I don’t want you to get lost.

"Wait wait..."

Pan gripped Logan's hand, preventing him from walking away.

Logan turned to Pan, looking up with a furrowed brow. "You guys are coming here to fight in the Dungeon, right?"

"Ah yes… I want to go too."

Pan smiled back at Logan. Instantly making the young man forget what he was trying to do, also releasing the tension he was feeling.

"We are going there, but I don't think it will be today."

"We have no time."


Logan watched Pan's face. He also accidentally saw the condition of the ship they boarded to reach here. This time the ship was docked at the wharf, with the…

"What happened?"

Logan let go of her hand and walked over to the dock. Paying attention to the ship's condition, which was currently severely damaged. The sail was not fully open. Only two of the total six of them could still be used. As well as the ship's hull, which was damaged in various parts.

"A Monster attacked us. And this is the reason why we can't immediately go into the dungeon."

A ship guarded by an Elf general was in such terrible condition. There was no way that the monsters they were dealing with were ordinary monsters. Elincia had a very impressive ability, even stronger than Princess Baneth, who has the same tier as her.

This amount of damage would only occur if the monster that attacked them was at a higher tier than Elincia, so it took the woman a long time to defeat it until the damage was already done to the ship they were riding.

"No way!"


Pan stepped in, stood next to Logan, then noticed the worried expression on the young man's face.

"There is no way some tier 6 monsters appeared on this sea side, right?"

Pan was surprised and quite amazed by the observations made by Logan. Just by looking at the condition of the ship they were on, he could guess exactly what they had been up against before. This kind of thing is impossible for someone who doesn't have enough knowledge about the world out there.

'Who is he really?'

According to Elincia's explanation, Logan was only the son of a defense squad leader in Deadbay. He was just an ordinary young man with no special abilities. But what Vanya found this time was completely different. Logan seemed determined and dependable. From how Logan looked and acted, it appeared that he was carrying a considerable burden. The same sensation that Vanya could get only from her father, the king of the Kingdom of Elf.

"Actually, yeah, a tier 6 monster attacked us."

"Which monster?"

"Eeeh… Some giant sea horse?"


Logan turned to face Pan. The giant sea horse was not a species that should appear in these waters. Impossible! Because their habitat should be far in the middle of the ocean.

Even though there were hundreds of monsters in this world, Logan could clearly remember their characteristics and where they lived. Ka Hyun-Su had spent quite a bit of time designing all of them, making sure they were in a balanced position to keep the world running as it should except unless someone with eminent power intentionally intervened.

'Is this the work of the gods again?'

Logan clenched his fists. Twice in a row, something happened that he didn't expect. Logan felt the pressure inside him. It seemed that he could not underestimate this.

"Our crew needs to repair the ship first and make sure we have enough supporters to do our dungeon raid."

Seeing the conditions that befell the Elves, Logan was forced to accept that he had to postpone his dungeon expedition. At least he still had enough time to hunt again, to increase his strength. Or enough time until Fokil manages to do something for him with the Monster Soul Stones he previously gave him.

"Can we for a moment go over this city? To find… something fun?"

Pan smiled back at Logan, hoping that the young man would accept her offer. Even though Pan actually knew, this Dungeon expedition should only be made by the Elves. Perhaps there was a specific reason the young man wanted to join in on this.

Logan felt calm after getting a warm smile from Pan. He decided to stay focused on training himself to be stronger. At least that was the only way he could do it for now.

For a while, Logan decided to accompany the guest; there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

He wanted to give the best impression on them, so it could be easier for him to join the dungeon expedition they were about to take.

"So, what are you to Elincia?"

"Me? You can say that I'm talented and under her guidance."

Logan nodded his head. It was no wonder that the girl got special treatment from Elincia. Maybe she, too, was someone who would advance to tier 5 in the future. In addition, the extraordinary beauty of Pan also made Logan feel amazed.

According to the story that Ka Hyun-Su made, only princess Vanya can compete with the beauty of the general elves. But the ordinary elf girl who was in front of Logan was now considered perfect. Logan thought, how beautiful would Vanya Zylven be?

"Can we do some quick tours? I want to taste human food, and… also see some scenery in the human world."

Thinking about the food and the scenery, Ka Hyun-Su also had experienced none of these things first hand since his arrival. Thinking that if he took a little time to relax while re-energizing, he thought there would be no harm.

Logan nodded his head, returning Pan's smile.

"Okay, I'll take you around. Say whatever you want to try in this place. I'll make sure you get the best experience to bring back to the elf world later."

Pan smiled broadly, feeling the excitement and enthusiasm she had hoped for since her journey began.

Logan took Pan's hand, grabbed it, and gently pulled the girl to follow him.

Logan was used to doing this to Alice, and the reason he did it to Pan this time was because…

"Forgive me if I'm being rude. I just don't want you to get lost."

Logan looked at Pan's curious face and gave an explanation to make her feel comfortable, not forgetting to smile.

Pan lowered her head and halted but then slowly followed in Logan's footsteps.