The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse

Wilderness beyond the city of Athens.

In the darkness of the night, a few firelights suddenly flashed, and an army was speeding up in the darkness.

The soldiers wore red and white striped turbans on their heads, armed with guns in one hand and shields in the other, with eyes like wolves, looking sinister and ferocious.

In front of the army, two burly men like giant bears, one riding a white horse and carrying a big bow, the bow body is bright platinum, and it is also very conspicuous in the dark night.

He was wearing velvet armor, and the snow-white plush was around his neck, which was somewhat rare in summer nights.

Another man was riding a red horse, and his blood-red skin revealed a chilling and terrifying breath in the dark night.

He wears a big sword around his waist, the sword is wide, and there is a blood-red pattern on it, which seems to be an odd-shaped text.

Originally, such a big sword was carried on his back, but he only straddled it on his waist, and he could only use one hand when pulling it out, which made it hard to imagine how huge his strength was.

"Plague, can you see the city in the distance?" the man on the red horse asked.

The plague stared far-sighted, then shook his head, "Don't worry, there is still some distance to war, the people of Athens have been infected by my virus, we can take Athens without fighting."

The red-horse man known as the war pouted and twisted his nose in annoyance, "I just want to kill a big one, it's really boring to go on an expedition without a fight."

The plague smiled, "Then you should ask Lord Apocalypse not to let me use the plague, and you should use your explosion ability to kill and kill."

Zhan also laughed. Although he likes bloodthirsty killings, since he can complete the task of Lord Apocalypse without any effort, he has no complaints.

Suddenly, the two of them shuddered at the same time, and then the horse under them felt the strangeness of their master and stopped slowly.

The plague suddenly looked at the war, and said with a serious expression: "Did you feel it too!"

War nodded, "Someone is watching us from a distance, and I can feel it instinctively."

At the moment, Rhodes on the walls of Athens had a clear view of the Egyptian army marching in the distance.

Phoebus asked cowardly beside him, "Lord Rhodes, why are you suddenly coming out so late?"

He had fallen asleep long ago, but suddenly an Athenian soldier informed him that Rhodes had entered the city wall.

"You're right there." Rhodes pointed to the distance and said, "This is a plain, what would you do if someone attacked?"

Forbas stepped on the ground, "We have a towering city wall and thousands of archers, so we have no problem dealing with ordinary troops."

Rhodes shook his head. He knew that the towering walls were meaningless to the Apocalypse Apostles, especially War, a Mutant who could use the Explosive Ability.

Once he got close to the city wall and blew a big hole, it was all over.

"Tomorrow morning, gather all your soldiers and gather outside the city." Rhodes said lightly, then turned and walked down the city wall, and went back to his room to sleep.

Phobbas seemed to understand but could not understand Rhodes' mind. From the moment he met him, Rhodes didn't let him see through it in a single moment.

He was obviously just a teenager, but he hid all his thoughts like a scheming, cunning and sophisticated fox.

Faced with such a person, it is always intimidating.

Silent night, the next morning.

Rhodes took Sieg to the plain outside the city, and Phobbas had already assembled his troops to wait for Rhodes' dispatch.

"Sig, you teach them some basic formations, so that they don't die too much while making bait." Rhodes said lightly, and left immediately.

Phobbas looked at Rhodes' back, and couldn't understand him even more, At the moment Sieg had come to them.

"Listen to me! Without death, there is no life! Today I will make you feel hell, and then you will know what is the most correct way to survive on the battlefield!" After he finished speaking, he took out his spear, and the white light at the tip condensed, A cannon shot out.


A big pit suddenly appeared in front of the soldiers, and several people who were closer were slumped on the ground in fright.

"Next time, it won't be so short." Sig said with a frown.

The soldiers looked at each other from left to right, then immediately dispersed in fright.


Rhodes came to a remote corner of the city of Athens, and then took out his communicator and gave instructions to the soldiers of Asgard.

Then, a thousand soldiers of Asgard, armed with spears and in bronze armor, appeared in front of Rhodes in a rainbow of light.

"Salute to you, my sir!" they half-kneeled and bowed their heads.

These are the ordinary soldiers of Asgard, not the elite of Odin.

In order not to delay the progress of the search for Lauf, Rhodes did not let the Pegasus troops come to help.

He knew that if the Pegasus troops continued to search, Lauf would not dare to act rashly, delaying his use of the Ice crate.

"You have two things to do next." Rhodes held up two fingers.

"First, divide into two teams to wait here; second, after I issue an order with flames in the sky, I immediately go to the designated position to prepare to attack."


At noon, Sieg's training was very successful. The captain of the guard from Asgard personally taught them to complete some basic tactics, making their formation execution more refined.

Now as long as the command is issued, they can reach the designated location within the precise time.

As soldiers, the most important thing is to obey orders, and they now have this basic awareness. *