Chapter 72: I will protect this kingdom with my life

Leon was impressed as he put his hand on his chin crossing his arms, "Well, well, there is another hidden skill of my servant…" he thought to himself. 

"You girls… are very good with the bow and arrow" Eric complimented them. 

"Only the best from my servants" Leon said walking out from the corner. 

"My lord" The girls bowed. "Your Majesty" Eric bowed. "Thank you for coming, Eric, are you sure you can't stay?" Leon said kindly to his old friend. 

"I wish I could, but the queen is waiting for me at Nomadia" he smiled. 

"Are you single?" Lilly asked out of curiosity. "Lilly would you shut up?" Maia blushed, as Eric chuckled at them, "Sorry ladies, but this man has only one queen he is faithful to" he smiled and winked at them. 

Their eyes went wide open when he said this, "Wait, you mean?" Maia asked. "Yes, the queen of Nomadia" he smiled.