Chapter Two: New way of getting Clara's attention

Charlotte and the onlookers were all shocked. This was the first time Clara had asked someone to be her friend since she came into the school. Everyone started looking at Isabelle with envy.

Oh no. Isabelle thought I think I have made a very big mistake. Should I say yes, and be one of the most popular girls in school. If I say yes people will start looking at me with envy. I've made up my mind let people say whatever they want to say your special. She remembered what her other always told her. Always follow your mind.

"Yes Clara I would love to be your friend." Isabelle said

"Ok how about we walk to class together?"

"Nah I was walking to my locker when we bumped into each other I had forgotten my textbooks."

"Ok that's no problem. But before you go there's one more thing."

"What's that?"

"Charlotte apologize to Isabelle the way you talked to her was rude."

"What! I'm not sure I heard you correctly."

"I'm sure yo...." Before Clara could finish talking Isabelle interrupted her.

"Clara there's no need for that. Let me hurry and get my books bye." Everyone watching what was happening were so jealous. They wished that Clara could give them little of the attention that Clara was giving Isabelle. Clara and Charlotte kept on walking to class in silence.

"Clara this silence is eating me up."


"You didn't say anything."

"What do you want me to say Charlotte you knew you were wrong yet you refused to apologise." Charlotte knew she was guilty. She didn't want their friendship to end, she had been Clara's only friend for sometime now, Clara's new friend might make their friendship collapse.

"Ok Clara I'm sorry."

"I forgive you but don't try it next time." Charlotte was excited and hugged Clara.

"Yes Clara I won't try it next time." Charlotte said excitedly.

"And don't be hostile to Isabelle. Promise me Charlotte."

"Yes Clara I promise. You just need to know your friends are also my friends."

"Heard you."

In biology class Clara is not concentrated. She is bothered about something. Isabelle and Charlotte also noticed it and shot themselves confused looks.

"Ok everyone study hard, tests are coming up next week. See you all tomorrow."

Ding ding ding. The bell for break rang.

"Clara please stay back after class I have to have a word with you." Everyone came out of class. The hallway was bustling with people. Charlotte and Isabelle left the class, and Clara waited behind.

"Teacher Sylvia you asked to see me."

"Yes Clara I did. I noticed today during class you were a bit lost."

"No miss I wasn't lost."

"Clara, I' just trying to help, if you have any problems feel free to tell me."

"Ok ma."

"If you say so. But just to make sure that you weren't lost. What was today's topic?"

"Umm....." Clara was thinking.


"We didn't have any topic. We were just doing revision based on our former subjects for our upcoming tests."

"Hmm, that proves you weren't lost."

"Yes miss."

"Ok you can take your leave now."

"Thank you miss Sylvia." Clara started walking away when Miss Sylvia stopped her again.

"But don't forget to come to me if you need someone to talk to."

"Yes miss Sylvia I will." Then she left.

Grace on the other hand was watching from the side waiting for Clara to come out, so she could execute her plan.

Clara kept on walking, then all of a sudden, grace who was walking to the opposite direction. Then clash she crashed into Clara.

"OMG! I'm so sorry grace."

"It's okay. I'm also sorry, I wasn't watching were I was going." Clara then stood up from the floor.

"Here let me help you up." Clara offered her hand.

"So kind of you. Thanks' a lot."

"Ok. Will you mind have lunch with me."

"Yes. I would love to."

"Ok let's go." Grace was inwardly happy because her plan had worked. They kept on walking along the way, Caroline also had the same thought in mind. She crashed into Clara.

"Aren't you watching were you are going." Grace scolded.

"I'm so sorry it was a mistake. I wasn't watching were I was going."

"Apology accepted." Clara said.

"Thanks." Then stood up quickly form the floor. "Clara, if you don't mind, let me help you up.

"I don't mind, thank you." Clara said.

"Your welcome." Caroline said.

"Why don't we all go to the cafeteria." Grace said.

"Ok." Grace and Caroline said.

"But before we go, we have to go to my locker first." Clara said

"Ok." Caroline and grace said. While walking Caroline was pondering on how to ask Clara a question. She didn't want to be turned down. A moment later, Caroline gathered courage.

"Clara could I ask you a question?" Caroline said.


"Could I be your friend?"


"Are you serious."

"Yes I am."

"Thank you so much Clara."

"How about me?" Grace asked.

"You're my friend too."

"Thank you Clara." Grace said then they both hugged her.

"You're welcome, also know that your friends are also my friends." Then they kept on walking chatting to each other merrily. They reached Clara's locker. And Charlotte and Isabelle were laughing and chatting.


"You are finally here."

"I see you guys are getting along pretty well."

"Yes Clara. And we also have so many things in common."

"Wonderful. Ok Isabelle and Charlotte, meet grace and Caroline."

"Grace and Caroline meet Isabelle and Charlotte."

"Hi Grace hi Caroline. Nice to meet you girls." Isabelle and Charlotte said.

"We are also pleased to meet you." Said Caroline and Grace.

"How about we go to the cafeteria and get to know each other better." Isabelle suggested.

"Good idea Isabelle." They kept on chatting on their way to the cafeteria. When they reached, they sat down and kept on chatting with each other.

"I'm coming." Isabelle said. While they had been talking, she saw her two friends, Hope and Lilian.

"Hi hope, Hi Lilian."

"Hi Isabelle." They both said.

"What's up."

"Good is it really true that you are Clara's friend."

"Yeah." Isabelle already knew how gossip spreads like in their school.

"Oh my gosh you are so lucky."

"I know right. Hey anyways I was wondering if you would like to join us on our table over there."

"Wow so you mean we are going to seat and have lunch on the same table as the most beautiful girl in school."

"Yes are you surprised. She said my friends are also her friends. I won't forget you girls so easily, now come on let's go."

"Thank you Isabelle."

"There's no need to thank me let's go"

"Clara I want you to meet my friends. This is hope, and this is Lillian, but you can call her lily."

"Hi Clara we are pleased to meet you."

"Same here."

"Hope, lily, meet Charlotte Grace, and Caroline."

"Hi." They said to each other.

"Hi." Charlotte said.

"Hello" Grace said.

"Hi." Caroline said.

"Please have a seat." Clara said.


"So girls we've been chatting and getting to know each other. So I think it is time I tell you all what I dislike. I need you all to block Francis from all directions, I don't like him he is proud and arrogant." Francis on the other hand was on the other end of the cafeteria pondering about something.

"Man you look lost." His friend Jason said.

"Yeah man."


"I'm sure you've already heard about the incident that happened earlier today."

"Yeah isn't it the tie you offered to help Clara and she refused?"


"Why don't you give up on that girl, she doesn't like you."

"Why man? I like this girl so much."

"You like her only cause of her beauty right?"

"Yeah she's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

"Forget about her, her best friend Charlotte is also beautiful, but not compared to Clara's beauty."

"You're right I will give up on Clara. She doesn't like me maybe her friend will."


"Ok Clara we've all heard you. I'm sure we all agree with Clara's decision. Am I right ladies."

"I totally agree with you." They all say expect for Charlotte.

"Charlotte you didn't say anything." Clara asked.

"Oh nothing, I don't have anything to say."

"Ok so hope and lily could you tell us ore about yourselves."

"Yeah. I love to sing my favourite colour is Orange, and biology is my favourite subject, and I would love to be a surgeon." Lily said.

"Really?" Clara asked.

"Yes. That's the same for me." Hope said.

"Ok we all love to sing, I think we should have our own singing team." Isabelle said.

"Hahaha, I don't even know how to sing much." Said grace.

"Me too." Caroline said.

"It can be learned." Isabelle said.

"Ok we will think about it Isabelle. Anyways I am having a sleepover party tonight."

"That would be awesome. I would love to come." Grace said.

"Me too." Caroline, lily, Isabelle and hope said.

"I'm so sorry Clara but I can't come."


"I have something to do at home."


"Sorry to turn you down." Charlotte said. she wasn't happy Clara had new friends.