You call me a coward for doing this, but have you ever thought about how much courage it takes to take your own life?"


"What's next brother." Marlin asked to Derek.

"We have there confession but this recording will be of no use in the court so,option a,we have to find solid proof against them or option b, they have to surrender themselves." Derek suggested.

"Option A is better, I don't think they will ever go for option b." Marlin confessed.

"So let's use their confession against themselves so they will surrender easily or we have to do something violent." Derek said with determination.

"The famous hotel named THE RADDISON become the centre of todays headlines. A coworker from management staff has suicide from the roof of the hotel. The other worker said that she was depressed from past few days." BBC News

"This is so bad right" derek said.

"These are her belongings and it is said that she was orphan and was working here to earn for her self." BBC News

"Marlin where are you lost?" Derek asked.

"I have seen this necklace somewhere but couldn't remember." Marlin said while thinking.

"What?" Derek spoke.

"Yeah let me think, no no its not possible"Marlin panicked.

"Whats not possible" Derek asked.

"Shit its Martha's" Marlin gets shocked.

"How do you know?" Derek asked.

"I have give this necklace to her,to trace her!" Marlin explained.

"Oh god let's go" Derek said and they left for the hotel where the police were getting more information about the suicide and sent her body to the forensics experts. The news become popular cause the hotel was renowned. Soon after this the other news blown up everybody's mind, when the police found her laptop in the room & last sent emails...


"It took me a lot of courage to write this to you guys after making this decision. I owe you all an explanation. I should justify my decision even though it was wrong. I am going to state the reasons which lead me here.

The incident which changed my whole damn life in a nightmare was back 20 years I murdered someone by running a car over him when my friends were sitting at the back seat, we 4 were drunken heavily like a teenager who just want to have fun but never knew being greedy for fun can lead us to never ending hell in our lives. We ran away from the crime scene and left the boy who was a teenager just like us to die in a pool of blood, one of a friend was continuously telling us to report this but we were so afraid and confused at that time..

Not justifying what we have done back then I know we were wrong if we could have listen to our friend maybe we wouldn't end up like this.

After this incident, we decided not to meet each other ever in life and even if we end up in a situation where we four are together, we better pretend we not to know each other. It's a better way to forget what we have done, but it was our illusion nothing else!

I've been through hell all these years. I've suffered miscarriage, divorced, insomnia and health issues. I was suffering everyday from the trauma of an accident. I tried my best to live, but how can I after ruining someone's whole life, that guilt was eating me from inside, fear of getting the truth out was stroking in my mind every single day..

After all those years when my past just popped up in front of my eyes it broke me into billion of pieces again, shattered my soul completely... I know when the truth will get out I will not last a day. I can't face all the process. I don't wanna suffer more that's why I am choosing this brutal way.. I am paying for all of my sins by taking my own life! I am sorry Robert, Cherry & Niall and Kevin, I am not forcing you guys to forgive me for what I am going to do but please try to understand me once...

      Thank you for everything you have done for me.. Sorry for repaying it like this. It's time to pay it back for my sins with my life. I think karma really got me and my fate is really dark like my last name.

"I hope we meet again in another life with better fate and a new identity where we all can have happily ever after."



"Cherry have you lost your mind!" Derek shouted out of his lungs.

"Its Best for our kids future." Cherry said unpremediatatedly.

"David I know u can forgive me for my mistake & if u did this world will not forgave me! They will go after my kids I don't want my kids to live as a murderest children And I don't want you to suffer because of my mistake."   Cherry explained.

"But,are u sure? I don't care about all of this I know how much you have suffered after all if this please think about it" David asked unwantedly.

"Yes! I want you to divorce me & take the custody of our children,my journey from now will be tough, I will be in jail & promise me you will not bring our children to meet me there." Cherry asked putting her hand onto his.

"This is a very huge punishment cherry! I can't.... please...." David said while caressing her hand.


"Mommy where are u going, u said we will have family time this weekend, now u are going." Charles said.

"Come back soon mommy!" Rose said making cherry cry with tears.

"Mommy will be back soon one day." Cherry said while kissing her twins cryingly.

For the sake of my family, I have to pay for the sins I have done. Mommy is sorry guys. She is a mess. She is sorry.

"Pay for your mistakes, if you don't want them to turn into your children's account."


Screen shifts to Robert who was seeing the contract paper keenly and muttering abuses to marlin scott,

"No, nobody can come between me & my book,it has to come on big screen this time,no one can stop it, NOBODY CAN!" he said while playing with a knife.

"Robert what the headlines are showing?" His mum asked.

"They are lying, they all are lying u ignore that,u see this, this contract is my dream & I finally achieved it, I will be soon on big screen." He said & started laughing.

"Robert why are behaving like this?" She asked worriedly.

"Like what, u r not happy after seeing it,common be happy I will become No.1 struggling writer,yay!" He said & started laughing again.


"No I didn't do anything,go away,u liars, I have nothing to do with this murder." He started throwing things on them.

"What are you doing robert?" His mum shouted.

"We get evidences against you & Miss Martha personally told everything before her suicide." Police said.

"Oh she's dead too like marlin, but I didn't kill any one, don't touch me,stay away,mom tell them to stay away I,I need to work with Mr.Mcall & release my film." Robert shouted all the way.

"Sorry to say Mrs frost but before taking him to jail we need to take him to MENTAL ASYLUM for checkup cause his mental disbalanace." Police said & left.

"some dream are meant to be broken no matter how hard you try to fullfil them"


Everything is ruined,every single thing! The name,fame, respect he earned all these years is now finished....Niall fluer is ruined completely and all thanks to his past! 


"The government will seal your licence too, from now on you cannot direct any movies." He further added. This broke his heart, his career doomed.

"Niall" Lidya said. He totally forget about her.

"Miss Lidya Marshall, its time for him to leave" Police said.

"Please give me 5 minutes, Please!" She pleaded. "Okay"

"Lidya" Niall said while looking down.

"When did you plan of telling me this Niall? Am I an outsider that getting your past secrets from headlines." She said in disappointment.

"I didn't knew how to tell you this...I" Niall stopped.

"Go on Niall,today I am not gonna stop you just finish it!" She hardly controlled her tears.

"I thought after knowing this you will not love me, you will hate me for whatever I did, I am sorry!" He tried to come closer but she showed her hand.

"If u think I will judge you by your past so Mr.Niall fluer U STILL DON'T KNOW ME" She said while taking hiccups.

"Lidya listen" he said

"I need space Niall to digest this new found information and this will be better for our relationship." She said & left.

" The dream of a happy comfortable future with you is now shattered into thousand pieces."