Chapter 62 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 35 (end)

"How?" Tu Mi looked at the periphery of the bamboo forest and asked Yu Tang, who was standing with his back to her, full of anticipation.

Over the past hundred years, they have been trying and working hard, but they have not been able to break through that barrier.

Just now, she had completed her spiritual transformation and felt that she was only one step away from ascension. She couldn't wait to come out and try it again, but found that it was still the same, and the barrier had no effect.

Over the years, she has thought about it carefully, but she has some understanding of why Ji has set up a barrier here.

First, there is protection.

Whether it is a pure yin physique or the chaotic vitality in it, it is not an ordinary thing, especially the latter, it must not be exposed to the world.

At least here, there is absolutely no need to worry about encountering cultists with ill-intentioned calculations.

Second, there is an intention to make up for regrets.

Not only Sansheng thought about it, but Tu Mi also figured it out later.

Presumably all the arrangements in this cave mansion are aimed at her Tu Mi, not Jiang Mi.

She has cultivated to the level of Ji, and more or less has the ability to predict future generations.

She may have already sensed that her future life will not have a perfect ending, and she has some sense of her existence.

That's why she went to great lengths to set up such a "cage".

She wanted to see with her own eyes that the love of a pure yin physique female cultivator could be regarded as filling the void in her life called love.

In fact, over the years, no third person has broken into this small canyon.

Apart from Tu Mi, who was attached to the body of Ji's descendants, there was only Yu Tang who had practiced the Five Elements Art of Chaos.

If the target is Jiang Mi, then the existence of this prohibition is unreasonable.

Because the only one who can come in here is Ji's descendant, Jiang Mi.

Before that, Jiang Mi, who had never seen the Five Elements of Chaos, could not teach the Five-Elements of Chaos to others.

If Ji simply wanted to protect Jiang Mi, then this ban would not need to be effective against the Chaos Five Elements Art.

So it can be seen that Ji's goal from beginning to end is Yu Tang.

Tu Mi didn't mean to blame her.

Ji has not only provided her with a safe environment, but also given her resources that can be used to cultivate her to soar without worrying about it. Even the exercises she has been practicing are all created by her.

But Tu Mi still wanted to go out earlier.

Only she and Yu Tang stayed here, he always liked to stick to her and move his hands and feet.

Over the years, he has taken advantage of him a lot.

What should be done is almost done, only the last step has not been crossed.

Especially recently, his offensive has become more and more violent, and she is gradually unable to withstand it.

Therefore, she wants to go out earlier, at least the trifles of the outside world can keep him from focusing all his attention on her.

Tu Mi was really sticking to him a little bit unbearable.

"I still can't open it." Yu Tang turned around and looked at her master helplessly.

"Really?" Tu Mi was suspicious.

It's not that she doesn't trust him, it's just that he behaves too indifferently, as if he is not active at all about going out.

"Really! What did the disciple lie to you for?" Yu Tang was dissatisfied.

Although he was not very active in breaking the ban before.

But at the time, he thought that it would be fine as long as he stayed with his master. As for where he stayed, he didn't care.

What's more, such a quiet place where no one is disturbed, simply don't win his heart too much.

And now, he is indeed a little anxious.

Although he couldn't wait, he wanted to completely take over his dear master as his own.

But all of this, he wants to do it after giving her a perfect and grand wedding.

These are all based on going out.

It's just that he really can't break this restriction now.

But her suspicion made him a little uncomfortable.

So he walked up to Tu Mi, ignoring her resistance, bent over and picked her up, and walked towards the bamboo house.

Tu Mi came back to her senses and found that she had been carried to the second floor of the bamboo house by him. She only felt that his hands around her waist were a little hot, "What are you doing?"

As if Yu Tang had not heard of her panic, he took out a fox velvet blanket from the Qiankun bag and spread it on the floor.

Then he placed her on the blanket, pressed her under his body gently and yet powerfully, slowly asked for it, and gradually fell into decline.

In the end, Tu Mi realized that she and him were on the verge of escaping, so she woke up and pushed him slightly.

But he saw that she was still buried in his chest, his lips and tongues sucking and gnawing wantonly.

Feeling the heat close to her thigh again, Tu Mi felt a little soft-hearted, thinking that she should stop being hypocritical and leave it to him.

When Tu Mi was mentally preparing, Yu Tang stopped moving.

He repressedly bit Tu Mi's beautiful and delicate collarbone, closed his eyes, and then pulled himself away ruthlessly.

Then he found another clean and tidy dress from the Qiankun bag, and replaced the tattered clothes on Tu Mi's body.

Tu Mi was not used to seeing it, so he let him serve herself.

After changing clothes, Yu Tang put Tu Mi in her arms and whispered in her ear, "Master, Shuangxiu, right? Huh?"

Although Tu Mi didn't understand why her apprentice was suddenly eager to cultivate, she still nodded.

Because double cultivation can really make their cultivation progress rapidly, especially the Chaos Five Elements Art, which must be cultivated with both people in order to achieve great success.

This is also the reason she suddenly understood after Sansheng mentioned it by chance.

And she and Yu Tang, through the blending of spirit and spirit, and the result of double cultivation, have indeed verified Sansheng's conjecture.

So Tumi left Yu Tang's arms at this time, sat obediently opposite Yu Tang, and adjusted her state slightly.

Seeing this, Yu Tang sat up straight.

After a while, the two entered a state of cultivation.

Another twenty years have passed.

In the early morning of this day, the sun was just beginning to show, and the sky changed color in a blink of an eye, and a large swath of dark clouds came.

In less than a while, several huge thunders fell in succession, and accompanied by the hurricane, there were bursts of roars from the heavens and the earth, the momentum was huge, like the end of the day.

The two Tu Mi in the canyon ban are still sitting cross-legged.

If someone is here, if they take a closer look, they will find that they are extremely tacit, their cultivation is the same profound, and even their breathing maintains the same rhythm.

At this moment, although Tu Mi closed her eyes, she could feel the turmoil in the outside world.

She knew that this might be the last level of their ascension.

"No, there are people from Immortal Realm who are watching here, we have to leave quickly!"

At this time, Sansheng suddenly and anxiously sent a sound transmission to Tu Mi.

"People from the Immortal Realm?" Tu Mi was a little confused.

"Well, it's the upper realm of this plane. It should be that you feel that you are about to ascend and come to meet you."

Sansheng saw that Tu Mi hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem, and then explained: "It may be that you guys are making too much noise, so the people who came here are not ordinary cultivators."

"Their cultivation base is much higher than yours, so they will naturally be able to see the difference in you. Maybe they will kill you as an outsider!"

"So you have to get out of this body before they come. Don't worry, if you leave, the rigid Heavenly Dao will still condense your breath and create a Jiang Mi in order to fill this loophole."

"And Jiang Mi, who was created by the Tao of Heaven, naturally couldn't notice the abnormality."

After all, Heavenly Dao, they dare not question.

"I assure you, this is the last time."

"This time the plane is full of spiritual energy, and there is even more rare chaotic vitality. My cultivation base has recovered a lot."

"It's just that it hasn't returned to its peak state."

"But while I was cultivating, I stored a lot of vitality with my spiritual tool. As long as I absorb it in the next plane, I can fully recover."

"You leave in such a dismal manner, I promise it's the last time!"

Although Sansheng's voice sounded the same as usual, Tu Mi could feel its guilt.

She smiled and opened her eyes, and said to Sansheng through voice transmission: "I know, I didn't blame you, it's not your fault."

She finally looked at Yu Tang, who was sitting quietly across from her, and said to Sansheng, "Let's go!"


At the last moment when her soul was withdrawn, she vaguely saw that Yu Tang had also undergone abnormal changes.

The corners of her lips twitched.

See you later.

I just don't know, should I call you, Yu Tang?