Chapter 21: What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger

There is a moment of silence between them for a moment, when suddenly she opens the remaining windows in the king's bedroom to let in light, "Let there be light!" She exclaimed. The king covered his eyes from the brightness, when suddenly, Radeon walks in the room to check on things, "Oh, miss Maia….and… your highness…" Radeon said calmly as he looks at them both, a little serious tone of look, to greet them good morning then walks off, whilst both Leon and Maia looked at the entrance of Leon's bedroom, as Radeon left, Maia turned around to look at Leon for a moment, when suddenly, "Well, well, your knight in shining armour was here to save the day again, he even greeted you by name, good for you…" Leon smirked at Maia to tease her in sarcasm, looking down at his buttons on his shirt to open them in her presence, as he undid the buttons on his neck shirt slowly, glancing at her knowing she had a thing for Radeon.