he Greek Capital: Athens

Odin nodded, turned around and Roar shouted, "Sig!"

Sig, Hela's captain of the bodyguard, ran quickly, half-knelt at Odin's feet, and lowered his head.

"Accept your call, my king."

"You will follow Rhodes' command from now on and join him in this search for Lauf." Odin said coldly.

Sieg's body trembled slightly, but he didn't raise his head. He said solemnly, "Okay, my king."

Odin smiled at Rhodes, "Your parents are also in Midgard. If you don't want them to die, use all your strength. Lauf is not an easy role, the army will be handed over to you."

After speaking, Odin turned and walked towards his palace.

Rhodes was unmoved by Odin's words, and even if he hadn't said it, he would have saved Midgard.

Seeger waited until Odin's figure completely disappeared from view, then slowly got up, opened his mouth slightly, and stared at Rhodes blankly.

After a long time, he squeezed a sentence out of his mouth, "The King of God gave you the army to dispatch?"

Rhodes pursed his lips, and when Odin pushed the matter all on himself, he found it troublesome.

"It looks like this."

"My god-king!" Sig stretched out his hands in disbelief and lightly placed them on Rhodes's arms.

"I know you are talented, but I didn't expect you to improve so quickly."

Suddenly he put away his hippie smile, and then half-knelt on the ground, "Seig, the captain of the guard, waiting for your dispatch."

Rhodes helped him up, then turned and whistled at his Pegasus.

Hearing the Pegasus called by the master Roar, he spread his snow wings and stepped into the void to come to Rhodes.

"Let's go without further ado." Rhodes mounted his Pegasus and looked at Heimdall.

"At your command." Haierdam bowed slightly and lowered his eyebrows.

"Teleport us to the capital of Greece, Athens," Rhodes said, letting Sig ride on the Pegasus with him.

The pegasus beneath him murmured a few times in displeasure, not because of the weight, nor did Asgard's pegasus hold up a mountain, it didn't seem to like anyone other than Rhodes riding it.

Rhodes stroked his mane to soothe his emotions.

Bifrost opened again in front of the two of them, Rhodes' legs were clamped, and Pegasus let out a neigh, perhaps excited that this was the first trip with Rhodes, and his wings fluttered.

A visible shockwave erupted in the hall, and then the body shot into Bifrost like a cannonball.


Athens, Greece.

In the market where there was a lot of hawking, the pedestrians wore loose robes, and the yellow sand on the ground eroded the drooping corners, making the pale-colored robes somewhat quaint.

This is not long after the introduction of democracy, and everyone is still immersed in the joy of being a citizen and having a lot of power.

Behind the pedestrians were scattered people with ragged clothes and charred faces. They were bound with heavy black metal shackles on their feet. When they walked, they always looked at the ground and did not dare to look at the crowd.

Even with democratization, slavery was preserved here in order not to lose productivity.

Slaves, on the other hand, do not have the rights of citizens, they can only be said to be tools and can be traded at will.

"Hey! It's a miracle!" Someone suddenly pointed to the sky.

In the white sky, a rainbow light seemed to tear a gap in the white sheepskin.

The rainbow light fell to the earth like a descending staircase.

When someone touches it, they think they can climb up to the heaven with the help of the rainbow stairs, but they are empty.


Three figures suddenly flew out of the crack and landed on the ground shrouded in rainbow light.

The citizens took a few steps back in horror, while the slaves fell to their knees and dared not look up.

When the rainbow light dissipated, Rhodes, Seeger, and Pegasus under their crotch appeared in front of everyone.

They carefully looked at Rhodes' bronze armor, and saw the long spear in his hand. They buried their heads and left, trying to quickly escape from the market.

Rhodes looked around, the hawkers raised their eyes to look at him secretly one by one, and fled quickly whenever they met eyes, lest they would attract Rhodes' attention.

Rhodes looked at the items he was selling. They were just tools like hammers, sickles, etc., which were very poorly polished. In this era, information and agriculture were not developed, let alone industry.

This handcrafted tool is already a very high level commodity.

The market is also shabby, with no canopy and no boundaries, just a group of people gathered around to sell and form the atmosphere of the market.

If there are a few sergeants wearing thorn helmets passing by and patrolling, they are already the best security personnel in this market.

Seeger was curious to pick up a sickle, he had never seen such a simple thing, but he was a little concerned.

The peddler felt the gazes of the two and said tremblingly, "Hello, I am a citizen of Athens."

Rhodes was struggling with where to start, because clairvoyance and hyperopia couldn't find Lauf, it seemed that the other party did have a way to hide himself.

As soon as he heard the word "citizen", his thoughts suddenly stopped.

"This is a democratic city-state, right?" Rhodes asked.

"Yes~" The hawker raised his head suddenly, and the word "democracy" flashed a frenzy in his eyes. *