Chapter 83: Who did this to you!?

That night, Leon was with his family at the banquet hall and as the evening servants served that evening, being totally oblivious as to what had transpired that morning, as he governed the Kingdom as per normal and was not aware that some of the elder council, had his servant and wrongfully accused on false grounds. 

As they are eating away as a family together, Radeon is deep in thought and ponders to himself, as he glanced at Lilly and asked her, "miss Lilly, have you seen Maia?" Radeon asked Lilly, Leon glanced at them when he asked her, "No my lord… I haven't seen her all day…why?" Lilly asked. Leon glanced at Radeon, "She hasn't come to my quarters to report to me today for her work…" Radeon said in suspicion. 

When Leon heard this, he stopped eating for a moment and swallowed a breath and stared off into the distance, as he looked down to hear her answer.