Chapter 76: A fatal wound

The next morning, Radeon's servant goes to the palace to find Maia to take her to Radeon's quarters to begin her work for Radeon that morning, but she is nowhere to be found. Radeon's servant, Calibri reports this back to Radeon as he could not find her anywhere in the Palace of the King, not even the headmaster servant has seen her. "What, you can't find her?" Radeon asked him when Calibri returned to Radeon's quarters at his work station behind the palace, this was a separate quarters from the main palace, consider this section of the palace, the back bone of the Kingdom where matters were made Legal or illegal. Radeon walked around back and forth at his desk worriedly, placing his hand on his chin in concern that Maia could not be found as he glanced at his servant Calibri.