Chapter 39 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 12

"Master, do you have someone you like?" His little hand on his knee gradually clenched into a fist.

Tu Mi saw the younger apprentice's face becoming more and more tense, and finally stopped teasing him.

She patted her apprentice's little head and said softly, "Silly apprentice, Master is teasing you. Master has no one she likes, so she won't get married. Don't worry, no matter what Master does in the future, you will always be Master's good apprentice."

Alas, the little apprentice is still so lacking in love, she can't make such jokes with him in the future.


After a long while, Yu Tang responded in a low voice, his long eyelashes hanging down, making it impossible to see the look in his eyes.

Spring and autumn come, and the years of self-cultivation are fleeting.

The trees in the Everlasting Forest have also changed. The leaves on the lower half of them are almost lost, and only a few leaves are still clinging to the body, unwilling to leave.

The leaves on the top half of the tree were still intact, as if they were not affected at all.

It's just that there are nearly half of the leaves that are missing, and the light from the outside can still come in. At least the forest is no longer so dark and dead.


Two figures walked slowly on the fallen leaves.

"Are you really following me? It could be dangerous."

Tu Mi looked at Yu Tang seriously and said seriously.

According to her observation, the normal state of Wanxiulin's isolation from the world in the past, and even the climate and temperature are not affected by the outside world, has quietly changed.

Tu Mi could occasionally see some flying birds in this forest of ten thousand years, which indirectly verified her previous guess.

The previous signs of the Everlasting Forest told her that there was a barrier outside the Everlasting Forest, and the anyone outside world could not enter the forest.

And Tu Mi was sure that this barrier only appeared after she came.

That's why she thought about going to find out what was going on.

Previously, it was because neither she nor her apprentice had enough cultivation, so she was afraid of encountering unexpected events.

She herself is not afraid, but she has to be careful about the little apprentice.

But yesterday, her Chaos Five Elements Art completely broke through to the intermediate stage, and the mottled aura has completely returned to its origin, becoming the chaotic vitality.

She personally tried its power, and only then did she have the confidence to come out and explore the Wanxiu Forest.

However, now that the apprentice was going to come out with her, she was a little worried.

The apprentice has not yet cultivated the primordial energy of chaos, and if he encounters danger, it may be difficult to escape.

With a heart of being a father and a mother, Tu Mi always felt that nothing was right.

Staying in the hut, she was worried; following her, she was even more worried.

Therefore, I repeatedly asked my apprentices for his thoughts.

Yu Tang was asked many times, his brows wrinkled, he simply grabbed Master's gentle hand and walked straight forward.

Tu Mi: "..."

Well, let's go together.

There is no reason why apprentices are not afraid, but her master is scruples about this and that.

Only through her own experience can she grow rapidly.

Tu Mi reminded herself in her heart.

"Where are you taking your teacher to?"

Tu Mi saw that the apprentice took her straight forward in one direction, getting closer and closer to the center of the eternal forest, and couldn't help asking.

"Teacher came here last time. There is a hidden cave here. There are strange things in it. The disciple thinks it may be related to what you want to investigate, Master."

Hearing Master's question, Yu Tang turned his head and explained to her.

It turned out that Yu Tang was thrown into the Wanxiu Forest back then, and when he was young, he could only wander around to find a way out.

By accident, he fell at the foot of a mountain, and his palm rubbed his skin.

When he stood up against the mountain wall, the blood splattered on the mountain wall.

After a while, a cave appeared on the bare mountain wall in front of him, and Yu Tang, who had no idea why, walked in.

Afterwards, he saw a dark green heart in it, beating non-stop, "bang bang bang", he was curious, and reached out to touch it.

However, the moment he touched the thing, Yu Tang felt a sharp pain, and then collapsed to the ground.

I don't know how long after that, when he opened his eyes again, he only felt the pain all over his body.

Some of the wounds were deep to the bone, and even strangely there were scratches from some animals, and there were serious internal injuries.

And the heart of the culprit has quietly disappeared.

Yu Tang didn't understand what was going on.

He checked his body and found nothing unusual except for the injury.

But the heart-like thing was indeed gone.

At the time, he was puzzled.

He didn't care if he couldn't find the reason. At that time, he just wanted to get out of here quickly.

Then when he dragged his injured body to the edge of the forest with difficulty, he tried to go out again, but found that no matter what method he used, he could not get out of the eternal forest, as if he was trapped in the forest.

When Yu Tang was still trying to figure out a way, his heart suddenly pounded, and a very strong heart palpitations came from the far side, and he felt as if someone was calling him.

He lifted his foot almost instinctively and staggered in that direction.

After that, he met Tu Mi.

"You mean dark green heart?" Tu Mi was also very surprised after hearing this.

But she seemed to be impressed by this thing.

Where have you seen it?

"Master, here we are, here it is."

Yu Tang suddenly spoke up, interrupting Tu Mi's contemplation.

It turned out that while they were talking, the two had already arrived at the cave Yu Tang said.

Tu Mi looked up, put aside the light that had just appeared in her mind, and focused on the mountain wall in front of her.

The mountain wall stood in front of them, smooth and full, and if anyone saw it, they would not notice how different it was from other mountain walls.

Because it's so ordinary, it's unremarkable.

Yu Tang took a step forward, forced a few drops of blood from his fingertips, wrapped in aura and shot towards the center of the mountain wall.

After doing this, he took a few steps back.

At this moment, the originally motionless mountain wall swayed slightly, and then at a speed visible to the naked eye, a cave that could only allow two or three people to pass through.

When Tu Mi saw this, her divine sense probed inside and found nothing unusual.

Then she took her apprentice's hand and walked into the cave.

There is still a long way to go inside the cave, the mountain road is twisty, the road is bumpy and bumpy, and the inside of the cave is extremely dark.

Tu Mi was holding Yu Tang, who was holding a huge night pearl in his hand.

The two stepped on the echoes of their walking in the cave, and the further they walked, the smaller the cave became.

In the end, the diameter of the hole did not allow them to walk side by side, so Tu Mi asked Yu Tang to walk behind her, and she explored the way with a night pearl in her hand.

Yu Tang pursed his lips and followed Tu Mi without saying a word.

After a while, the diameter of the cave became larger and larger, and the ground underfoot became more and more flat.

They are here.