Chapter 10: Sneaking into the King's bedroom

Maia completely blushed when he said this, "Oh…. My lord I mean I am your servant and…" she said. "You're cute when you don't know what to do miss Maia…" he chuckled at her, as he motioned to her with his hand,

"Now, shall we begin?" he smiled as he sat down on the couch by the window. "Oh… of course" she said softly, as she went and picked a book that he chose. "uhh, your Majesty, where shall I sit and read for you?" she asked him.

"Anywhere you like…." He told her softly. She looked around for a moment and chose a seat next to the couch on the floor.

Leon glanced at her, "You know, you can sit on the seat next to me, you know?" he said to her.

"I would rather sit here, that way when I leave, at least I will not make any noise for you when you are asleep" Maia responded softly.

Leon looked at her then looked to the side, "Suit yourself" he said, motioning with his hand to her to start reading the story book to him.

"As you wish, my lord" she responded formally, as she opened the book and began to read the story to him.

That evening, Maia read the King stories from the books he had collected which helped the King sleep. Once he fell asleep, Maia was free to leave and go home. "he is like a child!" she thought to herself.

Leon watched her as she read the book to him, then she stopped for a moment and looked at him, "Is, everything alright, my lord?" she asked him.

"It's nothing…I just like to watch you read…" he smiled. Maia looked down at the book as if it didn't bother her. "Does, his Majesty find it hard to sleep?" Maia asked him as she continued to look at the book at the stories he wanted read.

Leon went quiet for a moment, "I've…. Been…. Unable to sleep at night, unless someone reads to me to help me sleep…." Leon told her. Maia glanced at him, "Did… something happen to my lord, for him not to be able to sleep at night, perhaps?" Maia asked him.

Leon was taken aback at such a question as he didn't know how to answer. Leon let out a little breath as he chuckled at her, "It is rather embarrassing to say, perhaps I shall tell you some other time…." He said to her, as she got the point that he didn't wish to talk about it.

She looked at him, "Understood, my lord" she said as she bowed softly and continued to read to him.

Leon looked at her before closing his eyes, "She's… rather obedient…." Leon thought to himself as he wondered off to sleep closing his eyes softly, breathing ever so soundly as hearing her voice brought a calm to this troubled young King.

Before Maia left that night, "miss Maia…." Leon said tenderly, "yes, sire?" Maia responded softly. "don't come to my room tomorrow night…." Leon said simply. "Of course, my lord…." Maia bowed and left his presence for that evening…

The next day however, Maia served at the Palace, as well in the King's throne room, however she forgot her pendant in the King's bed chambers the night before, although the King told her not to go into his bed chambers, she needed her pendant, it was a pendant handed down to her from generation to generation from her parents. It signified that she was from an ancient blood line of warriors, however she did not know this at the time.

Once she finished serving in the palace that day, she made sure that the King was not in the bed room and the coast was clear, sort of speak, and she sneaked into the King's bed room at the end of the day and no other servants or guards were around, "Wow… he really made sure that no one was around tonight…. I wonder why?" Maia said under her breath as she sneaked into the King's bedroom, and looked all over the place for her pendant, but could not be found, all of the sudden, she hears two sets of footsteps chatter coming in the bed room, Maia grasped and she jumped into the closet to hide, as the King and one of the women the many women whom he seeing. This woman was one of his many lovers of the night.

Leon and the woman walked into the bedroom as he locked the door behind them as the woman touched and embraced him tenderly. Leon locked the bed room door as he wanted to make love to this woman, slowly embracing her face as she also embraced his face, as they held each other and kissed passionately leading to the bed. Letting out gentle moans together as they embraced.

"oh no…. do I have to watch this?" Maia thought to herself hiding in the closet. when all of the sudden, Leon embraced the woman and kissed her passionately and made love to her, witnessing this very intimate moment, watching Leon slowly remove the woman's clothes and the woman removed his outer robe like clothing, exposing his full bodied torso from intense training, the woman embraced his body and so did Leon to hers, the woman laid back on the bed and Leon went on top of her, kissing her and touching her tenderly yet passionately.

When Maia saw this, "Why… do I have to watch this, this is so awkward! I can't watch this…." Maia said as she turned her head away, hearing their passionate love making as they panted for breath together. "Was the pendant really worth it?" Maia thought to herself, "Your life belongs to me" Leon told her, and this thought rang in her mind, "Why…. why do you want my life when you have plenty of women!" Maia screamed within herself.

Hearing their passionate love making made Maia completely blush and felt embarrassed to be there. "How am I going to face him normally after this?!" she thought to herself.

However, Maia could not help herself, as she watched on through the little crack opening through the closet door as the King made love to the woman, she saw his eyes become a bright deep blue, reflecting his powers, "the blood line inherited powers of the of the Kings…" Maia thought to herself, however Maia saw Leon's expression as he made love to the woman, and the woman's expression as well, "my goodness…." Maia blushed and thought to herself. "I am a fool…" Maia sighed within herself, as she further clenched her chest. Leon could hear an additional heartbeat in the bedroom as he made love to the woman, "What is it?" the woman grasped for breath, when Leon stopped for a moment, "there is someone here…." Leon leered across the room, as he breathed heavily, whilst as the woman got up and covered herself.

Maia grasped, "Oh no!!" Maia panicked as her heart raced even more, as she looked anxiously where she could hide, as she looked through the thin opening through the closet door, the woman and Leon were nowhere to be in sight, this further added to Maia's panic and anxiety, her heart racing even more faster because she knew only one thing, that Leon and the woman were still in the room and any moment the closet door could open, when all of the sudden, Leon slammed open the closet door, glaring through the closet with his bright deep blue eyes which reflected his power, only wearing trousers with the top part opened slightly, being half naked. When he opened the door, there was no one there… it was as if no one had been there since the beginning of their session.

"Whoever you are, I will find you…" Leon said with an evil tone of voice. Maia hid herself in a trap door behind the closet, it was a dark and damp trap door, which was used in war times to protect members of the royal family.

Maia covered her mouth and breathed slowly so he wouldn't hear her from behind the secret trap closet door.

Leon turned his back and was just about to close the closet door, when he saw an opening behind his closet door that was left slightly open. This intrigued Leon as he was just about to walk in and open the door to uncover if there was anyone behind it, when suddenly, the woman came next to Leon wrapped in bed linen, "Leon, there is no one here, darling" the woman said softly as she embraced his face tenderly and kissed his cheek. "there was someone there, Ruela, I heard their heartbeat…." Leon said tenderly to Ruela, his lover.

"Well, I am sure if there was anyone here, you would have found them, no?" she questioned him seductively, as Leon looked around and sighed, "Yes, I guess you're right… come, let us go…" he said putting his arm around her mid back tenderly to walk out together with the woman and closed the door to his bed chambers behind them and locked the door as he had the key to his bedroom.

When they both left, Maia saw her chance that the coast was clear, and she was able to come out of the closet.

Maia took a deep breath, "That was close…" she thought to herself as she tried to open the bedroom door, but it was locked from the outside. "What!? Oh no!!" she grasped in shock and horror in fear trying to open the door without making too much noise. Her heart rate began to beat rapidly again further than before. "I don't know what's worse, watching his session just before or being locked in the same room!" she thought to herself frantically. "Calm down, Maia.. think, think…." She thought, as she calmed down, she looked behind her to the balcony doors which led to the balcony. She opened the balcony doors and walked to the balcony, seeing the room next door, "I think I can make that jump…. But it's broad day light…" she thought to herself.

She sighed and took a breath, "Alright… here goes…" she thought to herself, wrapping her servant dress around her waist from her legs so she doesn't trip, she climbed up on the wall next to the balcony and shimmied across to the room next door, however she made a quick peak in the room next door and it was Radeon with some high ranking officials in an important discussion, when she hid back behind the wall again to hide.