Sun Flame

"Hela!" Rhodes surprised Roar and ran over to check her injuries.

The rest of the Protoss soldiers immediately formed a line of defense, stood in front of Hela, and protected Hela with their lives.

Rhodes held Hela in his arms and looked at her belly worriedly.

The white icy spread from where it was hit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Don't mind me, this is the ice magic of the Giants of Jotunheim, it has penetrated into my blood, and I won't die, but I will be a burden to you."

Rhodes frowned. He had read in the book that once he was hit by the magic of the Giants of Jotunheim, his body would be frozen. Only the powerful Protoss could escape the fate of death, but they would inevitably be restrained by frost. The sun's flames can dissolve the frost.

"Ding! The host [Rhodes] has evolved [Sun Flame]!"

A flame suddenly ignited in Rhodes' palm, and then gradually melted into his palm.

He slowly put his palm on Hela's belly, and then let the flames slowly burn the frost on her body.

"Ahhhh~!" Hela moaned in pain as she grabbed Rhodes' arm and gritted her teeth.

The flame first melted the frost attached to the body, and then actually ignited the Bingjie flowing in the blood along the wound and dissolved it.

The flames spread wantonly in the blood, causing cold sweat to ooze out of Hela's forehead, her whole body being attacked by the heat, and her face turning red.

She looked at Rhodes with surprise in her eyes, and gasped:

"You're obviously…a Midgard…ordinary person~"

"Stop talking, you need to rest!" Rhodes said solemnly.

After clearing the frost from Hela's body, he put Hela on the ground with confidence.

In front of him, several Protoss soldiers were retreating, and they had already retreated to Rhodes' side.

Frost Dragon's giant claws slammed, trying to smash everyone into meat sauce.

Rhodes twitched the corners of his mouth, his eyes flashed coldly, then stepped forward and punched.


A visible Shockwave hit Rhodes' fist senior, and then Frost Dragon's front claws were directly blasted!

Rhodes' fists blazed with the sun's flames, and he held them empty in front of him, gathering the sun's flames into a scorching fireball.

"Death to me!"

The fireball was projected by him and smashed towards Frost Dragon's chest.


A burst of flame exploded in front of Frost Dragon's chest, and then the flames directly engulfed the entire Dragon.


Dragon let out a low growl of pain, stepped back continuously, and began to roll on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames on his body.

However, as soon as the frost on the ground touched the flames, it evaporated directly into a white mist and dissipated in the air.

The flames were still burning, and finally Dragon was burned to death in the screams.


Dragon's body fell to the ground, and was gradually burned into black ashes by the flames. A cold wind blew through, and black smoke rose, and Dragon also dissipated.

The Protoss soldiers were stunned, and Lauf's Giants of Jotunheim stepped back, not daring to look directly at Rhodes.

Such a big Frost Dragon was actually burned to the ground by the flames in an instant. What kind of abnormal strength is this? !

Several Giants of Jotunheim immediately ran into the space rift in panic to find Lauf.

Rhodes ignored the escape of the Giants of Jotunheim, and Lauf needed some time to activate the Frost Crate.

He immediately ran back to Hela, "Are you all right?"

Hela sat up slowly with Rhodes' support, leaning on Rhodes.

"I was careless." She blamed herself.

Rhodes knew that she was in this state and could no longer fight, and immediately signaled a few Protoss soldiers to come and help Hela return to Asgard.

Originally, the Protoss soldiers, as Hela's direct generals, had a much higher status than Rhodes, but after seeing Rhodes' strength, they already regarded Rhodes as a noble existence as Hela.

So I immediately followed the order and came to help Hela.

"You are a mortal who has just eaten the golden fruit. Even if you become an ordinary god race, you can't use your divine power so quickly. How did you do it?" Hela asked curiously.

Rhodes was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "I don't know very well, the power poured into my body on its own."

Although he has shown a small amount of power, Rhodes has no intention of telling anyone about his Silver Superman gene.

Hela thought to himself, and then said: "Maybe you are from the Protoss, and someone in your ancestors was a strong Protoss, so your descendant Awakening power in crisis, or…"

Rhodes nodded immediately and affirmed: "My father also said that there were people in the ancestors who were strong and had very special abilities."

Hela stopped questioning, returned to the army with the help of the crowd, and quickly sent someone to convey the news of Lauf's going to Midgard to Odin.

In the sky, a rainbow light descended, and Odin slowly emerged from the rainbow light riding a Pegasus.

Behind him, a Pegasus army gradually assembled, looking magnificent.

Odin noticed the wounded Hela, and immediately swooped down on his Pegasus into the army.

"My daughter~" Odin's voice trembled as he carefully hugged Hela, his eyes full of worry.

"I'm fine father, Rhodes saved me, if it wasn't for him, my body would have been eroded by frost."

Odin turned to look at Rhodes, who was standing beside him, and nodded slightly.

This small action shocked everyone.

King of the Nine Realms, Father of All Gods.

He actually nodded his thanks to a bodyguard.

The few people standing around Rhodes dispersed, and immediately gave Rhodes space to express their respect for him.

"Come on, take Hela back to Asgard, the rest! Come with me to Midgard and make Lauf pay in blood!" Odin snapped.

When he was angry, he exuded a burst of coercion, causing everyone to lower their heads instinctively, not daring to look directly at Odin.

Only Rhodes seemed to feel nothing.

Odin's eyes fell on Rhodes, looking up and down in admiration, "You, come with me!"

With that said, a golden-armored Protoss warrior beside him led Rhodes a Pegasus.

Snow-white wings were on both sides of the horse's body, and a pair of blue spiritual pupils stared at Rhodes, as if communicating with Rhodes.

The holy white body is smooth and textured, and Rhodes touches the golden mane on top of his head, and the latter turns his nose and breathes out a warm breath of joy.

Rhodes mounted Pegasus, followed in Odin's footsteps, and teleported back to Asgard through the rainbow in the sky.

After returning to Asgard, without resting, Odin summoned Heimdall.

"Show me where Lauf is going with your discerning eye."

Heimdall looked into the distance, a light radiating from his pupils.

After searching for a long time, he half kneeled on the ground and lowered his head.

"I'm sorry my king, he hides himself, I can only know that he is near Europe in Midgard, I can't track the exact location."*