Demonstrate strength and easily abuse the Protoss

An hour later, there was still no response, and Rhodes came to his senses.

It should be that his current body has already surpassed the ordinary Protoss, so eating this golden apple has no effect.

Asgard's protoss are divided into different categories, but if they do not master divine power, they can only be called ordinary protoss, with strengths ranging from one to ten.

The Protoss who master divine power are called true gods, and are further divided into: lower gods, middle gods, upper gods, main gods and god kings, that is, Level God Father.

Rhodes' current body has long surpassed the ordinary God Race, and he has reached the realm of the true god. He doesn't know the specific strength of the true god, so he doesn't know.

The next day, someone knocked on the door early in the morning.

"Mr. Rhodes, Lord Hela is going to the palace, you need to accompany you as a personal guard." The voice outside the door respectfully said.

Because Rhodes is now the personal bodyguard of Princess Hela, the general servants have a lot of respect for him, saying that Roar will add the word Mr.

As soon as he heard that he was going to the palace, Rhodes got up from the bed with a carp and went out.

Led by his servants, he came to Hela's door and waited.

Inside the door, a cold-faced beauty wearing dark green gorgeous clothes and walking gracefully and gracefully slowly appeared.

Hela looked Rhodes up and down, her eyes admiring, but she didn't utter a word of praise.

Rhodes followed the cold Hela and walked towards the palace with her.

The main hall comes into view, magnificent and brightly decorated.

The gates alone are inlaid with thousands of brilliant gems.

The guards are majestic and majestic, with murderous expressions on their faces, and they look inviolable.

After they saw Hela, they all bowed slightly to show their respect to the royal family.

Entering the main hall, there are powerful true gods standing on both sides.

On the highest seat, a one-eyed middle-aged man, wearing an eagle helmet and gold armor, held a long spear in his hand, and stood at his feet. There were two wolf dogs at his feet, eyeing Rhodes.

"Hela, you're here." The middle-aged man said solemnly.

"Salute to you, Lord Odin."

Hela got down on one knee and Rhodes followed suit, bowing his head to show his respect.

A god-king-level character, Odin.

The leader of the true gods, Asgard's strongest existence, even sitting in a chair can make people feel an irresistible sense of oppression.

"The Giants of Jotunheim are getting more and more presumptuous, and they are planning to use their artifact, the Ice Crate, to turn my Midgard into the ultimate winter."

Rhodes frowned slightly. He had read in the book that the living conditions of the Giants of Jotunheim were so harsh that even the true gods could not adapt.

If the Giants of Jotunheim really turned Midgard into the icy environment they lived in, most people would freeze to death, and only they could adapt.

Midgard is Earth, if they get their way!

Rhodes thought to himself, his brows could not help but tighten, then his parents and family would also freeze to death!

"Hela, I need you to grab the Ice Treasure Box. Those animals that can't be killed are not dangerous. As long as they take the Ice Treasure Box, they will return to the animals that we slaughtered."

Hela bowed her head, "Definitely complete the mission!"

"Go, I will support you with troops."

Leaving the main hall, Hela and Rhodes returned to the courtyard.

At this time, Hela suddenly asked: "Your appearance has changed a lot, you look a lot stronger, show it to me."

Rhodes knew that his daily practice of protoss fighting skills must have been discovered by Hela long ago, so he did not continue to hide his strength.

He played a set of Protoss fighting methods in front of Hela, which made Hela's eyes shine.

"Come on, call a Protoss warrior over."

Immediately, someone called the Protoss warrior who was guarding the door.

When he saw that his opponent was actually just a servant selected from Midgard, he immediately smiled disdainfully.

"With all due respect, Lord Hela, bullying a Midgard person insults my noble Protoss quality."

The corners of Rhodes' mouth twitched, and the strength he increased every day in the sun was able to smash the Protoss warrior in front of him with a single punch without relying on the golden apple to improve the quality of his body.

With his current strength, it is even easier to defeat such an ordinary warrior.

Hela hooked her fingers at the warrior, then pointed at Rhodes, meaning to let him go straight up.

The latter still wore a disdainful smile.

But when he just turned around, Rhodes suddenly flew and punched, so fast that he couldn't react.

The fist came in the face and slammed heavily on his nose. There was a sudden buzz in his head, and then the angle of view rotated. When he came back to his senses, he realized that he had been punched to the ground.

"What! How is this possible? I was actually beaten by a Midgard!" The Protoss warrior was very unwilling and wanted to get up and fight again.

Hela gave him a color, scaring him from wanting to charge.

"Go and call for five more Protoss warriors." Hela ordered the servants, then smiled knowingly at Rhodes.

"Looks like you're still hiding your power"

Rhodes shook his head, smiled mysteriously, and didn't respond directly.

Outside the courtyard, five Protoss warriors stood guard neatly. As soon as they saw their colleague who was still bleeding nose, and Rhodes who was full of murderous intent, they immediately reacted.

"You five come together." Hela ordered simply.

The five were ready to fight, but they put their spears in front of them and wanted to besiege Rhodes.

Hela still had a smile on her lips, looking forward to how Rhodes would deal with such a disadvantage.

Armed versus empty handed, five people versus one person.

Rhodes is surrounded by five people from five different directions and is in a precarious position.

Before waiting for the five to move first, Rhodes made a preemptive strike, got up with a flying knee and directly broke through the defense of the spear, hitting one man's chin hard.

The man's eyes turned pale for a moment, and then passed out.

The four of them were startled at first, they didn't expect Rhodes' speed to be so fast, they couldn't react to that at all.

"Rush!" One of them roared, and then the four immediately swooped towards Rhodes with their long spears. *