Meeting the Goddess of Death

"Rhodes, the god servant in charge of the study, pays the most sincere respect to the princess."

Rhodes put down the book in his hand and bowed respectfully.

"Oh? Do you know who I am?"

The beauty in green was very interested. She stepped into the study with her slender legs, walked to Rhodes, and glanced down at the [Asgard Chronicle].

"Guessed it."

Rhodes was a little cautious.

I was thinking in my heart, how far is the difference between myself and Hela now? Can you beat Hela?

"You guessed it right. Rhodes, are you reading?" Hela smiled.

"Well, I'm new here and want to learn more about Asgard," Rhodes replied.

Seemingly feeling Rhodes' restraint and tension, Hela said, "You will be allowed to read in the study in the future. Now, go out first."


Rhodes found that Hela didn't mean to blame, he was relieved, and exited the room.

Hela is one of Asgard's pillars. He is usually very busy with business and often goes to wars. He has very little time at home. This is the first time Rhodes has seen Hela.

"Hela is quite approachable…"

Rhodes walked a long way and glanced back at the study.

Definitely, he wasn't naive enough to think that Hela's character was really like that.

How could the goddess of death, who fought in all directions, be the master of provocation?

The next day, the sky was bright.

Rhodes gets up, takes a shower, and super-hearing works again, hearing the conversations of many of the mansion's servants.

After so many days, Rhodes has been able to use this super ability.

Unimportant conversations are simply filtered, and only useful information is digested.

"I heard that the Giants of Jotunheim are in chaos again, just saw a lot of troops passing by…"

"So, Asgard is going to war again?!"

"Isn't it true, the princess rushed out early in the morning today, it must be for the Giants of Jotunheim."

After listening to these words.

Rhodes has brought the tools to the garden.

The feud between the Giants of Jotunheim and the Aesir protoss has never ceased.

It doesn't sound weird at all.

"If I join the army, I should be able to go out together."

"But it's better to bask in the sun in the garden to get stronger and more comfortable."

Rhodes cleans the garden without haste.

Now Hela has also left the mansion.

With Hela's permission, he can roam in the study unscrupulously.

at dusk.

Rhodes came to the study.

This time he did not continue to read the tome.

Hela has a great collection of books.

Glancing around the bookshelves, Rhodes found a copy of "Protoss Fighting Technique".

There are naturally some fighting skills in it.

Rhodes geared up, picked up the book and read it with relish.

His physical strength is very strong now, and he has super ability, but he doesn't know anything about fighting.

It is equivalent to having brute force without knowing how to use it, so naturally you have to learn.

"Fist, Leg, Elbow, Knee, Footwork… It's detailed and easy to understand. It's really good!"

In half an hour.

Rhodes read the entire book and closed his eyes.

Immediately, these exquisite fighting techniques appeared in my mind, and the skeletal muscles of the whole body were also being subtly adjusted, as if they were fighting the enemy in their consciousness.

After a while.

Rhodes left the study and went to the open space in the garden to train.

Every move is both powerful and subtle.

With the passage of time, Rhodes' fighting machine has become more and more familiar, he has improved very fast, and his body has smooth muscle lines, not as thin as before.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed.

It's been a month since Rhodes came to Asgard, and it's time to get paid.

Many servants came and waited in line at the door of the account room.

The old butler called the name, and the servants went in to collect their wages.




Soon, it was Rhodes' turn.

He entered the account.

The old butler said: "The servant of God only has five runes a month"

A valet placed five coins in Rhodes' palm.

"Five runes. Not much."

Rhodes put away the coins and went out of the account room.

Asgard currency, one rune is equal to one hundred large gold coins and one thousand small gold coins.

Five runes can be exchanged for five hundred large gold coins.

This is definitely a huge sum of money on earth.

But gold is very common in Asgard, not a very precious thing.

In Asgard, the purchasing power of a small gold coin is only equivalent to a dollar in later generations.

So to convert it, Rhodes' monthly salary is actually only 5,000 yuan.

"I recently practiced fighting skills, and my shoes broke two holes."

"Now that the salary is paid, it's time to buy a new pair of shoes."

Rhodes weighs coin calculations.

He has been in the princess' mansion for the past month, and he hasn't gone out for a good stroll.

Take this opportunity to get out and breathe.

"There are only four runes this month, it's miserable.."

"Raymond, who made you lazy, you deserve to be punished."

"Varys, can you lend me two runes? I need it urgently!"

"No, I'm going to buy something."

Several servants were talking.

One was a blond man and the other was a brown-haired man, both strong and tall. There was also a petite maid beside her, with freckles on her face and very smart eyes.

When Rhodes looked, she happened to look too.

Rhodes recognized it.

She was the maid who led the way when she first came to the princess' mansion.

"Rhodes, right? My name is Tessa, we've already met, right?" The freckled maid greeted Roar with a smile.

"Yes." Rhodes nodded in agreement.

The blond man and the brown-haired man were a little curious when they saw the two talking.

"Tessa, do you know each other?"

"Dude, are you new here? You're still very young."

"He's the new servant of the gods, Rhodes."

Tessa walked over friendly, saw Rhodes' shoes torn, and said, "Rhodes, we're going to the market to buy some daily necessities. Would you like to go with us?"


Rhodes thought about it, and agreed, "Okay."

He is not too familiar with this place, and it will be much more convenient to have these people lead the way.

"Let's go then. Varys, Raymond, Rhodes."

Tessa beckoned, and the four of them left the princess' mansion together.

The streets are crowded with people and lively like cooking oil on fire.

There are also a variety of flight devices shuttled overhead.

Asgard's buildings are tall, quaint and elegant, but also have very advanced high-tech, which combine to add a lot of indescribable charm to the city.

In addition to the Aesir gods, there are other races on the streets.

All kinds of strange shapes, Tessa, Varys, Raymond, they are older than Rhodes, and they have been servants of God for a few years, so it is not surprising. Rhodes feels fresh.

"Dude, don't stare at others like this, you will be unlucky if you meet a grumpy one!" Varys kindly reminded.

"I'm…" Rhodes suddenly smiled and said nothing. "Thanks for the reminder."

He just felt that someone was following him.

But soon this feeling of being watched disappeared again.

So much so that he couldn't be sure what was going on.

"We're just a few servants, how could anyone have an idea for us?" Rhodes mused.

The group of four walked four or five streets.

Bought a cheese, two bottles of rye wine, some groceries, etc.

Rhodes himself bought a pair of sturdy brown riding boots.

As for anything else, he doesn't need it.

On the way back, the four passed through the crowd again.

Because there were too many people, Varys and Raymond, the two big men, could only make a way out.

Tessa was sweating profusely, still instructing: "Rhodes, there are a lot of people here, you have to follow closely or you will get lost."

Rhodes frowned and didn't answer, the feeling of being watched again.


Rhodes noticed that there was a blond beauty blocking the road ahead, looking extremely sexy.

Eyes roll, charming and moving.

"You come with me."

The blonde woman glanced at a few people and said. *