Chapter 74: Maia's new post

The next morning after the King's birthday, Radeon calls Maia to the King's room of

decision in the palace. This is where just about every major decision of the Kingdom

was made for the best interests of the Kingdom, but in this case, this was a matter to

do with Maia's future with the King, whether she should stay by his side or be removed. 

Radeon had noticed just how close Maia and Leon had become, but he didn't realize

just how much Maia had fallen for the King. Radeon knew, that any woman who

would care that much would mean something to her. 

And for Leon to hurt Maia the way he did, he leered across the room because

Radeon was quite fond of miss Maia, not in a romantical way, however he did respect

her enough and loved to tease the young maiden because of her kind compliments

towards him. 

Perhaps, I should take her away from him, Radeon thought to himself.