Chapter ten: Twist of turns.

"Ha?" My eyes widened for a second and then changed back to normal. That's interesting, never knew that this will change from the storyline.

"Dear? Is there a problem with our decision?"

"Ah, no, nothing, Grandfather, Go on."

"Hrm, as I said, Me and Archduke Norman have decided this, it seems that you are not interested in being a part of the Crown Princess selection after all. Unlike that bastard on the other side wants it in the first place…"


"… Well, is it?"


"Right…. So, are you okay with this?" Grandfather looked at me with his worried face, I just smiled back after.

"Well, Grandfather, I don't have any problem with this after all, so I accept it."

"Ho? I see, then I'll pass on a message to the Archduke, go on, you have some training to do for this day, right?"

"Yes, Grandfather, I'll go and prepare for it. I'll be excusing myself, then." I stood up and went to the old man, and kissed his cheeks but before I reached the door, Grandfather say something that I immediately shiver my back.

"Alpin says he likes you…"

This is not what I expected, the Icy Prince likes me for what? The whole day has passed since we last met with Grandfather, and I am currently outside the border for the beast hunt, alone, no one didn't come with me as per usual.

"Another additional idiot in my life…

"Great, what a bummer" I added after a deep sigh.



I sliced up the last remaining wolf beast in one of the breeding grounds, man, these beasts are surely fast on creating an offspring. I have been doing this for a few months now and this is nonstop, surely there should be a big boss around here som—






I knew it, there is one, the aura itself is dangerous, it is menacing and strong, unlike the smaller ones. Looks like she knows what is happening to her beast members after I killed all of them mostly.

"Hmm, so, are you the leader of the Wolf beasts?"

The leader didn't mind and just run towards me, I was about to evade it but she suddenly makes a turn and uses her claws on my shoulders, sustaining wounds and blood was gushing out from it, didn't expect that part, I should focus on it since this is not training anymore, the one in front of me was a boss, intermediate one.

"Not bad from a Wolf Queen itself" I puffed hard as it got colder and colder now that it was blizzard, wrong timing for a battle.

I tore some parts of my clothes and use them to cover my wounds in my arms, that hurts but I didn't mind it because I will just get distracted from the beasts. I rushed to the side and used a Wind Blade, but the boss jumped and my skill just only hit a few wolf beasts.

The wolf queen uses her body to swirl around and try to slam me from above, luckily I managed to slip away from her, but the force of it caused me to fly away from her, as I was about to hit on a rock, I tried to control my body and turn my feet sideways, towards the rock itself, preventing me to get hit by it, just imagine it that I was standing on the rock, but it's on the side.

As I successfully get down straight from the big rock, I tried to balance myself, the tension between me and this beast is very impossible, especially at my young age. I need to call for support, gladly I have this scroll to summon a signal in case of emergency, Grandfather instructed me this if there is something wrong and the elite knights will come to the rescue.

I will try to slow this beast down and escape from her grasp, as I was about to use a water skill, the beast itself uses a side dash, which means that you can hardly see her moves because of her speed, I can't catch her momentum since she was hitting me from side to side, I can feel my body got numb from the pain, ugh.

I used an Ice mist instead to distract her so that I can finally use another water spike and target her legs. The Wolf Queen was diverted and was searching for me, but I was hiding my mana so that she can't spot me, as she was so occupied with finding me, I used an Ice spike and trapped her with it. I heard her growling as she was trying to escape, and used a sharp Wind blade towards her legs.

But unfortunately, only her front legs were injured and she roared loudly, causing the ice spike to crack. She didn't mind the pain and called for a wolf pack, damn, they are more than 20 wolves so far. I can't feel my arms getting numb because of my injury sustained earlier by her.

"Huff, huff"

"Fu-ck, thi-s, is no-ot, HA- good" I was trying to grasp for more air since my surroundings are getting colder and colder the longer we are here.

I was about to use the scroll when suddenly the Ice above fell towards the beasts, killing most of the wolves, the Queen was evading the attack, but mostly she was hit by some of the ice, causing her to get serious injuries and having a hard time balancing herself.

As she was trying to escape, a dark mist formed hands were spotted and grabbed the Queen, leading her to trap it. I took a glance from where it was from and saw the group of dark-figured people near me, I couldn't see much clearly as my vision was starting to get hazy because of the blood loss.

"MY LADY/CADY!" Ah, the sound of those two idiots from afar, now that I am safe, I can finally rest as my body won't take it anymore. I feel my head was going to explode from so much pain, as well as my injured arm.

I was about to fall to the hard ground when suddenly I felt the arms around my neck, I do not care who was the one to catch me, but before I went fully down, I heard a voice which I remember who that is, that silver-haired boy again. Why the fuck is he here?

"Cady, you really made me wo-...…" I lost consciousness after that and my vision became dark as well.

At the castle, people around especially the Archdukes got anxious about the incident that happened earlier near the border. Of course, the old man was so worried when he heard the report that her Granddaughter was seriously injured in the fight with the intermediate level beasts.

As they heard that the knights have returned, he saw his Granddaughter getting carried by Alpin itself, Archduke Norman went to him to check up on the unconscious girl, it was full of bruises and injuries, especially on her left arm and shoulder. The old man immediately ordered the servants to call on the Physician and the healer to the room.

Alpin, on the other hand, didn't let anyone touch the girl until they reach her room, as he was laying down Cadyssa on her bed, he caressed her hair and never leave her side until the Physician arrives.

"What happen to her Alpin, didn't you follow her outside the border?" Archduke Norman asked the boy who was just holding her hands.

"The area was full of monsters, I have to clear them out to keep her safe, but I didn't expect that the boss will appear to her" Alpin replied while he was still staring at her.

Both guys just stared at each other after he replied, the physician is still assessing her status despite the healers trying their best to recover her injuries. After 2 hours, the condition of the young lady is stable. The people around except Rebecca and Alpin were left in the room, whilst the old man and Archduke Norman were discussing the health of Cadyssa who is currently sleeping soundly.

"How's the condition of my Granddaughter?" The old man asked while he put his hand on the chin.

"Well, she suffered minor bruises on her side, but, we don't know for sure if she has some broken ribs due to the impact. For now, we will need to monitor for possible aftershocks."


"The healers will do everything they can to restore whatever is broken inside. I will prescribe some pain killers for now, as for her wounds, she is lucky enough that it didn't get infected, and lost an arm on sight."

"She will also need to restrict her movements for the meantime also due to her dislocated left shoulder" The Physician added.

"How many days does she need to recover?"

"Not days, more on like a week or so, Archduke."

"Hmm, I see, please keep an eye for her, be sure to do everything you guys can"

"Yes, Archduke, please excuse me." The physician bowed down and left the hallway.

"Good thing she is alive, Senior" Archduke interrupted.

"She is."

"What can we do now?"

"She needs time to rest and recuperate, I am sure she will go back again outside once she's good, there is nothing I can do about that." The old man said while he was checking up the room wherein Alpin was sitting on a chair beside the bed and just stared at the young lady while sleeping.

"Well, Alpin is there. You want him to protect her, isn't it, Senior?"

"She doesn't want it, but we have no choice, this is just a start, what's more when danger comes in the future, we have to prepare."

"Yes, Senior."

"Also, we have to postpone the celebration, order the knights and the loyal trustees to cover the mess, and hid the identity of Cadyssa until she reaches her debut age. It's for her safety"

"I got it, please excuse me, Senior. I'll do what I have to do. I'll leave Alpin in your care then." Archduke Norman left with his assistant aide, he used his telecommunication scroll to call out the subordinates for a meeting.

I feel my body that was floating in the air, when I opened my eyes, the area around me was like you've imagined, just all white, and there's something else, like a gazebo, with a mini garden around it. There is one white figure that I saw from afar, I can't see his or her face clearly, strange.

"Come, my child. I have been waiting for this moment to meet you."

I can feel my body moves on its own towards the gazebo, and then he point out towards the chair beside him, I had no choice but to sit on it.

"What is this? Who are you?" I asked this mysterious being in front of me.

"I am this being called 'God' in this world"

"God? Like an actual God itself from my previous world?"

"Oh dear, no no, it's different. I am one of the supreme beings in your world where you are right now, the one that these people believe." He/She chuckled


"Anyways, you are in the other dimension created just for you, I just borrowed your soul for a bit to talk about something"




"Ermmm, you have been given a chance to reincarnate, plus you are receiving some special gifts from me. Just save the world against the demon forces, I can't handle such things as because I can't meddle with humans, it is against our laws."

"You want me to save? I don't understand."

"I have chosen you because you are unique and one of the kind, and because of the amount of mana you have."

"I see, when will it happen?"

"I can't tell, but you must prepare, apologies for what has happened to you a while ago. You are still young after all, child"

"I can manage somehow to adjust, thank you for the warnings"

"No no, this is not enough, remember, I'll bestow you a gift once you've awakened, just don't get surprised.

"Okay, time is up, you have to go back, my spirits are killing my ears off for sure if I am gone for too long, off you go, child, we will meet up again someday"


As I was about to say something and tried to reach him, he used some kind of an aura emitting light, the surroundings suddenly because blurry and distorted. But before my vision became black, I heard his final words which shocked me.

"Overcome the darkness within you, do not let it fully control, fight for it and you will see the light ahead of you, child."


When I opened my eyes, I was gasping for air, I don't know how long I was unconscious. As I was looking around the room trying to call somebody, I felt a sharp pain in my left arm, where my wound was. I saw my hand that was being held on by someone, it was Alpin, currently, he was sleeping beside me and suddenly woke up when I tried to move my hand away.



"....." What? He was just staring at me for a few minutes now, I was about to say something but my throat was so dry, I want to drink some water, it hurts when I tried to talk.

Alpin noticed it and reached out a glass of water from the side table and handed it to me, I drank it out after and felt the coldness from it. I was about to say something but Rebecca suddenly barge into the room and interrupted our conversation.

"MY LADYYYYYYYYYYY" She was about to hug me but Alpin blocked it for some reason. I saw Rebecca crying a lot, yeah, her eyes were so swollen from it.

Rebecca was confused as to why he did that, Alpin points out my injured arm, she gets it after and apologizes after. I ordered Rebecca to report to Grandfather that I have awaken, and she immediately left the room afterward. Shortly after, Grandfather went in and checks up on me to see if I am okay, I told them not to worry about it since it is not life-threatening.

"My dear, I'm glad you are alright. Be sure to be careful next time. Do not go alone when you are out to the border again. This is an order."

"…..Yes, Grandfather"

"Good, now, just rest for a few weeks, do not worry about the celebration, we have to postpone it and hid your identity instead until you reach the age where you can finally show up, but for now you have to train hard."


"Alright, I'm heading out for a while to attend some meetings. Alpin, please take care of your fiancé while I am gone with your father" Alpin nods in response.

After a few minutes, Alpin was just staring at me for no reason again, the silence is killing me, I have to do something, and I am getting bored just by lying on the bed. I asked Rebecca for a while how long I lost consciousness, she told me that I was out for almost half a day.

Not gonna lie, they didn't believe that I regain consciousness for just a short amount of time regardless of what intensity of injuries I got after a battle with that Wolf Queen. Wait for a second, what happen after I fainted?

"I manage to subdue it."

"Huh? Who?"

"Me, talking to you alone, don't bother finding someone else aside from us, Lady Cadyssa." My eyes widened for a second there, this guy can talk? How amusing, I mean what a bother.

"It's from your face, I can read it even without looking at you" He added while he was reading a book beside me, is he teasing me again?

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing, just rest, tell me if you need anything"

"I want to go ou-"


"But, you have just told m-"

"Except that."

"Damn it, but I really wanted to-"

"Still no."

"Ugh, you are so fucking annoying" Alpin suddenly flicked his fingers to my forehead, that hurts.

"OWW! What the fu-"

"Stop cussing."


"I'm older than you by 2 years"



"Such naughty lady, you are, indeed, that makes me lo---" Huh? Did he say something, I saw him mumbling something and hiding his head with a book he's holding unto.

"I really don't understand you, Sir Alpi-"



"Call me Boris"

"Hmph, okay" I covered myself with my blanket after, I rather get to sleep instead, this is getting weirder and weirder now that I am with this crazy boy. I am sure that he will be gone after when I fell asleep. I am going to sneak out to get some fresh air later, I hate the smell of the medicine in this room, makes me nauseous.

After a few hours, I woke up with the same situation, a body pain especially in my arm whenever I move. I tried to get out of the bed thinking my feet were good to walk, but unfortunately it is painful as well. I didn't see Alpin anymore so I called on Rebecca instead using the bell ring.

Rebecca went in after a few seconds, she was surprised and immediately rushed towards me after she was that I was trying to stand up. She assisted me towards the chair in front of the mini table where I usually eat my snacks and read books during my free time here.

"My lady, haven't the physician said not to move much because of your injuries?"

"Open the window, I hate the smell of the medicine"

"Yes, Lady Cadyssa"

"I wanted to move just a little bit for some fresh air, I can't just be stuck here"

"But, my Lad-"

"Just open the window for me, Rebecca, and assist me to the Balcony"

"Yes, I'll order the other maids to set out the table outside as well"

After a while, the maids and the servants were preparing a table, as well as the snacks that I want since I am hungry, how long did I not eat since the incident? Rebecca gave me a book to read while I am enjoying the view outside the castle, good thing, I am getting so bored lately.

"Should you be resting on your bed, Cady?"

"Tsk, I wanted some fresh air"

"Just open up a window then"

"I wanted to enjoy the scenery here, is there a problem with that?"

"Outside this cold weather? You're funny"

"You're annoying"

"You're stubborn"

"Shut up, Alpin!"



"I said shut up, Alpin"

"I said call me Boris, Cady" Alpin was walking towards me, while Rebecca was trying to calm me down after this shitty talk.

After a bit, I felt a sudden sharp pain in my both eyes, it was like twisting my insides, I stood up because of the painful sensation on my head, thinking that it was going to explode. I tried to balance myself and fight the pain, but sadly my body won't move an inch, so I sat down on my chair and covered my eyes with my hands trying to withstand it.

On the other hand, Rebecca and Alpin got panicked by Cadyssa's sudden action. Rebecca went out of the room to call for some help while Alpin tried to assist Cadyssa to prevent her from falling. After a few minutes, the Physician went in a hurry and checked on the lady that was on the bed, they can't assess the lady properly because she was resisting back due to pain.

"Get the lady into the position, I need to check her as soon as possible, prepare the pain reliever herbs!"

"Where are the healers! Quickly call them!" The physician added while trying to calm the lady down.

After a few fights and trying to calm Cadyssa down, the lady was trying to catch her breath due to her condition lately. As she was about to face the crowd, the people inside were shocked to see her face.

"Oh, my Lady, your eyes!"