Treating the Plague 02

Rhodes said: "This is a high concentration of salt water, which can resist the plague to a certain extent. Although it cannot be completely prevented, it can slow down the spread of the epidemic."

Everyone was dubious, and someone ate the cloth directly, and then the salty taste made him retched directly.

"It's not for food." Rhodes shook his head helplessly. The technology gap between people in this era is too big to explain.

So he ordered: "Everyone put strips of cloth around their faces, covering their noses and lips!"

Phobbas was the first to surround him, and everyone saw their Archon obeying Rhodes' orders, and they all did so immediately.

Some people couldn't get the cloth strips, so Rhodes asked Forbass to make them specially, and then distribute them to more people.

After doing all this, Rhodes and Seager focus on the patient in front of them.

When the doctors saw Rhodes approaching, their eyes were filled with disdain, and several of them took off the cloth strips on their faces.

"I've never heard of such a treatment method, what can salt water do?" said a young doctor with yellow hair frantically.

"Lord Hippocrates never mentioned, how does the fluid outside the body maintain the balance of the human body?" Another said.

Rhodes rolled his eyes and remembered who Hippocrates was, an ancient Greek physician who advocated that the human body is balanced by the four primordial fluids of blood, mucus, yellow bile and black bile.

Once the balance is disturbed, a blight will result.

"Don't you also use herbal rubs to heal wounds?" Rhodes asked.

"We use herbal medicine to stimulate the flow of blood and let the blood help the human body to restore balance. Your salt water is just…cough…cough…the product mixed with daily food, how to cure the disease?" Huang Pao's doctor stood up Come out, look proud.

"Mr. Locke is right!"

Rhodes looked at the yellow-robed doctor named Locke and shook his head disdainfully, "The most taboo thing for doctors is arrogance. You probably don't have this in your ancient Greek culture. This is an idea from the ancient East, remember it. "

After finishing speaking, Rhodes gave Sig a color, and the latter squatted down and clicked a few times on the crystal screen mounted on his arm, and then a light green light wave slowly emitted, scanning up and down under the patient in front of him.

"Report! There are various pathogenic viruses such as yellow fever, cholera, measles, smallpox, etc. in the patient." The voice of the equipment machinery reported.

Rhodes sighed in his heart, Apocalypse's Apostle Plague's Ability is not low, and it can actually handle so many viruses.

"Vaccines and therapeutic injections are being produced…"

After about a few seconds, the device on Sieg's arm actually ejected two bottles of light blue medicine, accompanied by a heavy white mist of low-temperature nitrogen suspended on his arm.

Rhodes took an iron sprayer that Sig had handed over and sprayed the patient in front of him with a light blue mist.

Just half a second after being enveloped in the mist, the terrifying black cobweb on his neck actually subsided visibly with the naked eye, and his complexion turned ruddy.

Black blood poured out from the festering wounds on his limbs, staining the ground red and black.

"The condition is getting worse!" Doctor Huang Mao said angrily. He was about to have another seizure, but was stopped by Locke.

"No! This is a sign that the black bile and yellow bile are working, and the patient is recovering!"

He knelt in front of the patient excitedly, and looked around at the patient's physical signs. He was all surprised that just being pierced by a peculiar pinhole could actually make their efforts over the past few days become ridiculous.

"What did you do?" Locke raised his head to look at Rhodes and Sieg, his eyes were no longer arrogant, replaced by fear of the unknown.

Rhodes didn't answer, picked up the sprayer and sprayed the liquid on Locke's face.

Locke was shocked all over, and then he felt very weak, his legs were weak, and his whole body was hot.

"What did you do?" Locke asked in horror.

"Don't be afraid, just the vaccine is working, you'll be fine in a while."

His assistants gathered around him and asked in a panic, but no one could understand what happened to his mentor.

About half a minute later, Locke felt a refreshment in his body, and then his throat became sweet and he spit out a mouthful of black blood.

"This is?" Locke looked at the black blood on the ground in surprise, and the feeling of wanting to cough from time to time disappeared instantly.

"This is your blood that's infected with the virus, and the vaccine cleans it up for you," Rhodes explained.

"I feel like I'm better, very refreshing, but what are viruses and vaccines?" Locke touched his body and said happily.

Rhodes had a headache. It was too much trouble to explain to these people. He simply ordered: "Forbas, go and gather the citizens for me!"

Fobas immediately set off and walked out of the hall.

Rhodes uses the sprayer, spraying it indiscriminately on the patients on the ground as if he were spraying the liquid medicine on the crops.

Afterwards, their pale and gray skin immediately became rosy and vibrant, and black blood spurted out of their mouths.

In the eyes of everyone, this was nothing short of a miracle, so they all knelt down, Gao Roar's words of gratitude.

Several doctors in white robes lowered their heads one by one, not daring to get up, feeling ashamed of their arrogance towards Rhodes just now.

"Put on all the cloth strips for me." Rhodes ordered. The medicinal liquid has given them immunity, but the Apocalypse apostle at the source has not been eliminated, and it is very likely that a new virus will strike.

At that time, there is no antibody protection against it, and it is better to have a layer of defense than nothing.

Hearing Rhodes' order, they rushed to the pool to get the cloth strips, and they cherished the cloth strips as if they were sacred objects.

Some people are greedy, and they are not satisfied even after taking several pieces in a row, causing the crowd to riot all of a sudden. *