chapter-60:Broken bonds

It has been 2 years since Ronald has came into Sharance....Ronald married a woman named shara as he begins to form relationships with townsfolk while maintaining the order of the village.

Ronald somehow managed to hold peace between Monster and humans....

When he did that Ronald is viewed as hero by the townfolks....But Ronald did everything for his personal amusement....Of finding his new pleasure and joy.

Ronald wished to find a new pleasure he can find

Ronald and Shara are newlyweds! But Ronald doesn't want to do what couples typically do after they marry... What will Shara think?

To be fair he isn't interested in after he has fucked a lot of women in his life....

One would expect newlyweds to be beaming and unable to keep their hands off of each other. But with Ronald and Shara, there was something melancholy about the pair. They seemed to want to keep their distance, even.

There was something wrong with him, something he could fix with the right potion or spell. He scoured books searching for a cure but he came up empty-handed each time. He considered asking Marjorie or Marian if they knew of anything, but he couldn't bear the embarrassment he'd have to face.

"Ronald," Shara said as she approached him in their home.

"You've been so cold and distant since last two weeks! What is bothering you?" Shara asked curiously

Ronald's pulse spiked, he'd been dreading this conversation but it was impossible to avoid forever. How do you even begin a conversation like this?

"Shara... How did you feel on the night we got married?" Ronald asked curiously

"Wonderful! It is the best day of my life....I am glad that I met a man like you" Shara said dreamily with a smile on her face.

"You will regret saying that," Ronald said, not even fazed by her choice of words.

"Eh? " Shara is baffled.

Ronald roamed around the town seeking for some pleasure...He arrived at the local Inn...He was immediately greeted by two young girls.

"Hello! How are you doing Ronald " Sakuya greeted cheerfully while calculating the money she gained from customers...Sakuya is very greedy when it comes to money.

"Hee-Hah! How are you doing? Ronald? " Pia said in an innocent tone.....Pia is an innocent mermaid which makes her an easy target.....due to her lack of experience.

"Where is shino " Ronald asked.

"Mom is in her room? " Sakuya stated.

Ronald visits her in his room....

"Ara Ara~ What makes you come in my room Ronald! " Shino stated in her usual motherly tone....Shino and Ronald have battled together with monster a lot in these 2 years.

"To be fair....I think I need you....Right now " Ronald said.

"Say WHAT! You are a married man....Aren't you cheating with your own wife? " Shino said resisting his advances.

"To be fair....I think my marriage with Shara is falling apart...I am losing interest in her...So I thought maybe I can bond with the woman I am familiar with.....So let's fuck right here okay " Ronald replied while rubbing her soft thighs....

"I am not sure...It is acceptable....We shouldn't do this " Shino protested which is ignored by Ronald...

"I am sure Sakuya and Pia would love if they have a sibling right now " Ronald stated and undressed himself.

[Lemon starts]

Ronald grabbed Shino's assets and started groping her body.....Shino moaned..

Ronald removed Shino's clothes and started stroking his dick inside her vagina with the intent of making out with her...

"Ah~ HAH....Your body is so good....It's better than what Shara has.....I love your mature and sexy body Shino " Ronald said.

"What do you mean~HAh " Shino moaned while speaking in between.

"To be fair Shara isn't that much sexually appealing to me....And the idea of cheating with my wife is so appealing and pleasurable that I can't resist " Ronald says.

"It's wrong in so many ways GUGH! HAH~I can't b-belive I am l-liking this " Shino asked.

Ronald finally cummed inside her and filled her vagina in his cum....

Ronald signalled Shino to suck her cock off.

"Mhhmmm~ *moan* Ahhh~ *Slurrp* *Suck* *Kiss* " Shino repeatedly sucked his cock off giving him a heavenly blowjob.

They both make-out for a hour and they have excited the room....

[Lemon Ends]

Ronald was approached by two concerned young woman...

"What's happening? I heard mom screaming " Sakuya asked.

"It's like mom is in much pain....I wonder she has a fever or something " Pia asked

"It's nothing....You two are getting a new sibling soon " Ronald said leaving them.

"SAY WHAT? But how can a mom be pregnant if our father is not here " Sakuya questioned?

"Maybe it's magic? " Pia stated.

"Anyway! I am happy we are getting a new sibling right, Pia? " Sakuya asked.

"Hee-Hah " Pia screamed.

After having sex with Shino, Ronald finally Reached home....He finally opened the door to see Shara who is totally pissed off with a frying pan on her hand....She looks visibly disgusted and furious.

"Darling~.....I Believe you are hiding....something " Shara said in a cold-chilled tone.

"I don't have any idea what you are saying....." Ronald said without any resistance....There is no woman that can scare off him....As he believed that are women are weak creatures that are there for men to be dominated.

"I am TALKING about you CHEATING with me " Shara growled....

"*sigh* So what? You have no proof " Ronald said.

"You have shino's scent all over your body and Sakuya and Pia said that you visited Shino.....Alone....And that too you have 'her liquid' on you....Don't fool me now darling~ " Shara said in a cold and silent tone with malicious intent.

"What's with your tone....And what's wrong with that....In that case I have decided to have a harem....nothing wrong with it " Ronald said nonchalantly.

"I see....You have decided to have a harem huh? " Shara moved closer and closer to him.

"What can you do about that anyway? Why don't you be a sweet girl and prepare a puddling for me now... It's normal for men to desire harem " Ronald said.

Something about the statement broke Shara mentally and she snapped.....Shara gripped the frying pan and immediately slammed the frying on Ronald's head.

"YOU BASTARD! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW PISSED I AM....HAREM LIFE HUH? MY ASS " Shara said as she smacked both of his cheeks twice.


Shara Continuned to beat him to pulp for a while....

Shara kicked Ronald from his house and closed the house " Don't come back! Rot outside Scum "

Ronald is all beaten up over his face....And there is two hand-printed marks on both of his cheeks.....

"I am not a machochist....She did all of that just because I asked a puddling " Ronald complained.

Ronald POV

What's with her...Is she on period? Every man wanted a harem. What's wrong with it...Why she strongly opposes me having sex with other girls...

To be fair this woman is the only woman who refused me to have a harem...What's wrong with her.

Shara POV

I have threw him outside and closed the door....I couldn't take it anymore...

" *Sob* *Sob* " I cried....Why did it have to end this way....

Why Ronald has to cheat with me....What did I have done wrong in our married life.

Do I look unattractive....Does he seek other women because he is unintrested in me?

I hate myself...I hate myself that I couldn't be a better wife for him.....

I said that I hated him....But honestly I wanted to kill myself....I couldn't have a happy life anymore.

I always dreamed about the two of us....the two of us having a family and growing up old together....and sharing our alone moment....Why


Why fate has to ruin it?

WHY? WHY? Why doesn't Ronald isn't satisfied by me....

What did I do wrong

3rd POV

As Shara crumbles on the floor a thin line between despair and hope....It's up to Ronald for recouncil with her.....

As much as we know....Only he alone can repair the relationship...