History that will always be remembered

"Interesting… Interesting… Three general elves gathered in one place, and also a bonus of a Princess. How are we going to do this fight? I can't help but want it right away."

Baneth, in her half-demon form, stepped slowly, walking towards them. And Zoron also walked over to stand next to Elincia.

They were all still standing on alert. Someone they didn't expect appeared before them, a half-demon with extremely high fighting potential. Baneth can use her dragon form and make large area attacks. And she could also fight at close range. She had a combination of fighting styles that were perfect for fighting, even the three of them at once.

Baneth was at tier 6, getting an upgrade after turning into a half-demon. It would definitely be difficult for Elincia and Thessa to deal with it from the tier alone. General Zoron wasn't in his best condition to put up a fight like this either. If the fight really happened, casualties from their side couldn't be avoided.