Chapter 26 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 25

Such behavior really damages the image of the dignified yt president!

However, the principals still underestimated Ye Yutang's dedication to Tu Mi.

After getting engaged, Ye Yutang seemed to have no scruples, and would come to school almost every day to pick up Tu Mi to and from school.

While the school girls were jealous and envious of Tu Mi, the boys were crying.

Ye Yutang looks good and the conditions are good, so he can take care of people like this.

The rest of the school girls followed Ye Yutang as a model to find boyfriends, resulting in more and more school boys being single.

That's all, but why did they talk together with Zhao Mi and were caught, Ye Yutang had to show that terrifying smile that made their knees go weak?

The boys are embarrassed.

Just as Tu Mi was about to go up to say hello, Ye Yutang saw her in a blink of an eye, softened his expression the next second, and waved to her.

Tu Mi stepped forward, Ye Yutang took her in a half embrace, went around the front of the car, and stuffed her into the co-pilot.

Then, he squatted into the driver's seat, stepped on his feet, and the car sped away, leaving behind a group of nerdy-faced girls.

"Why are you here so early today?" And dressed so formally.

Tu Mi looked at the man's hard profile face, and was a little amused for a while.

In the past, he almost always came here just because he didn't want to be watched.

Judging from today's encirclement, it was obvious that he had been here for some time.

Such an abnormality, Tu Mi didn't know what he wanted to do today.

Is it possible to celebrate her successful graduation and take her to eat at hotspot restaurant?

For a moment, Tu Mi felt a little joy in her heart.

"Baby, have you forgotten what I told you?"

Ye Yutang glanced at her sideways, then stretched out a hand, touched Tumi's face, and said expressionlessly.


Tu Mi felt a little cold, and subconsciously she shrank her neck and looked at Ye Yutang blankly.

The two have said so many things, she really can't remember which one is particularly important, okay?

"Very good!" Seeing that Tu Mi didn't take his words to heart, Ye Yutang laughed angrily, "It's okay, I'll make you remember it deeply, baby!"

Emma help! Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Tu Mi looked at his gloomy expression, listened to the "baby" in his mouth, and cried out in her heart.

Just when Tu Mi was still racking her brains to recall the scene between the two of them, the car slowly stopped.

Tu Mi hurriedly looked out the window.

When she saw the surrounding environment, Tu Mi was a little stunned for a while.

Who is going to tell her why this man is in such a hurry, and took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau?

"Looks like you really forgot."

Ye Yutang in the driver's seat looked at Tu Mi steadily, and said leisurely.

The next second, he undid the seat belt on his body, leaned towards Tu Mi's side, and locked her petite body in his arms.

He grabbed the girl's slender and tender hand and led her to lean towards his lower body.

Tu Mi was so frightened by his move that he quickly pulled out his hand and looked at this uncertain and dangerous man on guard.

"Do you remember?"

Tu Mi burst into tears and nodded immediately.

How could I not remember now?

It was in his office shortly before the two got engaged.

He taught her a lesson, and then he touched her.

After that, she was caught off guard, and she was pulled by his hand and led to that place.

She didn't react at the time, so naturally he succeeded.

I just remember that he came over and gritted his teeth and said, "When you graduate, we will immediately get a marriage certificate!"

Tu Mi heard it at the time, but didn't pay attention.

All her mind was still on the touch of the palm of her hand.

Can it be her fault?

Tu Mi is angry.

So she said to Ye Yutang without fear of death: "I didn't bring the household registration book."

Some wanted to piss him off, even though what she said was true.

At this time, the girl's eyes were very arrogant, and she was so cute.

"I brought it."

Ye Yutang licked the corner of the girl's eyes, and then he retreated without a word.

He took out two household registration books from the small drawer on the left side of the driver's seat and shook them in front of Tu Mi.

"You, why do you have my household registration book?"

Tu Mi touched her flushed face and was stunned.

"What do you think?" Ye Yutang smiled.

After all, he also brought it from his future mother-in-law, and thanks to his good performance in the past two years, the old couple was satisfied with him, so they gave it to him with confidence.

At this moment, Tu Mi also remembered the good mother who was always talking about Ye Yutang in her ear.

Tu Mi was a little helpless and funny for a while.

But there is some understanding, after all, Ye Yutang is a little moved when she treats some things.

I remember that at school, she was seen by Ye Yutang when she was teaching a male classmate in the same class to do a problem.

Then he was inexplicably jealous, caught her in a no-man's place for a long time, and he resigned from the school the next day, and then the two did not see each other for several days.

It made Tu Mi think he was so angry.

You must know that Ye Yutang hasn't come to see her for so many days after all he has never been angry with her.

Tu Mi felt a little aggrieved for a while, and was still hesitating whether to take the initiative to find him.

But on second thought, I was right, so I couldn't hold back.

Who knew that a few days later, he swaggered at the school and proposed to her.

Tu Mi also learned later that in order to get engaged to her smoothly in those days, he not only exposed his identity to create a deterrent and block the mouths of others.

He even agreed to her father's request not to have the same room before marriage.

And he, who has always adhered to it firmly, has never crossed this last line.

When Tu Mi thought of this, she was no longer hypocritical.

She looked into Ye Yutang's eyes and said seriously, "Let's get married."

Ye Yutang was so excited that he tried desperately to hold back his laughter, but was unsuccessful, and the corners of her mouth curled up involuntarily.

Finally, he hugged the girl and didn't let go for a long time.

Tu Mi's ears were close to Ye Yutang's chest, listening to his heartbeat beating non-stop, "dong, dong, dong", her brows were smiling.

So, the two went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate, and Ye Yutang led Tu Mi to dinner.

In the meantime, Zhao Qilin called and told Tu Mi that he and Li Shuyuan were going to live in a two-person world tonight and asked her to find a place to live by herself.

Ye Yutang listened quietly.

Then looking at Tu Mi's depressed and helpless expression, he invited her to stay in his apartment for one night in a very serious manner, and told her that he had many guest rooms there.

She didn't notice the abnormality in his serious expression.

Maybe it was because Ye Yutang had always treated her like a gentleman, so her impression of him was still the same as before, and she didn't realize the change in their identities.

So she nodded subconsciously without thinking.

Ye Yutang smiled with satisfaction, and then gentlemanly served Tu Mi a few dishes.

Very well, he wants to feed his maiden, and then his maiden will have the strength to feed him.