Class Window

Logan stepped out of the temple, followed by Alice, who looked at him curiously.

"So, brother, how was the awakening?"

Logan turned, smiled, and gave a thumbs up.

Logan didn't want to discuss anything about his class in such a crowded place. So he put it off later when there weren't enough people.

"I want to see your new powers."

Although it looks short, Logan's negotiations with the gods were very time-consuming. Alice waited, holding back the curiosity lodged in her heart during that time.

Alice really admires her brother, and when she found out that Logan has finally awakened his class. Logan will grow faster and faster until he can finally be as strong as his father.

Logan walked briskly, walking toward wherever he felt he could find a place private enough for him to have a conversation.

"But first, I need a weapon."

Alice furrowed her brows. She remembered her brother had a dagger at home. Does that mean he needs something different after getting an unsuitable class? Alice felt a little worry in her heart.

Logan spends most of his time training his physique, including how to use a dagger. For that reason, too, Stalker was an excellent choice for him. The agility and attack speed that the weapon can display perfectly fits the class's stealth fighting style.

Logan raised both hands and made a slashing motion. Throws right hand forward, slashes, then left hand. He ducked and jumped, then walked back with a proud smile.

Alice, who saw Logan's ridiculous behavior, then laughed, clutching her stomach.

"Are you okay, brother?"

Logan could feel the strength in his muscles. All the information about how to fight was also recorded in his every move. The combination of Ka Hyun-Su's brain and Logan's body was indeed a fantastic thing.

With this privilege, Logan can become very strong quickly. He didn't need to spend a lot of time practicing how to fight and could easily make the right decisions with Ka Hyun-Su's knowledge.

'Not bad either! I can fight easily with daggers.'

"Don't you already have a weapon? At home?"

Logan recalled the weapon he often used for training. It was a dagger given to him by his father, but it was an ordinary weapon with no special powers. To fight against monsters, he needed something more special.

Logan shook his head at Alice. Still walking along the side of the road filled with people passing by.

"I need something better to use in combat."

To buy new weapons takes money. While Logan was currently wholly penniless. To get the money, he needed to fight monsters. But how do you fight monsters if you don't have money?

'That stupid God could have given me a little capital, right? Useless!'

Logan regretted the gifts given by the Zyltic, the nerd god that were so few, felt useless.

'He asked me to save the world or something. He asked for that much but only gave me this small gift. Stupid God!'

Logan's first steps to becoming strong had to be delayed because of the first problem he encountered. Economy problem.

Logan thought about the wealth he had when he was a Ka Hyun-Su. With all the novel sales he made, he had enough money to happily spend the rest of his life. If only he could bring all the treasures he had to this place, he would quickly solve his problem.

'Ah, it's a shame that my hard work had to be wasted.'

Meanwhile, he also had no one to inherit all of those treasures. Somehow, this was the fate of the treasure he left behind.

'My life was really sad.'

But like it or not, he had to find a weapon. Logan decided to go to the nearest Blacksmith Workshop to find out the quality of the weapons in this place.

"Alice, take me to the nearest blacksmith, okay?"

Alice followed Logan's long footsteps. Several times jogging to compensate. Then nodded and preceded his brother to show the way to their destination.

"Tell me about your new class, brother."

Logan didn't want to talk about his class in public because he didn't want people to know about his power's information. But discussing at a glance from the skin side does not seem too problematic.

"Okay, I got a D-grade class named Stalker."

" cool, D-grade."

Logan tapped Alice's forehead, realizing that his younger sister also had a D-grade even without the help of a god.

"Do you know the difference in grades within a class?"

Alice shook her head. Repeatedly looking at Logan's face with her eyes wide and round.

"So the first. Each grade of a class has a different number of skills. F and E have only 2 skills, D and C have 3. Then B, A, S, SS, SSS have 4,5,6,8,10 skills respectively."

One way for an adventurer to get skills was from their class. Although there were other ways, one of them was using items or weapons.

Skills for an adventurer were necessary, as they allowed them to do many things that ordinary humans couldn't reach.

"I just found out about this kind of thing. Thank you, brother."

Logan tapped his sister's forehead again.

"If you really want to become an adventurer. Why don't you know basic knowledge like this?"

Alice smirked, then took Logan's hand, which he gave her. They were walking on the sidewalks of Deadbay city streets filled with vendors who opened small tents on the side of the road.

"Okay then, to calculate the level of a class. Each skill has a maximum level of 5 and is multiplied by the number of skills possessed. Therefore, F grade has a maximum of 10 levels, while SSS grades have 50 levels."

Class level information was information that could be known by others. Therefore, the class level was also a pretty clear measure of how strong a person was. Because it was not enough to compare adventurers from their tier alone because people who had just entered tier 3 were different compared to those who almost rose to tier 4.

"Wow, it's really cool to have that SSS grade then. I wonder if someone from the elf kingdom might pose that high grade of the class."

Logan turned to Alice and grinned, realizing that he was one of those extraordinary people. Imagine how proud his sister would be if she knew that fact.

"And about skills in someone's class. How do we get them? I heard some can't even open it?"

"There are special requirements for each skill possessed."

The skills of each class were not given instantly by the system. Some conditions must be met. The requirement here was the minimum number of each related status. For example, a specific Dexterity value was needed to open a particular skill. And this information was not given in the system. One had to find out on their own through trial and error. Therefore, people who don't want to take the risk prefer a regular class that was pretty much used by other people to avoid getting lost on their journey.

"Then what kind of class do you have there, brother? I want to know it so bad."

Alice was still forcing Logan to tell her about the class he had just gotten.

Even though Logan himself was familiar with the details of his new class, experiencing it firsthand was undoubtedly not the same thing.

"Class Window…"