The White Skull's Fate (2)

It wasn't long before Jordy Iceman Stickles heard the iron door screeching again. Someone is opening it. But he saw not one but a few men in black-military uniform walking toward him and stop a few meters from him as one of them said, 

"If you still want to live your pathetic life, keep your head looking down. Because if you look up and see his face, then your life will end here..."

"M-mister…. Thanks for your warning." Jordy Iceman Stickles instantly felt his limb tense. He understood the man's orders very well. 

Well, he had no other choice, did he?

He lowered his head deeper when he heard several pairs of footsteps approaching him. They stopped just a few meters in front of him. Then, someone walked over from the corner of his eye. He could see a chair placed not far in front of him.
