Mother, Let’s Move

Rose cursed Dustin a hundred times in her heart while massaging her nape, which suddenly felt hurt.

How could this man ask to meet again? Between them, there was nothing more to talk about.

She didn't want to see him again because the urge to beat him to death always engulfed her mind every time she saw his face. She tries hard to forget her tragic past. She will go to the flowery path without that scumbag.

But now she feels confused.

If she refused this time, Dustin would be bothering her all the time.

After some time…

Rose types fast on her cellphone. She decided to meet him. This is the only way to make him stop bothering her.

When Molly finished her medical checkup, she found her daughter sitting pensively with a gloomy-looking face. Her gaze was fixed on the window. Molly waited a few minutes just to go to observe, but her daughter was motionless. Her daughter looked like a statue among the many people passing by.

Molly's heart felt like it would burst to realize that her daughter must be worried about her medical checkup results. She took a deep breath and walked over to her.

"My silly daughter... I'm still alive and healthy like this, but why does your face look like you are grieving?" Molly chuckled while sitting beside her daughter. She took her hand and patted it gently. Trying to calm her worried daughter.

Rose snapped out.

She looked at her mother while holding her laughter. Just now, she wasn't thinking about her mother, but she was distraught with Dustin.

Molly smoothed her daughter's messy hair before continuing, "Rose, My little daughter, I'm fine… Don't worry too much. I will live longer than you think. I will die after seeing you have lots of children and become fat…." She playfully teases her daughter. Try to make her laugh.

But Molly's efforts were in vain because her words made Rose feel her body tremble.

How could her mother casually say that?

If God intervened, what happened in her previous life could be repeated in this life. No! She can't allow that to happen. Not this time.

"MOTHER! Can you stop saying these cursed words?" Rose glared at her mother. "You will live till hundred years. You can definitely see your grandson get married!"

"Hahaha, you silly girl, don't talk nonsense." Molly pinched her daughter's cheeks.

"Stop it, mom!"

"Sister Rose...let's eat. I could die from hunger if you don't give me food!" Since last night, she stopped eating to do a medical checkup today. After several hours of fasting, she was famished.

Rose couldn't help but sigh at the sight of her mother turning like a teenager. Wrapped her arm around hers.

"Alright! Let's go..."

Rose and Molly decided to have lunch across from the hospital building. There are several restaurants in the area.

Molly chose to eat at the barbeque restaurant. She was very hungry and she needed to eat a lot of meat to restore her stamina.

"Mom, what time will the test results come out?"

Rose casually asks while starting to swallow the steak slice by slice. For some reason, the delicious steak tasted bland on her tongue. Her appetite had faded entirely. She was so worried about her mother's medical checkup test results. However, she tried not to show her worried expression to her mother.

"About three hours. You can leave me if you have other business... I can wait alone." Molly put down her fork, looking at her daughter.

"I will wait with you. I don't have any plans today…." She deliberately took the time to accompany her mother.

"Where is my son-in-law?" Molly frowns, looking at her daughter.

"He is back to his family house in the capital…."

"Ah! So my son-in-law from there?" Molly was surprised. She thought Evan was from another city, not the Capital. Usually, people from the Capital will study at the prestigious campus there.

"So, when you move to the Capital, will you stay with him?" Molly, curious, wanted to know her daughter's plan.

She really feels sad when she finds out her daughter has plans to move to the Capital. But she couldn't hold her because her daughter was an adult. She had the right to determine the direction of her own life. As a parent, she can only support from behind and pray for the best for her.

"Mother! Of course not…." Rose suddenly felt no longer hungry even though half of the steak was still on her plate.

She put down her cutlery before she looked at her mother and continued, "Well, I will stay alone. But, if Evan proposes to me, I will think again about leaving with him…"

Although she is happy now that her daughter has Evan, seeing their relationship is so deep that she feels discouraged, even though only a bit. Imagine her little daughter will become someone else's wife and have her own family.

She lowered her head, trying to hide her blurry eyes. Don't want to make her daughter feel sad.

"Mom! Once I'm settled in the Capital, you must move with me… I don't want you to stay here alone!" Rose could feel her mother was sad right now.

Molly is astounded when she hears her daughter's words. Slowly she lifted her head, looking at her daughter's beautiful hazel eyes. For a moment, they just stared without saying anything.

"How about our business here?" Finally, Molly could say something after thinking deeply about her daughter's future plan.

"For minimart, we can appoint a professional who takes care of it. Or we can sell to other people. For houses, we can rent to others. Let's start our new life in the Capital, mom…."

Molly felt tempted to move to the Capital because one of her dreams was to live in a glamorous city when she was a teenager. But that dream was dashed because her adoptive parents did not allow her to move to another town.

And now her daughter asks her to move to the Capital? Of course, she's interested.

"When do you think you will be successful? Your mother is not young anymore. I can't wait long. Ah, did you need something? I mean, do you have money to start your business? Mom has money. I will give you so that your dreams can come true, faster!" She chuckled slightly.

Rose was stunned and confused at the same time.

Should she tell her mother she needs money? Lots of money?