Red Roses

Rose feels much better now. Then, she invited Evan into the house.

"Evan, I happened to be having breakfast now… eat with me if you haven't had breakfast." She looks at Evan, who walks behind her.

Evan nods.

Last night he didn't notice that his cell phone battery ran out, and he slept late because of his grandfather's birthday party. Several of his relatives and friends attended the party. He couldn't avoid chatting with them until late.

Then, after charging his cell phone and turning it on in the morning, he was shocked to read Rose's text message.

Without saying goodbye to his family and without breakfast, he flew straight to East city to meet her right away. He blames himself for being too careless, not aware his phone is running out of battery.

He is upset with himself for finding out too late about Molly's medical check-up result. He could imagine how panicked Rose was when she learned of her mother's illness.

Seeing her walking slowly towards the kitchen to get a set of cutlery for him, he can see how devastated she is at the moment. Makes his heartache.

Unknowingly. He stood up from his chair and walked fast toward Rose to the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his head in her soft neck.

"I'm sorry, Rose! I'm not on your side when you need me. I'm really sorry." His deep voice slightly trembled. "Please don't be sad anymore. I'm here now. I will help you to take care of everything. I will bring the best doctor in this country to cure your mother…."

Rose startled.

She slowly took Evan's hand and turned to look at him. When their eyes lock on each other, she smiles at him.

"Evan, thank you..."

Evan smiled back at her. Slowly he lifted his hand to hold her chin. Their eyes were still staring at each other. Then his eyes looked at her lips making him draw his head closer to her. He gently kissed her soft and sweet lips.

Rose feels like flying when Evan's warm lips touch her. She can feel how chaotic her heart is now. But the kiss is too fast. She had not had time to feel the sensation, his lips part away from her. Still, the quick stolen kiss she just got from Even made her heart flutter.

Now, she felt awkward and didn't know which way to look as her eyes still fell on his lips which curled up and formed into a smile.

"Rose, let's hurry up and eat now. We have a lot to do today…." Evan took her hand and led her to the dining table.

The two of them sat side by side while enjoying the breakfast provided by Molly.

Shortly after...

They both left the house and headed to Evan's office in the Blue River Building at the business center street. Evan's office was on the 20th floor, the top floor of the building.

This was Rose's first time coming to this office.

Evan told her that the entire floor belonged to Starlight Investment. There's a special elevator to the CEO's Office so no one can see them; only his assistant and secretary can see them.

Rose saw 4 people meeting in a small lounge when they arrive on the 20th floor.

Rose feels nervous because this is her first time meeting Evan's staff. She doesn't know what to do. Rose follows Evan's walk-in but later stops abruptly when Evan suddenly stops right before her. She almost bumps into his back.

All the four people stood and greeted Evan politely while they also stole a glance at Rose.

She saw Evan looking at her, "Are you ok?" He whispered.

"Hmm…" Rose nods. Then, Evan turns his gaze to his staff.

"Did you finish the task I asked you?" Evan asked the man staff with black frame glasses standing closest to them.

"Yes, boss. I've emailed the report to you…."

Evan nodded. Then he took Rose's hand.

Rose tries to calm her restless heart when Evan holds her hand in front of his staff. She followed him while looking around. They walked towards the large black door at the end of the corridor, and they passed the meeting room and the desk working area. She believes that for his assistant and secretary.

Knowing that his girlfriend was nervous, Evan slightly smiled and glanced at her. He squeezed her soft hand as he wanted to calm her down. When he opens the door for her, he gives her his loving smile.

Rose could only flatter with his killer smile. And when she saw him draw his head closer to her, she froze.

"Don't feel tense, Rose! This is my company. No one dares to talk bad behind your back…."

"E-Evan… can you close the door first!?" She was too shy because his staff still saw them. And she knows from the outside their current position like Evan was kissing her. Gosh!

Evan chuckled and closed the door.

Rose looked at Evan's simple workspace. The room is not big but looks spacious with white paint on the walls, and almost all the rooms are only covered with glass with views of the East city. And the minimalist interior really suited Evan's personality.

She saw a large black work desk with a typical black CEO chair. And, behind the CEO chair, there is a high display cabinet. The cabinet neatly arranged several books, pictures, and a few small cute objects she had never seen before.

In the middle of the room, there is a three-seater black leather sofa facing each other in the middle of the room, with a coffee table neatly placed in the middle and a single sofa right at the end.

In another corner near the glass window, she can see a square wooden meeting table complete with black chairs. In the middle of the meeting table, red roses are neatly arranged in a beautiful golden square box. It made Evan's office feel fresher with the flower arrangement.

Her eyes still look at the pretty red roses. Then a peculiar thought appeared in her mind.

Who prepared the pretty red roses for his office?

Is the sexy female secretary she saw outside?

Rose was stunned by what she thought.

Right now, she can feel her heart sting when she remembers the meaning of red Roses. It means love and passion.

Instantly she felt jealous of that person!