Chapter four: Testing something out.

"What a nice view," I said while sitting on a ride outside the border.

"My Lady, it is not proper for you to sit on that" Rebecca was so nervous while saying that.

"Hmm, what? Is it not good to enjoy the beautiful sceneries after all these years of not going out?" I yawned as this is getting boring.

"Bu-but my lady, you are sitting at the top of the moving carriage, just get down and let us go inside, please?" Well, isn't she outside too? Half of her body is.

How am I on the carriage? Well, you see…


"You are chosen as one of the candidates for the Crown Princess selection" Duke Lester responds while writing or signing shit on something, he doesn't even look at me while saying that.




"Aren't you going to say something, Cadyssa? Don't make me repeat words." He is waiting for an answer, hoping that I will agre—

"How about, NO?"

"What did you say?" He stopped writing as he heard my reply.

"I said NO, Duke Lester" I blankly stared at him.

He didn't expect that I rejected his order. The neglected and useless daughter he knew after the accident would be this unexpected twisted turn of events.

"Why? How dare you say NO? This is not an order, you are lucky enough to be chosen by the Royal Family" He scorned.

"Hmm, I remember something before that YOUR daughter is dead?" Dear Duke Lester, it seems you have a bad memory"


"CADYSSA, YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO FATHER! APOLOGIZE!" Oh, here comes the little Duke.

"Why would I? I am just a humble guest here"

"It is not proper for you to answer inappropriately towards the Duke, Cadyssa"

"And it is not appropriate to decide what my life wants, little Duke, as I said, your daughter is dead," I said as I faced Duke Lester. Nestor was trying to stop me from being an asshole, sorry, you are not on my level yet.

The Duke gets up on his chair and walks towards me, then suddenly slapped me real hard as I felt my mouth gets bruised and bled, it tastes rusty, ugh.

"Do not try to oppose me, this is an order from the Royal Family." Duke Lester looked at me with disdainful eyes.

"HA! Order? Again, I said NO. Your so-called is DEAD. DEAD FOR ALL THESE YEARS!" I shouted as fuck, I don't care if anyone hears my voice.

Duke Lester was shocked by my voice then a few seconds after he realized that I made a bad choice, he raised up his hands again and was about to slap me.

"Do not think of slapping me again, Duke Lester. After all these years, you neglected me thinking that I was the reason for the death of my mother. I WAS A CHILD, A VERY YOUNG CHILD! Yet you passed all of the blame to me. I AM YOUR DAUGHTER! YOU SHOULD HAVE COMFORTED ME EVEN YOU BROTHER! But neither of you did it at all as you locked me up. Fucking locked me up and no one wanted to see my face like I don't exist" I said while blankly staring at the Duke.

People in the room were surprised by how I responded, even Rebecca at my back trying to stop me from the fight, I don't mind at all, as I will end this bullshit.

"I---I----- Cadyssa…. I'm…so—" Little Duke Nestor was about to say something again. This nonsense shitty bastard again, why can't he just say it directly?

"Save it, little Duke, it is too late for reconciliation"

"And you Duke, just fucking ordering me around, after all these years of not showing your face to me? Controlling my life now just because of the Crown Princess selection, just to what? So that you will have the connection with them, you will just use me as your puppet, enough of this crap."

"Mother will not be happy to see you treating me like this. I remember that she loves me so dearly as precious as the rarest gems in the world and told me before she died that no matter what happens, I should live the way I wanted, and I will choose the person who truly love me most, not arranged, not on selection like this, just love freely." I added. I remember this since this is a part of the previous owner's memories.

Duke Lester and Duchess Naomi were married due to political arrangements by the Royal Family, as you know, the noble families may choose the marriage partner according to their ranks. It should not be higher or lower than your current rank. Sucks.

"Get o…" Duke Lester mumbled as he realizes, what?

"Father?" little Duke Lester was confused and worried as he walked toward him and tries to stop the argument.

"GET OUT, GET OUT, EVERYONE! YOU GET OUT, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE, EVER!" He shouted as he points me to the door.

"Enough, this ends now, from now on, you have a dead daughter and a dead sister. I hope that you will be moved on? Thank you not for the ugly memories. Live like I never exist in the first place." I bowed and left the room. Rebecca followed me after and before she truly exits the room, she glanced at the boys and see the Duke kneeling down and crying loudly as he mentioned: "I am sorry, Naomi.....". As she was about to turn around, Rebecca saw me bursting into tears while walking in the hallway.

"My lady…"

"I'm fine, Rebecca, this body of mine just cries on its own, this will be the last tears you'll see in the future," I said while wiping out the last tears I have.

As soon as I went into the room, I ordered Rebecca to pack all of the essential items and clothes that will be used during my long journey, I will not bring these fancy dresses and pieces of jewelry as it is not my taste or maybe bring some of the gems and sell those for additional income. I even search for some other needed things, especially books that I need while traveling, of course, you can't just stop studying just because you already can control magic, I needed these for my research.

"My lady, are these enough?" Well, just two pieces of baggage are enough, plus I have saved a lot of money on my journey. What else could I miss?

"Yes, Rebecca, thank you."

"Uhh, Lady Cadyssa…"

"Yes?" I replied while I doubled check my potions and gems in my cabinet. Hmm, should I bring my other scrolls and pen?

"Ca-c-Can I come? I will help and promised you not to be a bother" She said while caressing his clothes, how cute.

"Who said that I will leave you behind? Go pack your things as well and we will leave tonight"

"YES, MY LADY!" She runs out of the room like an excited child going out for a walk or something.

A few hours later, as everyone is asleep, me and Rebecca went to the usual vantage point where we always meet every time we train. Remember that I know how to dispel the barrier without alarming the guards. We wore the commoner's clothes as we don't like getting attention from other people as we travel.

As we successfully went outside the border, we went straight to the PUB where Rebecca usually goes, the Raspin District, located near the border of the Bloodhound territory, where she does requests that I ordered and make deals whenever I wanted. We approached the so-called bartender and signals him, he guides us to the VIP room and mentions us to wait for the dealer to come by, and assisted like usual. While we wait, one hooded young man went in and head straight to the chair in front of me and start puffing his cigarette.

"So, my lady, the time has come now, eh?" he said while he releases the smoke.

"Yes, so is it ready? I'm itching to get the hell out of this place"

"Eyyyy, eyy my lady, relax, the carriage is ready and waiting for you at the back, at your request" he laughed like a silly crazy man while touching his belly.

"Shut up"

"Whoa there, Lady Cadyssa, don't get butthurt just because of the Duke's shitty ass blabbering nonsense at you, you're finally out of that cage" he wiped the tears after he laughed badly.

"I know, let's go, Rebecca. See you later, Leika, let's meet up soon and wait for my signal"

"Yeah, yeah, now go shoo, Lady Cadyssa, pffft" He puffs again and went out of the room.

"Fuck you, Leika, it's Cady now. Don't add up the lady, it's sucks."

"Aye aye, Cady" Leika said while doing the salute sign.

Leika or Leikantro, is one of the people I met a year ago, I hired him as my source information agent and one of my assistants as well. I recruited him because he is one of the well-known people to provide useful information and he had a connection with a lot of people since he grew up in the streets. I helped him before when he got beaten by the street thugs in the dark alley, they didn't die no worries, not yet.

At first, he didn't agree to get hired when he knows that I am just a child as her owner, excuse me? Leika was only 12 years old at that time! How dare he mocked me! This bastard knows how to smoke despite his age, he mentioned that it is the way the street goes, I just shrugged when he said that.

When he finally met me, despite many requests being declined because I was focusing on training. I don't know the reason why he finally agreed to get recruited but he mentioned to me that for some reason he saw me as a stepping stone since I am one of the nobles that appreciates him regardless of status.

For now, I have made my own Information agency in secret, where I am the original owner of it, I only used Leikan as bait to other people, no one will know that I led this kind of business, even the nobles as I don't trust them, only selected people are allowed to work under me. You'll know them in the future.

As we were about to enter the carriage, I took a final glimpse of the district. Finally, I am free of this nonsense shit, I have waited for the opportunity to get the hell out of that mansion, just not because I am so young before, but I still can't go out on my own, I don't have much strength and power yet that is why I trained all those years.

"Lady Cadyssa—" Rebecca suddenly called me as she was done carrying our things.

"I told you all to cut the Lady part, Rebecca"

"But, my lady, you are always my master and my owner." She replied.

"Hmm, up to you" I went inside the carriage, Rebecca followed and signaled the driver to proceed.

"My Lady? Do you know where we are heading?" She asked.

"Oh, that? We have to go to the next city, I just need to confirm something and might as well fill up the supplies we need for the next few days."

"Yes, my lady, how many days do we stay, do you have any plans after this?"

"Oh yeah, it's a long journey though, it will take more than a month, so while we are traveling, we should continue training while at it." I yawned because it's tiring today, lots of shitty workloads that we have done.

"I will inform the coachman regarding this matter, my lady, please take a rest while we are not at our destination." Rebecca said as she knocked on the wooden wall where the coachman was located, then she used some kind of a knocking signal, more like "morse code" or something.

The coachman we hired is one of our people, so probably he knows every city, country, or even corner of the world and is one of Leika's best informants as well. Asks and they shall know every bit of it, either the secrets or whatnot, in exchange of course the fair price.

After a few hours of traveling, Rebecca woke me up stating that we have arrived at our destination, I peeked out the window and saw the lights from afar, yes, we are here, the City of Metal, the Karfe City. One of the most well-known cities in the world because this is where the top blacksmiths are located. We are here because I need a new weapon and must meet 'that' guy itself.

"My lady, coachman informs me that everything is done and well prepared for."

"Good job, alright, we just need to pass these gates, I'm hungry and tired," I said while stretching out, man, sitting for a few hours makes my back hurt more, I want a hot bath when we arrived at the inn.

"Yes, my Lady" She replied.

When we reached the gates of the city, the guards stopped us for the inspection, the coachman reached out the confirmation papers to the guards as proof to let us pass, since the owner of the carriage is somehow registered as a 'daughter of a well-known merchant' doing business in the city as the valid reason for the visit. As the guard finished reading, he signals the other guards to know that we are good to go and is safe to enter, the coachman bows down and thanks them, and continues moving.

We have stopped at the front of the Inn where Rebecca made a reservation beforehand, I told the coachman about the next plan and went straight back to the inn. I have told him to return to me after 5 days and inform Leika that we have arrived at the objective point. After a while, Rebecca did all the signing and told me that the VIP room is ready, we faked the name on the papers so that the Bloodhound people will not track our whereabouts in case they find us, so it's better to prepare something like this.

"Prepare a warm bath and a dinner, Rebecca"

"Yes, my lady, I already ordered Top Loin Beefsteak that suits your palate. Please wait while I warmed the bathwater" She said while preparing my nightdress.

"Alright, we have to go to 'that' person's house by tomorrow morning, I need to fetch my thing," I tell her while I was lying in the bed, ah, so soft.

In a few minutes, Rebecca informed me that the bath is ready, I went straight to it and get soak in this warm water, it feels refreshing as it took away my tiredness. It doesn't take long as I was hungry so I exited the tub and dry myself before wearing my nightdress. While I was drying my hair with the towel, I saw Rebecca prepare a table with our food on it, I let her join my dinner so that we will take a rest early tonight as we have something to do by tomorrow.

I woke up early as I plan on taking a stroll outside for a morning walk, I saw a few people doing certain tasks like delivering supplies, fixing carriages, checking items, confirming goods, etc.

What a busy day it is, I went inside the inn and head straight to the dining area where I ordered fresh warm tea. I saw Rebecca go down the stairs went ahead to order our breakfast.

"My lady, as our schedule for today, I already inform 'that' person for our visit, but it seems that we still have no reply coming from him." She said while filling up my tea, she added more milk and honey as well, yummy.

"No worries, it's his style, probably still sleeping at this hour or so," I replied while taking a bite of this fine gourmet.

"Yes, Lady Cadyssa, anyways, your dress and gems are ready"

"Thanks, Rebecca"

After all the shenanigans, we left the inn and proceed to the location we headed, one of the blacksmith's shops wherein it was in the very farthest one in the city, where you mostly see dark alleys beside it, so mostly few people only went there because it does seem dangerous and scary even at night.

When we reached the door, I knocked three times, it even has a sign 'closed' on it. Funny, is he still sleeping? I don't think so. I tried knocking a few more times until it was so loud that you think that I almost broke the door. After a few seconds, the voice of the annoying man was heard inside, there he goes, I thought he was dead.


"No, open the door or I'll break it, Tefan." I blurted.

"Who the fuck are you? Do you know *burp* who am I here? I AM THE GREATEST *burp*" Tefan mentioned this again, so annoying.

"I'll count to one, or else…" I replied.

But before he opens his mouth, the door suddenly breaks into half as I slashed it using my wooden dagger that was blended with my wind magic.

"EEEEK! WHAT THE—OH MY GOD, MISTRESS WHY DID YOU BREAK THE DOOR" He was very surprised when he saw my appearance.

"You are so annoying, took me a long time to fucking call you out. Now where are the items that I requested for a long time"

"Gosh, look at you, didn't I tell you that it was done and ready to be delivered in your area?" He scratched his head while looking at his broken door.

"Change of plan, I'll take it in here. So where is it now?" I said while sitting on an empty barrel.

"Fucking hell, hold on, this took me a while because of the materials you mentioned to me, man you didn't tell me that this was the rarest ores ever found in the world? Where did you manage to get these? Other materials were also hard to find so that's why it took longer than I expected." Tefan went to the storage and headed back to where I am, with the covered clothes he was carrying, this must be the finished products that I waited for a few months now.

"I have my own ways, Tefan." I replied while receiving the 'thing'.

Finally, I have been waiting for this moment, this has been planned for a long time while I was at the mansion. I requested Rebecca to reach out Leika regarding this. I told them that I needed a new weapon with the finest materials I have since I discovered these while we are training. I accidentally saw the cave near us, thats why we found these ores, sadly these are only few, I am glad that no one didn't even know this location yet. I needed the weapon that can't break and can outstand my mana.

I made two swords, one is colored silver, and the other one is colored red. The materials were made up of Wolfram ore mixed with chromium, one of the strongest and rarest ores in this world.

It is beautiful, I have to test this out, Tefan tours me up into his practice and testing area. As he sets up two dummies, I infused my mana into the two swords. The silver one releases a beautiful blue-green color, while the red one releases purplish-white. As I extended my left hand and points my sword at one of the dummies, a loud rumbling noise was heard in the sky and a very powerful light went straight to the dummy, causing a crackling lightning sound, it was so bright that the two didn't see what was happening.

When the surroundings are clear, what they saw made them shocked, the dummies weren't there as if it doesn't exist in the first place, the grounds around them has a dark roast color as if it was so burned and left a bigger hole.

"Hmm, not enough, but this is okay for now, I'll test the next sword while traveling" I said while returning my swords into my sheath.

"What? Not enough of what?! You almost broke my house, mistress" Tefan shouted, ugh my ears.

"M-my lady, that is a powerful skill, you should not be using it just like that" I saw both of them sweating so badly.

"What, do you want me to test this other sword now? I'll be using wind magic then" I blurted.

"NO NO NO! THAT'S ENOUGH MISTRESS/MY LADY?!" Both of them answered in sync.

"Well then, this is done, Rebecca, handle this, I'll go back to the inn."

"Ye-y-yes, my lady." She answered while dragging Tefan back to the shop.

Tefan, one of Leika's recommendations, son of the former top-tiered blacksmith in the city, at a very young age, shows great hard work and determination when it comes to forgery, but on the latter side, he is a drunken bastard. At least, my awaited masterpiece is on my hands now, I can go back and use my remaining days to rest and buy the supplies needed for a long journey.

After 4 days of mini-vacation I had, in which I only do reading and acquired information around the city, the coachman arrived but this time Leika is with us on this journey, he has some other work and meetups with the other guys in the same destination we will be going next. As we are about to proceed, Rebecca was confused as she still didn't know where are we headed.

"My lady? Where are we going next?"


"Shut up, Leika, I am asking my Lady"

"Pfftttt, okay okay, fine"

"Hmm, we are heading to the next Empire, Rebecca."

"My lady? What for? Who are we meeting with?" Rebecca asked.

"We are going to meet my Grandfather, the War Hero Archduke of the East"