I’ll end your life tonight!

Baneth turned around, leaving the General elf, who seemed no longer to need her help. The girl's body was covered entirely in a black aura as if she was wearing armor made of dark energy bones. Three pairs of long nails shot out from her two hands as if six swords were ready to tear anyone who angered her.

Baneth clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, and after a vigorous flapping occurred, her body instantly shot up into the air.

She did a few flaps that immediately delivered her to the outer fortress.

[Mountain Giant Tier 6]

It can be seen as a giant as tall as a 10-story building with a muscular body and leather clothes covering its body from a distance. And in front of the Giant, there was a skeleton Bear of the same height. Someone was floating in the middle of the chest of the black skeleton.

An explosion and thunderous roar rang out every time the two giants slammed their fists on each other.

"I will kill all of you. Until your souls are crushed, and nothing remains."