Stealing the Head of Death

I am under the order of the princess to go to the secret room to pick up an item. You should retreat first."

In front of the secret room door.

Elt is commanding the two guards majestically.

This completely enclosed room is remote in the mansion, but Hela, the goddess of death, holds the most precious things in it.

The private treasure trove is just a bunch of useless gadgets.

"Yes, the butler."

The two guards looked at each other and obeyed the order to retreat.

The old housekeeper Elt has followed Princess Hela for many years and is deeply trusted. They dare not question and have no intention of questioning.

Taking out the key, Alt opened the door of the secret room and walked in.

In the deepest part of the secret room, there was a cloak suspended on a beautifully carved stone platform, with green patterns on a black background.

The whole exudes a breath of death, which is terrifying.

After Elt felt the hair-raising breath, his facial muscles twitched a few times.

But the cloak was dead after all.

Hela is not here, everything is fine.

A greedy light appeared in Ert's eyes, he strode forward, and took off his cloak.


in the garden of the mansion.

Rhodes, who was training the fighting skills of the Protoss, suddenly stopped moving.

He noticed a strange aura rising.

Look through the eyes.

Rhodes immediately found the open door to the chamber, and Elt holding a death cloak.

"Death cloak?"

"What is the old butler doing with this thing?"

Rhodes frowned, dropped his moves, and sprinted out of the garden, disappearing in a gust of wind.


——The defense of the Princess Mansion is surprisingly weak, and it is really a group of wine bags and rice bags. Unexpectedly, let me get the death cloak so easily! Hey-hey!

Elt was secretly delighted in his heart, but he still had a dignified expression on the surface.

Before this thing was brought out of the Princess Mansion, everything was empty talk.

The most important thing now is to get out of here.

"Put it away, put it away!"

Alt carefully packed the death cloak into a silver cryptographic suitcase.

"Master Steward, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, a clear and pleasant voice sounded behind him.

Elt's body trembled with fright, and the suitcase almost fell to the ground.

Turning his head to look, he saw a young man with black hair and blue eyes.

Although the dress is a little rough, it can't hide the heroic spirit between the eyebrows.

Elt recalled and knew who it was.

"Rhodes, this is the princess's secret room. Idle people are not allowed to enter. Leave me immediately! I will punish you later!"

Alter scolded solemnly.

"Idle people can't enter? Why are you here, Lord Steward?"

Rhodes didn't go on, but stared at the old butler with a scrutiny frown.

He has found that the old butler today is somewhat different.

Although he did not meet the old butler very often, with the keen insight ability, he can be sure that the person in front of him must not be the old butler!

"But how can you not see through his disguise."

"I obviously have a see-through eye."

Rhodes is weird.

"Ding! The host [Rhodes] has evolved the super ability [Eye of Truth]!"

At this time, the Silver Superman gene evolved rapidly.

The sound of the system suddenly sounded.

– Just in time!

Rhodes immediately activates Super Ability.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he saw the white-haired old butler in front of him.

For an instant, a pointed-eared, green-skinned creature was reflected in Rhodes' clean azure eyes.

This is the same group that Rhodes discovered with his clairvoyant yesterday, the group of people who peeped at the Princess Mansion!


Rhodes was shocked and remembered what was recorded in a book.

The Skrulls are alien races with developed technological civilization.

One of the mutated Skrulls can shapeshift into various creatures at will.

It can be changed at will, and the disguise is extremely powerful. When disguised as another person, even memory and Ability can be copied together.

So people gave him the nickname 'Copyright Star Man. '

The other Eternal Skrulls do not shapeshifting, but their own strength is very powerful, similar to the Titans.

Rhodes can naturally distinguish, this is the mutant Skrull tribe.

At the moment, he transformed into the appearance of old housekeeper Elt! Infiltrating the secret room of the princess' mansion must be to steal the death cloak!

"Amora said that the Frost King also hired others to take the death cloak. This Skrull and those accomplices seem to be hired."

Rhodes thought to himself.

It all happened very quickly, in an instant.

Elt noticed something was wrong with the way Rhodes looked at him.

-Has it been discovered! ?

Elt was in a tight mood, and cold sweat oozes slightly from his back.

"Skrulls, immediately put down the death cloak."

Rhodes next sentence.

Aert's body was shocked, and there was no longer any hesitation, and the silver suitcase smashed directly at Rhodes' face door, ready to knock Rhodes out and rush out.



Two muffled sounds came out one after another.

Rhodes reacted very quickly, smashing open the silver suitcase with one punch, and his elbow rushed forward, directly hitting Alt's chin.

The latter couldn't bear the enormous force, and his body threw backward uncontrollably, spewing a large stream of blood from his mouth.

"Don't try to escape. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't help but kill you."

Rhodes stepped on Elt's chest and said lightly.

The latter was in unbearable pain, and was about to pass out. Being stepped on by this foot, it was like a mountain, and he couldn't move at all.

At the same time, the ability of this Skrull tribe can no longer be maintained.

The skin quickly turned green and the ears sharpened.

The old butler, Elt, turned into a monster.

In the eyes of others, it will be a shock.

But Rhodes' True Eye had seen the scene long ago, so it wasn't surprising.

"Greenskin, where is the old butler?" Rhodes asked.

"He, he is dead!" He grinned, and a lot of blood spit out.

"Then go down and accompany him." Rhodes didn't have any mood swings, and the strength under his feet was much heavier. This copycat star couldn't breathe, and his eyes were bloodshot, almost staring out of his eye sockets.

"He's not dead! Let go, let me go!" He spat out these words with difficulty.

"Look, you still want to live. Since you want to live, tell me where the old housekeeper is." Rhodes eased his strength so that he had the strength to speak.

"In Wuquan Street, we didn't kill him!" said the green monster again.

"very good."

Rhodes knew of Wuquan Street, which was not far from the princess' residence. He went to buy shoes a few days ago and passed by this street.

"Now, can you let me go?" The green skin monster looked terrified.

"Did I say let you go?" Rhodes shrugged and kicked the greenskin unconscious.

He is going out now to save the old housekeeper.

Just two steps away, Rhodes suddenly discovered that there were monitoring devices around this secret room.

Obviously, everything that just happened was recorded.


Rhodes touched his chin, feeling a little troublesome.

He didn't want to be exposed so early. *