak.....If he is weak as you claim him to be then................. I had to really punish him and torture him if he doesn't satisfy my minimal power level " Kenta finished.

"How bad is the punishment punish Daddy? " Rias asked curiously.

"Let's just say he gets a taste of his own medicine and he never ever dares to look at women after my punishment. I will turn that Pervert into a Gynophobe if he doesn't satisfy my conditions " Kenta said.

Kenta left the teacher's lounge and headed in the direction where issei is by tracking his faint signal. For some reason, Kenta had a hard time tracing the Red dragon emperor due to his non-existent power level.

"He can't be that weak........ Right.

Right " Kenta said trying to believe the red dragon emperor is tricking him.

Kenta refused to believe that a one-sided match will happen again.

Issei POV

I was chilling while happily peeping at all the hot girls inside the school. There are a lot of boobs and asses in the school. This school is indeed a holy place for us perverts.

I am damn proud to be a pervert.

Suddenly Kiyoshi-Sensei approached me and asked me one question.

"You are in front of Jesus " Kiyoshi sensei told me. I don't understand one bit what he is saying. But suddenly a strange voice spoke inside my head. I think I am going crazy.

"[Issei you fool. RUN HE WILL US ]" The strange voice said.

I had to process the entire thing for a while.

Ddraig POV

I can't b-believe. H-He is h-here. H-HE will surely a-after me.

Damn you issei why are you not moving. I want to choke you.....Forget about you.

I will beat myself for choosing you...It's a better alternative than meeting him.

Just before I could beat myself H-He had e-entered into my v-void.

"Hello Ddriag~ " He whispered which sound like a melodious death tone to me. The way he looked at me sounded like I was going to die in the most embracing way.

"Tell me Ddraig...Would you rather choose to end up in a dumpster or in....a sewer. " He said.

3rd POV

Kenta has entered within Ddraig's void meeting him with the intention of punishing him.

"S-Sorry S-Sir. L-Let me p-punish myself. M-Mercy " Ddraig begged.

"Forgiveness isn't an option Ddraig. You lost that when you have chosen to be a 'weak boob dragon emperor' rather than looking like the might red dragon emperor " Kenta said hurting Ddriag's brain for choosing issei as a host.

"P-Please. N-Not that n-name.....J-Just finish me. I-I c-couldn't tolerate any other minute having issei as h-host " Ddraig pleaded.

"Now Draig. Be a good girl and be gentle~. That's the thing you can do after all you have a simple task...... " Kenta said turning Ddraig into a girl.

"You have to satisfy the lust of my men. In the end, your will satisfy your lust.....but for the wrong gender you have desired " Kenta said with an ominous smile on his face.

"NO...Homosexuality is the last thing I have wanted " Ddraig literally pleaded.

"Don't worry Ddraig. I will do the same thing with issei and make sure he has his pleasure with his friends, Mahamota and Mot- Whatever his name is " Kenta said implying he will punish issei.

Kenta punished Issei by turning him into a loli and being fucked by his own friends.

Such a tragic tale of the Red Dragon emperor's boob lust.