Evan Worried

Rose didn't see her mother when she got home. There was only Aunty Nora, the maid in the kitchen. It looked like she was preparing their lunch.

"Miss Rose, you come back?" The maid greeted her.

"Aunty Nora, where's my mother?" Rose casually asked as she opened the fridge and took a cola can. She tried to avoid facing Aunty Nora so she wouldn't see her forehead.

"She was taking a nap in her bedroom. Do you want to call her?" Aunty Nora turned off the stove and prepared to head to Molly's room.

"N-No need." She quickly stopped Aunt Nora. "Please just keep cooking. I'm going to my bedroom… And, aunty Nora, no need to call me for lunch. I'm still full." After talking a while with Aunty Nora, she rushed to her bedroom to treat the bruises on her forehead. 

Today she plans to avoid seeing her mother as much as possible. She was really sure her mother would freak out when she saw her injury.